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Everything posted by RegentRelic

  1. As far as this weapon actually behaves, she has a lethal range of 30 to 150 hundred yards dependent on what you shooting and what your firing. With 12 gauge buck shot would feel comfortable shooting a black bear at 35~ might not kill it but, it will wound it enough that if it charges i'll git him with my next one and if runs he won't get away. Now if the forest talkers were going to get serious and got some UN slugs or dangerous good 297 1.4G then we could kill him at 100 with out breaking a sweet. Now in game the weapon is full fills the same purpose as the revolver. Revolver light weight, short range weapon effective for skilled for hunting ;rabbits, deer and wolves, effective at scaring away wolves, can be used in struggles to after a short time to end struggle with a chance of killing wolf; high chance for skilled players, can be unloaded into bear for kill same for moose for skilled players. Shotgun short range weapon effective at killing ;wolves, rabbits, deer, reliable at scaring away wolves, bears and moose,can be used in struggles to after a short time end struggle with high chance of killing the wolf. Ineffective against moose and bear. This what I am getting from the opening statement. This shot gun is a lower skill version of the revolver. Now you will probably counter me by saying that there is enough different here that it creates an interesting choice for the player. Weather to sacrifice weight for the reliability the shotgun offers over the revolver. If they don't care about hunting to take the rifle or Shotgun for protection. You aren't wrong but, the very fact that it has to spawn makes this weapon an ill choice add. when ever Hinterland adds an item they have to carefully consider not only how it plays but, how it effects every other item in the game. In order for the loot tables to remain similar if they added this shot gun that would mean they would have to replace of the revolver and rifle spawns with shotguns and since there is only one or two rare revolver spawns in each region that means if hinterland wants you to have a shot at getting a revolver they have to move some other stuff around. I personally think the revolver is over powered and this is just easy use revolver that isn't worth the resources it would take to develop. Also I would just be mad if I found this nearly useless for me weapon instead of a rifle or some shells instead of rifle rounds. I do think that the with some tuning the damaged meat and pelt concept could add some depth and yet not damage the simple nature of the game. Such as if it was minimal and not made apparent to the player so that new players wouldn't notice so, that by time they realize what is going on they don't feel cheated but, rather simply see this as how fire arms play and by time they understand how to work around the lost or damaged meat they feel like there getting away with something rather then being punished. Let say from experience even when I understand the possibility of say, my arrow hitting the ground and getting deleted or that deer may just happen to run where the play can't reach nothing is more frustrating then losing stuff to chance because, balance. That is the other thing a mechanic like this needs away to be avoided or negated as a significant amount. Also, I would just like to say welcome Exio to the hinterland forums it has been a little while since we got someone with longer thought out posts around here. I recently took a break from the long and when I left it mrs.Milton, Derpylemon, ManicManiac and that guy with the moose portrait. Now it's Derpylemon, ManicManiac, Marrowstone and that guy with the moose portrait.
  2. I was doing a challenge recently were I had to stay in Bleak inlet in the exact copy of interloper. I spawned on the lower section so, after 10 days I had gathered and consumed all other food on the island I went to the bear cave on the far side to get the deer carcass. I was planning on doing some parkour on the rocks in the back to get past him then run but, when he got to the mouth of the cave he started turning around rapidly like he wanted to Rome back to his cave but the game wouldn't let him. This was about 2 hours to sundown so he wasn't supposed to arrive quit yet if he was going to hibernate but, I don't think that is caves work. Also since this seems to be where we are reporting bugs of this kind I was replaying the hunted part one to see how much easier crashed plan made things (a lot). Well I got to mystery lake and had to dive inside passenger train car in stead of just running up and fleeing the bear stuck his face through the wall side of the cart. After he eventually left after about an hour the wolf came and did the same thing.
  3. According to the news letter when you open the game there brewin' up some covid-19 so, they are all working from home. Which unless they planned a head means there not really doing much of any thing. I would say i'm hopeful that they are getting episode four ready for there spring release but, seeing that they have only had three months to really work on it and how it takes them about two years to finish an episode I doubt it.
