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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Oh, I just loaded my previous save, but I'd hate to see others get injured (save) then stuck there (unless they can do what @PepperLox displayed).
  2. Sounds like a bug with sleeping in the plane. Can you reproduce it with a new run?
  3. You said it yourself, this is a game, so you should expect this behavior.
  4. @Raphael van Lierop, I'm glad you put into words how many of us "regulars" feel about this forum. It is evident to me because this is the only "social media" site I regularly visit. I've never done FB or any other sites because, unfortunately, I leave them feeling worse than when I visited and I don't want that s**t in my life. I have visited Twitter on occasion, but that was just to get the scoop on new TLD content since you seem to be more active there. Thanks for having a "safe place" in this increasingly bitter world.
  5. To avoid "diving", in CH, I walked the whole coastline testing the thin ice and placing tinder to form a "boundary". It took me quite a while, but now I can quickly BC without fear and splashing in.
  6. They do advocate "no crunch". I believe what happened, is they were attempting to please the fan base and their attempt to keep to the 8-10 week cadence. They realized they were unable to do that and the effect it was having on the team, so they owned up to it and stated things as they are. Nothing wrong with that, IMO.
  7. While disappointed, I also understand. What I truly appreciate, @Raphael van Lierop, is your candidness and willingness to take responsibility - that is a rare thing these days.
  8. Bottom pic is Birch, although Aspen looks VERY similar.
  9. If you're outside and a blizzard starts, just head indoors and wait it out. You could check every couple of hours if it has subsided then go check the coast
  10. Try spending the next blizzard indoors. In the morning, after the blizzard has passed, check the shores.
  11. You may try a transition to see if that triggers the refresh.
  12. In my experience, a true blizzard should wash stuff up. Where did you weather the storm? Inside?
  13. I would really worry when he starts responding
  14. @Leeanda is already there...I believe I read that she talks to the dead...
  15. Yikes, how can you guys remember stuff like this? I have no idea myself!
  16. Somewhat related - I do recall reading/hearing something about "annual maintenance" needed on the transmitters. I intend to go back to FA once I've passed 365 in-game days since the repair to see if that's really true.
  17. Love that movie. That particular scene, I would turn up my speakers full volume and shake the house.
  18. That would make sense for Interloper setting? The prepper caches didn't even exist before on loper, right?
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are 9 TOTAL prepper caches (not including static one in PV). I have them all listed here.