Hello. Is anybody feeling really bad about the game crashing 1/5 of the time you exit a building ?


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I get this crash when playing survival mode but not as often as what you are describing but I have noticed it only happens when it is daylight outside, if it is night it never happens to me.

A streamer of the game had it crash on him and he mentioned that this crashing started after the 4 Days of Night event so that makes me wonder if there is a bug in the code when the game checks if it is day or night when the character exits a building.

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Do you know if you have CPU at 100% when this happens? I wonder if there's something in the background that added to this would make it crash.

I have almost finished Wintermute and the game never crashed on me. I'm on a Windows 10 and Nvidia GTX 1050 graphics card:


I hope it gives you something to check and find the problem (in case it is not game related) :)

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Same here, but it's at least 1/5 of times for sure and I also CTD when entering  buildings at times and that's a real, real bummer if you're hauling the bear pelt you just spent a whole day hunting for back to your crib and the mf crashes as you enter, like as close to getting the savestate as you could possibly come without actually getting it. I have seriously positioned a bedroll on the porch of the PV Farmstead so I can jump in that for an hour before going inside so the game would save before I have to go play CTD-roulettte. It's asinine.

Started happening with the redux update for me as well and this for me had also been one of the very few games I've played this much without ever having crashing issues until last week.

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The only time the game crashes on me is survivor mode, if I start having way too many objects in the area.  I'm a bit of a hoarder, and once I get settled into a permanent location, I can easily end up with over 1000 sticks in one pile, dozens of cedar and fir in another, a big pile of coal in the corner, dozens of water bottles, etc.  And even then it will only occur when I am making repeated trips indoors and outdoors, such as if I'm cooking up an entire moose or something, tossing cooked meat into the snow after putting 2 fresh steaks by the fireplace.

Although in that case, there is a weird symptom that precedes it.  The two pieces of meat that I just cooked, one of them will somehow instantly be 0% ruined when I go to drop it in the snow.  When that happens, I know my next area transition will crash the game, so I can pre-emptively restart.

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On 22.12.2018 at 4:17 PM, Wisdoom said:

Do you know if you have CPU at 100% when this happens? I wonder if there's something in the background that added to this would make it crash.

Interesting. I just started Part 1 of the Redux Story and i noticed that my CPU Fans are much louder than usually. I just arrived in Milton, so i haven't seen much buildings yet, but thanks for the warning. I will see if my game crashes too.

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When you take a look into your output.log, you will most likely see that you run out of memory.

Game crashing when entering/exiting a building RANDOMLY is a known issue for years with low memory. If you onlly have 4GB of RAM then that's the issue. Here the solution is either upgrading to 8GB or trying to tweak Windows to not use so much memory.

If you have 8GB, then adjusting Windows and programs rrunning in the background will do the trick.

Post you output.log and we will know for sure.

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I'm running on a 6 year old + toaster. 

Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
NVIDIA 740 GT (2 GB, MSI v3)
AMD FX 4130 @3.8 GHz
12 GB dual channel DDR3 RAM

Custom settings, mixed Med>High, SSAO off , VSYNC off in game, but on in NVIDIA Control Panel custom game profile

No crashes. None. Some more noticeable fan noise, GPU and CPU running slightly warmer, but not over 60°C (max temp for both is 70°C).
Hubby's Window 10 Beefy PCMR rig having more issues than mine. Did all of the usual troubleshooting on both.  Both of us saw multiple threads about the latest NVIDIA GPU drivers causing issues on multiple games, so we both rolled back from v417.35 to v416.94.

His rig is running the game, and others normally again. So is my little toaster, still slightly more fan noise and a tinny bu it more hitching in Wintermute only. But far, far, far less. Can't say it will help anyone else, or if it is purely coincidental that we both have happier gaming rigs on the older driver version. And, of course, it only applies if you are running an NVIDIA GPU. But if you know how to manually roll back your driver, it may be worth a try to see if it does help.

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Till recently i played with an GT640 and 4GB on winXP (since 2014). After Pleasant Valley Update and a few months later, i had the same problem. A few weeks ago, some user had the same issue running win7, but also only 4GB Ram. TlD doesn't need much CPU and runs smoothly on the cheapest graphic card. If the cpu would cause a crash, the game would be very slow, stuttering and then the PC would crash, not just the game.