  4. I don't think we will go to Thompson crossing as Will. my main reason is that there wouldn't be any loot which I would be fine with but, Hinterland is really holding peoples hands in Wintermute. Actually let me rephrase that Hinterland has a everybody wins mentality with Wintermute or at least from what I can observe. I think we will see some Beak Inlet action seeing all of the Wintermute aspects we already see. it's entirely possible that Hinterland designed Bleak Inlet with Wintermute in the forefront of their mind to save resources. And then there is the very good chance he will go through coastal highway to Desolation Point. Which desolation point is much more likely for us to go through with no new resources. It's also worth mentioning how Coastal High Way is already great for a long trek a cross as, well is the richest narrative in survival mode other then Mystery Lake. If I was to guess this is what I thin the journey will look like the red is the path I and most other players if left to our own devises and told to go to desolation point, the green is what some other players would do and the orange is what hinterland will try and get us to do. This is the clearest map could find.
  5. I recently took a break from the long dark for about four months and going back in I decided that I would try to look at the game from a blank slat and to observe my impressions. This is those impressions remember that these are impressions, feelings and first thoughts I am not making any claims here. Also the sections in parenthesis () is me with thousands of hours, reading everything hinterland has ever put on the internet as well as experience with this community talking. So the I enjoyed the tutorial, very well integrated. Though some of the little things you can click on and Will would talk about them forced. I don't think the lines where delivered poorly or that this objects shouldn't be interactive at this stage. It's that there where many other ways to tell the same story other then dialogue. Such as, for the picture of astride a well acted sigh, a picture of a pretty girl and the ring on his finger tell us everything we need to know. Where as the part with plan was perfect because he personifies it in the dialog so it seems right that he might talk to it/to himself/ to the audience for a moment.( It would have been nice if during the first scene of Will playing solitaire would have had the phone in it more because I know plenty of people that have wondered around for minutes looking for it.) Has for the cut scene that followed it did it's job at making want to know more about these characters and giving just enough personality to anchor my perception of they should behave in the future, as well as setting up the McGuffin. (good job to Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale for the second best performance in the game. Yes it was a little over done at times such as the "whats in the case line" and " I need a pilot to take me somewhere remote, someone who won't ask any questions, someone I can trust". But, in both cases it works out favorably. I need to also mention how the art team really showed us what they could do here.) This, the intro to episode one and two is the best part of Wintermute, the perfect mystique. As in a atmosphere of reverence and foreboding. So well it says now it begins, this world is not yours and that you are not cut out for the new one you are entering better then a thousand words. Better then ever time gray mother and Methuselah tell you so. If there is an award for best for seconds of animation who ever did the animation for the forth frame or 0:14 to 0:18 deserves it. I have seen that face a thousand times and I know what it means, I understand what someone is thinking and feeling when they make that face, in four seconds they set my expectation for what this story would be; the trials the characters were going to face were going to face and feel me with both excitement and dread. The next frame seems simply hammers everything we learned from the last home. (The next three do capture the core themes of the game) The next three seem to just give the music the rains on the story and immersion while the credits roll. If fire in game looked the way that it does at 0:53 the long dark would the champion of graphical design in games as art. Since I have never seen this character and it came right after the wolves I realized that there will be some interesting characters in this other than Will and Astride. Also about this time I had no doubt that the main "enemy" was going to be wolves. (the part at 1:08 with ??? helps like every scene to establish expectation and anticipation but, it still hasn't met a pay of and I don't think that it will be able to do as well as the other similar scene in the intro; mostly because the telescope in the back ground, there isn't really any more room for a stargazing or government facility subplot and I fear that suddenly the aliens knocked the power out or something.) In summary it paints the scene well and put me in the right frame of mind well. (this what I still think and thought my first time through Wintermute and is difficult to argue the cut scene doesn't capture the spirit of the game. But remember when I mentioned the "now we can play" aspect the entering of other world, like the Nordic stories before the long dark this is most effective if first we know the normal world and know the consequences of the leaving it. That is why I think the episode two intro is best as an intro two episode two.) My computer is running low on battery so I will have to finish episode one once I get it charged. Next time I will discuss how, why and the effect of after my fresh perspective run it seems like hinterland doesn't really have a plan or at least what they should have after what can I can only assume was years of pre production. Also please tell me how difficult this was to follow and how I can improve I have never tried double narrator writing before.
