What about making seeing the cougar ( and possibly getting a shot off at it ) skill based? Perhaps make the sum of you weapon skills and perhaps carcass harvesting and fire making affect the probability of seeing the cougar in the wild?
Wow, I can't speak for the players as a whole, but I really appreciate your effort. My impression of the cougar wasn't that it was inherently bad, but it just didn't feel like it was a part of the world. I know you all work hard on this, and the negative feedback must have been painful. I think just a few changes could make the cougar a game defining feature of the Long Dark.
Lets see the cougar somehow be a part of the world. I understand that it is a stealth predator that has far more ability than our survivor thats great. Lets have more in game cues to its presence. The hud elements seem out of character, in my opinion, for the long dark. Others have mentioned things that could give evidence of the cougar's presence. Scratches on a safehouse door. Dead animal remains. Definitely keep the music and noises from the cougar.
Give us some option, however difficult, to stop the cougar before the struggle. As it stands, our only option is to accept a vicious mauling that is teleported on top of us. I get that it is an alpha predator that is far better than the survivor at existing in the world. As is it feels like its not part of the world. Perhaps make the revolver an option for stopping the struggle. Perhaps noticing tracks or some such could give us an opportunity to be aware or get the jump on the cougar. I don't know about others, but I want it to be difficult, but not a scripted event.
Mostly the cougar needs to somehow be a part of the world, in my opinion. I know it must be incredibly difficult to achieve what you're trying to do while acheiving that. The LD has gotten me through some tough times; This game means a lot to me. Any criticism I'm making comes from a place of love of this studio and this game. You've continued to update content when there was no real financial incentive to do so. It means a lot to me that you're continuing to work on this.
I remember playing Ultima Underworld and I recall you could type in notes on the game map. I think that would be a nice feature to have, so we could make little notes on the map. For instance, if you have a safehouse location you could make a brief note that is a summary of what you're storing there or whatever. Perhaps you would need to find an item, like a pencil, which could decay with use.
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