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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Agreed - it can be quite disorienting until you spend a lot of time there becoming familiar with it.
  2. Tried with highest loot settings and nothing.
  3. No. I'm referring to people who have expressed frustration over the lengthy release of the episodes and how when they bought the game a long time ago, they were entitled to those episodes promised.
  4. Maybe they will finally allow us to use the hacksaw on bars (such as found in mines also).
  5. So would I but can you imagine the "griefing" that would cause?!
  6. Might be an interesting game addition, but I doubt it would be added due to gameplay. Hinterland's thinking?: Hunting bear should have a high risk due to the rewards from the kill.
  7. From another era of my life (FF to around 4:30):
  8. I like this location as well: TheLongDark 2021-11-26 21-21-27.mp4
  9. Okay, I don't know why it inserted that video again and now I can't remove it...please ignore! But....I did find a really nice location! First thing to go would be the fence... See it below: 2058963419_TheLongDark2021-11-2620-36-45.mp4
  10. Those are some great ideas and photos! But remember in my initial post, "Don't worry about accessibility or any of that other "silly" stuff! Just for fun." 1828760336_TheLongDark2021-11-2220-36-32.mp4
  11. A new one - just get added?? And another: I feel we're getting close to survival update! <fingers crossed>
  12. PV - Signal Hill - Pretty good! But, I'm thinking more coastal so gonna head over to CH/DP. TheLongDark 2021-11-22 20-22-56.mp4
  13. We don't need no water....<finish it folks!> TheLongDark 2021-11-22 19-52-06.mp4
  14. AC - High Meadow. I like the dual waterfalls, but I just can't get over feeling "boxed in" here. I want to be able to see the horizon, ya know? TheLongDark 2021-11-22 19-03-47.mp4
  15. There is a cave really close to PP, but could be difficult to find in a blizzard unless you're really familiar with the terrain.
  16. There are plenty of resources to make arrows so, IMHO, I wouldn't worry about that level of micro-management.
  17. I love custom. Start with the template of loper and adjust the settings from there to suit your gameplay style for maximum enjoyment.
  18. About the only thing I keep notes on is where I store hides/guts to cure. It's good to have goals - keeps the game interesting and something to strive for.
  19. Nope, can't say I've had things fall through floors. I have had items "clip" into the landscape and be really hard to find sometimes, but rarely. I'd report it.
  20. I don't think I really pay much attention to it anymore.
  21. I shot the AC bear with by bow and retreated across the bridge, and look what he did! TheLongDark 2021-11-18 20-44-29.mp4