  6. They used to but, kept having push releases back dealing with the problems that a small independent studio that only has one game does. Such as integrating new technology and staff. After years of frustrated fans adding to what was most likely a frustrating development cycle Hinterland decided to stop informing us of any expected reales dates or dead lines.
  7. You clearly have Never been stuck inside a pot with out a hide to get out.
  8. My wolf hunting strategy is to walk up to it and put an arrow through her skull. It has been pretty effective for years, the trick is to not miss and as long as you do that they die instantly about 80ish% of the time and if they don't a good wack in the skull with the heavy hammer drives them off. Sadley this hunting method is a solid way to die against timber wolves.
  9. I now think belive I have played enough of bleak inlet to share so well formed thoughts. First thing that had a problem with was how you can't enter the boat docked at the cannery. We have had a few doors here and there that can't be opened but, this is the only structure I can think of that looks like you should be able to enter but can't. The next thing that was a problem was the wolves never giving up. There have been several times where I've been stuck on a rock or ledge for hours even a full day with timber wolves running around barking at me. I think that when you're surrounded by wolves with the protection of your fire, having to decide between waiting for an opening or shoot your way out or, even worse not having a gun hafting to find an opening were some of the best times. Now compare that to the timber wolves stalking a player. Instead of stopping and growling out side the ring of the fire, mustering their course to try and go in for the attack or fleeing upon realizing they can't reach the player. These new wolves exhust tons of energy running around in circles wailing their hearts out and all around just looking more silly than menacing. As for the enviorment I like the over all feel of the region. I also like the how can only gain access the over look from a different way then the rest of the region making it almost more part of the raven. I thought the vandalism was a clever way of showing game mechanics to players who may not have dipped into wintermute. On the other hand I felt the vandalism was a little excessive. I can barely look at it and would never stay there any longer then it takes me to loot. I feel like all of the aurora reliant mechanics in the survival now are an out of place bit RNG. I know that the long dark has all ways had chance elements when those chance elements amount to having to wait around is a completely different story than failing to find a supply that makes your life harder, or having to get around a moose.
  10. Ralph talks that during their "designing the powerful loneliness of the long dark" video.
  11. So you know the intro to hinterlands The long dark retail release trail. With the two trappers building snow shelter I believe it was. The whole thing was black and white with a camera from 1910. Well if on the T.Vs stuff like that showed that were just sort of entertaining and fun but also told players that certainty things were mechanics. It would be rare so it wouldn't help new plays to much but it would help players that have been playing for awhile that just haven't noticed something before. For example I hadn't noticed that snow shelters weren't or were a thing until I found one in hushed river valley. You could also find information videos in the world like you do research books but, instead of reading them pop them into a T.V during the aroura and gain experience points.
  12. My grandma, so this old rancher that can’t spell iPhone, plays the long dark on her 1990’s computer with a modern screen and all the old parts ripped out (So different pc entirely in the same case, because she “doesn’t need a new computer”.). She plays on pilgrim and just sort of walks around the world. Honestly I don’t think she has given any of the other difficulties a second thought. Yes but is very difficult and very different then on a desk/laptop. It isn’t so much modin’ as it is messing with the game files, if that makes any sense.
  13. Why would they need to add a reload kit when Will is already proficient at loading the rifle by hand. I do think though, that having away to cancel rifle reloads half way (other then putting it away and taking it back out) would a good way to improve the rifle reloading. As for the revolver if you where able to carry multiple loaded cylinders that be nice. I would have enjoyed episode three more if that was a mechanic.
  14. It is only worth it if you know which ones. Such as the ones in the Spence homestead are essential to break down.
  15. Maybe they got up and left or, were dragged off by a bear.
  16. Is that moose hidden in the game now?
  17. Forty Canadian dollars is a pretty low price for a nearly endless prestige in the long dark community.
  18. I like it when a game with out jumping has parkour. Which we really didn't have until now in the long dark.
  19. The bear spear as it is would be over powered but, hinterlands has stated multiple times that they want to tweak it and it to survival play.
  20. More like. For those who don't want to have to see a bunch of burnt out camp fires every time they step outside. Best part.
  21. That already exists. You map and then move a about twenty yards and map again.