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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I loaded up my 1200+ day run in which I had pretty much looted everything. I re-visited each house's kitchen in CH and found the following: carrot, cooking oil, 2 flour, 2 oats and a skillet. I then did a new run with the same game settings, and after looting only 3 houses, I found: oats, 3 potatoes, flour, 2 cooking oil, broth and a skillet. It seems us with older saves are getting shorted, unless just bad RNG luck.
  2. Well, just scoured Blackrock Pen and didn't find it. I expected to find it in his office or the prison. I'll keep looking throughout the region.
  3. Yes, it is more "cloppy" vs "crunchy". I like the old.
  4. This update seems to heavily favor 'gathering of new stuff'. 1. Look through the crafting menu to see if the 2 new bows are there. If not, begin searching for them while gathering revolver variants, Miner's flashlight, skillets, ptarmigans, unique recipes, cooking ingredients and revolvers as I explore the world. 2. Try out the new cooking recipes 3. Try out the new fishing
  5. The video says you can find everything on existing saves.
  6. "Cougars rely on sight and hearing far more than smell for hunting. They stalk their prey to within two or three great leaps and then launch a lightning-fast charge, striking their prey. Victims are most often killed by suffocation with a prolonged bite across the throat, collapsing the windpipe. The prey’s neck may also be broken with a single bite. Large prey, such as moose calves and elk, are usually suffocated, whereas small prey, such as mule deer fawns, are more likely to die from broken necks. A cougar will cover its kill with debris between feedings so as to reduce the likelihood of scavengers locating and feeding on it." -- https://www.hww.ca/en/wildlife/mammals/cougar-1.html I could see them hunting deer just as wolves do. Perhaps Pilgrim players may come across them this way. I think they would have similar behaviors as wolves, but you wouldn't see them sneak up, they would sense you before you sense them and sneak up on you from behind. Then a struggle would ensue. I also think HL would give us some warning (even though it's unrealistic), perhaps a low growl to give us a chance to act before pounced upon.
  7. LOL, when I initially read this, I was thinking along the lines of, 'New trousers because we will s**t ourselves when one pounces on us'!
  8. Just keep in mind, it is RNG so I think you would need to do LOTS of testing with controlled variables as much as possible to support your hypothesis.
  9. I play custom exclusively and I've found all variants.
  10. Lever-actions can be fired very rapidly in the right hands. May upset game balance somewhat.
  11. HL has been adding some diversity - look at Blackrock mine as well as Cinder Hills. As @Leeanda says, I've been asking for YEARS to be able to hacksaw through those and explore the deeper portions of the mines.
  12. It would actually be pretty difficult to NOT level something and would require quite the effort to do so. You can't shoot a bow or gun, you can't sew anything, you can't cook anything, you can't make a fire...suppose you could chop wood all day and eat raw food
  13. They don't need to bad-mouth them to give us an honest update.
  14. According the Wiki, should be the exact opposite: https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Improvised_Crampons https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Crampons
  15. Not a bad idea - like a Morale meter. This could affect the effectiveness of sleep, energy gain and depletion rates (among other things).
  16. Here are my guesses based upon: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/identify-identifier-eng.html#wb-auto-15
  17. I'm guessing that since they are behind schedule, they may have picked some of the "easier" items for Part 3.
  18. I believe there are plenty of existing items in game which would give this condition - like when we binge-eat chocolate bars!
  19. Sorry, I had to chuckle when I read, "windshielded campfire". How many times have we died thinking that it was indeed shielded?