Would anyone here be interested in a Long Dark Tabletop RPG?

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Hey everyone! I'm SethmoJaeger, a new face to the forums but not a new face to TLD. I love this game. It's the best survival game I've ever played! I also love Tabletop RPGs like D&D. That got me thinking...Would it be possible to blend the two, and would anyone even want to play it?

This would be a passion project that would be completely free for y'all to use. I don't want to make money off of Hinterland's success. So, what do you think?

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I think it would be a great idea to have a tabletop game, though I don't know if an RPG would be the best approach. In the late 70's ( I believe ) my parents had an Avalon Hill bookcase game called, appropriately enough, Outdoor Survival. I don't know if I could put it in a genre, but it was played on a hex board with tokens representing the player. There were various rules about acquiring food and water, and there were different scenarios like move from one side of the board to the other, visiting certain locations on the map, catching a fugitive, etc. Wasn't a bad game at all.

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But then again , if I wanted to roleplay something like TLD I'd use some low low low power and merilessly mercilessly mercilessly unforgiving system (did I mention low power and merciless unforgivingness?) such as Call of Cthulhu, so the poor characters would have a hard time surviving before meeting their doom on the sharp horn of Gnoph-keh, the hairy myth-thing of the Greenland ice, that walked sometimes on two legs, sometimes on four, and sometimes on six.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/15/2019 at 10:46 AM, Grignard_TN said:

I think it would be a great idea to have a tabletop game, though I don't know if an RPG would be the best approach. In the late 70's ( I believe ) my parents had an Avalon Hill bookcase game called, appropriately enough, Outdoor Survival. I don't know if I could put it in a genre, but it was played on a hex board with tokens representing the player. There were various rules about acquiring food and water, and there were different scenarios like move from one side of the board to the other, visiting certain locations on the map, catching a fugitive, etc. Wasn't a bad game at all.

My wife found this game at Goodwill last year! We tried playing it a few times on vacation and died brutally in about three turns. I hope you had better success with it. We barely made it 1/6 across the board!

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7 hours ago, DarwinWallace said:

My wife found this game at Goodwill last year! We tried playing it a few times on vacation and died brutally in about three turns. I hope you had better success with it. We barely made it 1/6 across the board!

I don't remember much of it but I do recall it being unforgiving.

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I like the idea, but maybe not as a strictly TLD themed thing? One- copyright. Two- I think it would have to be more like divergent paths-Wintermute Story-based scenario, and, well, copyright. But *inspired* by the game, if you are careful to not infringe on the IP... yeah, I would try it just to see. My family and I play a *family share* game on XBone, with each of us taking turns playing the character in Survival Mode, being able to play all at once, with one of being the *DM* and creating the campaign from a card set  or book of rules and locations might be interesting? Maybe? Maybe not? (Having a hard time picturing how this would work as a D&D type game...)

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Because the issue of IP has been raised it’s important to clarify that while we have no issue this discussion any attempt to create a game that would be used to make any money would require working with us on using the rights to The Long Dark. A clearly labeled fan created game is fine, but anything that could look like an official or approved TLD product would be an issue.

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  • Hinterland
On 5/13/2019 at 7:45 AM, SethmoJaeger said:

Hey everyone! I'm SethmoJaeger, a new face to the forums but not a new face to TLD. I love this game. It's the best survival game I've ever played! I also love Tabletop RPGs like D&D. That got me thinking...Would it be possible to blend the two, and would anyone even want to play it?

This would be a passion project that would be completely free for y'all to use. I don't want to make money off of Hinterland's success. So, what do you think?

If you want to play a board game based on The Long Dark IP, you might just want to wait a bit... :) 

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The old World of Darkness game system (Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Vampire: The Masquerade....any of the Something: The Activity games) would lend itself quite well to The Long Dark, if you strip out all of the supernatural elements and instead play strictly as a human.  And it would be BRUTAL considering that you only have 7 health levels, and you cannot soak lethal damage unless wearing armor.  So one wolf attack on an average unarmed, unprotected human pretty much would be fatal.  And even if you survive it, recovering from Lethal damage can take several in-game months, depending on how badly you're injured.  In fact you'd probably have to fudge the health and healing system a bit just to make it playable.  Like allow you to recover a full health level every night as long as you treat the injury.

Minimum of two people would be required: The Storyteller, and the Player. Although you could easily add additional players, or have someone else handy to take on the role of hostile wildlife.  It would also open up the possibility of interactions not possible in the game, such as a wolf pack attacking all at once, instead of Bond Villain style.  Or pack of wolves vs. Moose.  Or you hide in the car, and the bear decides it's going to crack the shell to get at the nut inside, instead of immediately give up.

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