Episode Four is Here - Launch Day & Trailer


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Today is a big day for Hinterland. After two years of development, we are finally launching Episode Four of our WINTERMUTE story mode for The Long Dark. “Fury, Then Silence” continues Mackenzie’s story after his ill-fated meeting with the convict Mathis in Carter Dam. You may remember that meeting didn’t end well for Mackenzie. Now we get to see what happens to our everyman bush pilot as he tangles with some very unpleasant people in a prison complex at the end of the world.

Developing the majority of this episode during a global pandemic has been a challenging experience to say the least. All the while, the team has banded together to support each other during the ups and downs. Within our small team, we’ve experienced the highs of births and new life, and the deep lows of losing people we love. And all the while, we pushed forward to tell the story of Mackenzie and Astrid, the quiet apocalypse, the wintery wilderness of Great Bear, and the mysterious aurora in the sky, all to the best of our ability. The parallels between our isolation and fears of the outside world and Mackenzie’s experience in the episode were not lost on us.

For us, Episode Four will always be the pandemic episode. The experience of making it, and of playing it, will always be coloured by this time. Art doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so maybe you will feel some of those influences as you go through and experience Blackrock for yourselves.

Today is a bittersweet day. We give you the fourth episode of our survival odyssey, and we come one step closer to the final part of our story. We have set the table for Episode Five, and now we turn our attention to bringing it to a close. There are still many challenges ahead.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more information about our plans for the future of Survival Mode, next-gen enhancements, mod support, and other things we’re doing at Hinterland. But today is about Mackenzie, a prison in the mountains, and a tough journey that will push him -- and you -- to your limits as a survivor. 

We hope you enjoy the experience we have created for you, and on behalf of the entire team at Hinterland, I thank you for all your support and patience as you waited for this day. Thank you for believing in us, as we believe in you.

All the best, and safe travels.

- Raphael


The Long Dark, Episode Four: FURY, THEN SILENCE is available now on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games Store, and Nintendo Switch. Watch the full trailer below. 


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Accessibility Features  

We’ve organized all of our accessibility features into a single menu available through OPTIONS->ACCESSIBILITY. We’ve also added two new options to assist players:

  • Swear Filter - Disables swear words in both spoken dialogue and subtitles
  • Misophonia Filter - Turns off the sounds that often play when eating or drinking food items in the game. There may be other sounds that trigger misophonia (ex. yawning when the Survivor is tired, lip-smacking when they are thirsty) and we will address those as we are able.

Known Issues - We’re currently working to address these issues in an upcoming Hotfix:

Switch Only

  • The In-Game News Messages will appear as placeholder text
  • When setting the Gyroscope Controls to “Aim Only” they will act as if they are set to “Always On”  

Windows 7 Only


  • If the Player unlocks a Feat and then exits the game before saving, the Feat will not be unlocked and progress may appear incorrect after restarting the Long Dark. To avoid this issue trigger a save after earning the Feat to ensure it is saved, before exiting. 
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On Steam you might want to consider right-clicking TLD in your library, then go to Properties, Updates, and make sure you have the game flagged as High Priority. That can help jump start the download if it hasn't already triggered for you. 

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Thanks Raphael, and for your words too. The Long Dark has always felt a very personal experience, both from the love poured in by the team themselves and in the way we who journey through the game project ourselves into that great, strange, beautiful, troubling wilderness within. I've just watched the release trailer and this again seems to knock things up another level in story-telling and drama. I had doubts about some of your writing at the start pre-redux but you get stronger each new episode. For me, I think The Long Dark will become the definitive post-apocalypse game, as The Earth Abides is for me in the realm of literature. 

Anyway team, kick back, treat yourselves to a lovely celebratory dinner and crack open the good whiskey. You've deserved it. Now I eagerly await the Switch update to kick in, and cook myself something tasty also in the meantime. 

Best regards from rain-sodden Wales.  

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I just downloaded on Steam and am getting an TLD.exe error and the game refuses to launch...

update - followed Steam instructions and restarted PC  now getting loading screen, but game freezes



looks interesting though...

Edited by piddy3825
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13 minutes ago, Admin said:

It may take some time before you see it appear on your chosen platform, but we published as of 10am PST. Thanks for all the great feedback, keep it coming! 

Steam platform

Always black screen on boot after Ep4 update - can't play the game! Tried everything. Please advise.

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