Again, a game crash exeting/entering a building has happened before for some users. It's 80% the memory, or it is because of a missing feature regarding the graphics driver.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As is often the case when they release a major update, they've hammered out three or four patches to deal with issues uncovered by having the game played by the full user base, rather than just by the in-house testing regime. Big difference between having a few people hitting it looking for problems and a few tens of thousands of people hitting it looking for their entertainment... the simple truth is that there's no crucible for finding bugs like a public release of software :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have run into crashes to desktop when exiting buildings. Note this is not all the time. I have reported it and been sending the output_log.txt file to support. I just figured out with this last crash to desktop where the crash folder is located and could send the crash.dmp, error.log, and output_log.txt file to them. This crash seemed to occur, in this instance, because TLD was not able to allocate about 16 MB of what I think was VRAM (another crash a week or two ago occurred because it couldn't allocate about 33 MB). 

I have been closing the game, if I had been on a long time or had been doing something repetitive like cooking stuff and dropping it outside, etc. I figure that clears VRAM  so it is not as fragmented but this last one was somewhat unexpected. 

I would note that TLD runs as a 32-bit program. I recall that 32-bits has a max of 4 GB address space. I have wondered if that was possibly a source of some crashes. I have 12 GB RAM, 2 GB VRAM, and use Windows 10 so a 32-bit program might have address issues. Oh well. back to the game.

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That's weird. TLD on my system is absolutely a 64-bit program.

readelf -a ".local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/TheLongDark/tld.x86_64"
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Class:                             ELF64

I'd expect it to run 64 bit on Windows too. Is the machine really old or something?

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  • 1 month later...

My system is I7 950 (it is old) running Windows 10 64 bit. I have now found a way to indicate on task manager what "platform" a program is running as 32 or 64 bit (I didn't know you could do that) and task manager says tld.exe is categorized as a 32-bit platform. 

It is perplexing. The vast majority of the time, no issues. But then there are those times when it crops up and I am often getting a feel for when to close the game and reload. 

It might be a help if Hinterland's programmers might write a short note about what repetitive actions, put the most stress on the game allocation of memory and addresses. With some emphasis on stack space. At least, that might tell people what to be aware of. However, I am no geek so it probably is not so easy. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, alexilahio666 said:

i never get any answer :/

Still a small team, with a large number of people sending reports and requests. Send another one, and make sure you include all pertinent info, like your complete System Specs. your output+log file, maybe screenshots of what you have your settings on, and any background programs you may have running like security SW, audio SW, video capture and/or editing SW. Sometimes third party SW that causes no issues in one game may conflict with the SW embedded in another game. Grim Dawn is one game that does not play nice with XONEX and Nadimic drivers, while systems using Realtek drivers were unaffected, and did not seem to have the fps spiking, hitching, freezing, or random crashes the systems using the other 2 drivers did, on a variety of rig builds, from minimum requirements up to NASA rigs.

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2 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Still a small team, with a large number of people sending reports and requests. Send another one, and make sure you include all pertinent info, like your complete System Specs. your output+log file, maybe screenshots of what you have your settings on, and any background programs you may have running like security SW, audio SW, video capture and/or editing SW. Sometimes third party SW that causes no issues in one game may conflict with the SW embedded in another game. Grim Dawn is one game that does not play nice with XONEX and Nadimic drivers, while systems using Realtek drivers were unaffected, and did not seem to have the fps spiking, hitching, freezing, or random crashes the systems using the other 2 drivers did, on a variety of rig builds, from minimum requirements up to NASA rigs.

yeah well my problem has been one since the redux... Even with a small team I guess they had some time to check. I went on the dedicated part of the site to send a couple of requests. I'm not gonna send another one. all of my syst specs are in + the log of the crash as a .txt !

It's too bad that an "update" makes the game crash...


Still a fan of the game but I just can't play and I'm pretty impatient to get an answer... That would be too bad to have to buy a PC Gamer so that I can play LD


Thanx for your answer though ;)

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1 hour ago, alexilahio666 said:

It's too bad that an "update" makes the game crash...

And like others here have said, the game has not crashed on me since the Redux update, so it is not something that is "common" among players. Meaning it may have something to do with other HW and SW on your rig, rather than the game itself.

1 hour ago, alexilahio666 said:

That would be too bad to have to buy a PC Gamer so that I can play LD

Not even sure what you mean by this... PC Gamer is a magazine. How would that let you play a game, if something outside of the game is causing your crashes? 

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