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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Can you post that next time you see it?
  2. He killed bugs, so I shot him with an arrow. He ran off, killed bugs #2, got scared by me, killed bugs #3 so I decided to get out the ol' .303 to finish him off. I guess, thanks for the 3 rabbits?
  3. On the Status screen. This allows us to easily share our screens without having to convert.
  4. Ya know, Pid - after spending some time here I also think this would be an awesome place for a renovation. Something about cooking outside while an aurora is in effect and the night sounds seem to be unique here.
  5. TheLongDark 2021-12-14 17-52-06.mp4
  6. Every wonder what was up there? The mystery has finally been revealed!! Amazing find!
  7. Wow, lately the forums should be called, "Nomenclature arguments". Relax. My house rules? Don't have any! I'm trying to survive here!
  8. Good Point. I guess "story", "reality" and "dev resources" need to break somewhere. I was hoping the elevator in the prison would work during an aurora, but no luck.
  9. Would be a neat addition, but I imagine electric seats would take quite a bit of electricity to operate and I doubt an aurora would provide that much power. I'd love to see microwaves operational during an aurora
  10. Just succumbed myself to a bear attack with 91% protection. Here's the results. Call me the "Bear Wrangler"! Ballistic Vest took a 5% condition hit. Doesn't seem to repairable (at least with a sewing kit). The rest of my clothes got thrashed.
  11. On a rushing river...but, heck, let's go fishin'!
  12. Highest I could get is 98% with my current loadout. Does that mean only 2% of damage gets through?? Guess I'll have to experiment with some wolf attacks.
  13. BRR = Broken Railroad. BR = Blackrock - sounds like everyone is using BP instead though.
  14. The transition cave to TWM has some as well.
  15. Hmmm..mine was in a different spot.
  16. Same. I've scoured every inch of the place and broke down everything.
  17. I didn't discover anything worth risking losing that run. If you really want to experience it, start a new game.
  18. There are several spots where one can be attached. Has anyone found it? (if it even exists...)
  19. Looks like some clipping is occurring in the BR workshop. That's wolf meat in the distance and cured gut up close.
  20. Needed: 1 cloth, 1 recycled can and .22lbs gunpowder. To make a single rifle/revolver cartridge, it take .02lbs gunpowder. Hmm..make a single noisemaker or 11 rounds of ammo? I guess if you have an abundance of gunpowder you could make them, but seeing as how it's a finite resource, I'll stick with making cartridges.
  21. Just came across it. Food here. What kind of cache did you find?