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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. There is some work upfront, but after that, they're pretty much maintenance-free (except updating them as newer versions come out).
  2. I don't have my full list I use but I'm guessing it's around 20 at this point. Hmmm...favorite? Hard to say, but the one I get the most use from is SonicMode (I think that's what it's called).
  3. I've done everything on that character - all achievements, broken down every single object in every zone (inside and out). The cairns..hmm...I started something like that when I was collecting them but realized others had already done something similar. For the effort, I soon lost my motivation to do it and gave it up about half way through. I even made sure to do a debug screenshot so others could find it based on coordinates. Any other ideas? I'd love to hear 'em!
  4. In order to keep playing my 2400+ day run, I need goals, something to do. Completely cleared Blackrock. My next objective is to leave a small stash of food, water and firewood in each location (caves, transition caves, all indoor locations, etc.) On average, I'm leaving: a bottle of water, 5-8 hours of firewood and about 10k calories of food. Here's a sample:
  5. Perhaps he did find the elevator, but it wasn't during an aurora so didn't think it worked at all (like the elevator in the Dam).
  6. When I was working on the achievement, I would keep a notepad with which #s I had read, while also annotating a printed out map (since I had fully explored all the zones already) of which ones I had found. To answer @piddy3825 's original question about why not all of them have a "note", I believe the backers were not required to put a note for their contribution, which is why the blank ones would be those who "opted out" and just wanted to contribute.
  7. The challenges do have limitations - you found one of them. That's intentional.
  8. That was a potent cup of tea!
  9. https://hinterlandgames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  10. There's quite a bit of content in Wintermute that is not in survival, so this is not always true.
  11. Wow, good memory! I really should play the episodes again - just hard to tear myself away from Survival.
  12. I'm guessing a floor mat/carpet.
  13. A welcoming site! Keeps the wolves at bay also. Merry Christmas!
  14. Are you sure you harvested all of it the previous times? If so, I'd report it.
  15. Just take enough supplies to live for several days (if needed).
  16. CH Mine is the only place I'm aware of where you can get "trapped" (due to the elevator needing to work). Once the others are open, they stay open.
  17. It looks like snow but is actually feathers! He tore open a pillow and put the feathers on top of him to try to stay warmer, but was already too far gone with hypothermia and frostbite.
  18. I also accidentally stumbled upon the cache while exploring. It wasn't that difficult to find and I can't imagine HL would make the others that difficult to get to. I suppose it is possible there is an issue with your playthrough and it doesn't exist, but I find that unlikely. Sounds like you just need to keep looking. Good luck! Oh, did you get an answer to "how to get into the infirmary"?
  19. At least report it. That way they can prioritize it when they return to work.