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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I'm interested in playing 1.56 mainly because I can still use mods.
  2. I recently time capsuled to 1.56. When I went to start a new game, I noticed I had ZERO feats/badges, etc. Luckily, before I capsuled, I backed up my user001 file. I was able to revert to 1.61, restore my user001 file and my badges were back. This same thing happened after I had completed day 1 of 4DON. When I restored the user001 file, I had my feats, etc. back but I had lost my progress I made on Day 1 so I will be unable to get the 4 day badge this year Is it normal for badges to reset when capsuling?
  3. lol, you'll notice @Yavind hasn't responded...
  4. hozz1235

    Night 2

    aka the "AFK" night! Hunkered down in garage. Clothes all mended, tools maintained, lots of water on hand. I wish I would have stocked more food and firewood but didn't have much time to play on Night 1. What are you doing on this wolf-ridden night? Note: 4DON game time does not pass if you're alt-tabbed out of the game - even if you aren't paused.
  5. Have to say I agree.
  6. I did notice a rifle in the shed close by. Wondered to myself, "Did they put that there so I could shoot the deer?". Didn't take it though.
  7. Yes, all 10 are at the crash site.
  8. Will you please include spoiler tags for such info?
  9. hozz1235

    Episode 4

    Okay, so it seems like people are wrapping up Ep3. I've gotten all the achievements and won't be replaying it anytime soon. Where to go from here? I've already re-looted all of PV with my main toon so the world is empty again to him Looking forward to Ep4, what do we (think) we know about it from ep3? Astrid is in Desolation Point There are lots of dead Orcas (floating?) on the ice, which implies DP will also have an overhaul Others?
  10. I think I caught him and left him in the hut. He was way too heavy and I had an abundance of other food.
  11. Was this considered an exploit? Perhaps a little in that the wolf would be more focused on the food vs. the player poised with a bow shot a short distance away. Could this be based upon difficulty? Perhaps on the easiest settings/level, let the old behavior remain and as difficulty increases, increase the range at which the wolf can "teleport" 😋 the decoy to it's mouth. Or, the range at which the wolf will forget that savory meal and divert it's attention to the player?
  12. I waited the blizzard out but just use your map and watch your location denoted by the arrow.
  13. Just came back to roughly the same spot (bridge). This time, I dropped a rabbit carcass as a decoy (using the 3 key) to the approaching, growling wolf. The carcass disappeared almost immediately and the wolf walked away.
  14. After(?) catching the HUGE fish, I left the pond but the "fishing(watery)" sound kept playing?
  15. Wow, Joplin's bunkers are a HUGE boost to ep3. Stupid me, I actually didn't explore the store until the very end..how did I miss that? Now I'm doing the side quests associated to that one location. I'm having to drop gear everywhere!
  16. Whoa...I've spent 4 days in Thomson's Crossing looting the houses and sleeping at the fire barrel near the church to prevent cabin fever and I just happen to look at my worn gear and it is seriously become degraded! WAY faster than should be happening from just sleeping in it. Is it because I am sleeping outside near a fire? In my 1300+ day run, I've never seen gear degrade so quickly. ?
  17. The one near the church is a "Cabin Fever" lifesaver - Thank you!
  18. I was crossing the bridge at Thomson's Crossing when I heard a wolf bark. He approached from ahead of me down the road. I waited for him to get a little closer (since it seems like decoy ranges have changed) before dropping my decoy. I did and he seemed to walk towards it then pause and..."stutter?" for about 5 seconds. He didn't approach any closer. Then the decoy was gone and he left! Was NO WHERE near the decoy when he apparently gobbled it up. After he was done eating, he barked and came at me again. Same thing - dropped decoy...pause, decoy gone from distance.
  19. Were you playing on the hardest difficulty?
  20. There are fixed locations where they may randomly spawn for each game. Without using a map to "cheat" it would be very difficult to find them on your own; however, if you intend to, you need to scour every inch of the maps! Hint: they seem to favor "hilly" locations.
  21. The strategy I used was as soon as I saw the pack icon show, I'd drop the body and look for something I could "put my back against". Ideally, then I would only need to cover a 180 degree arc vs 360. I drew my revolver and would wait for one to charge and blast away. On more than one occasion, I would even kill one. Great thing about WM is that you can quick save right before the fight (or even load an earlier save) and you can plan your strategy then.
  22. I did notice on one occasion, a nice clear day and I was out in the open snow, it was extremely bright. I did exit the game to turn the brightness setting down which helped some but I do think a tweak is necessary.
  23. Wondering if someone can confirm: A TW pack began stalking me (icon showed up and music played). I used a blue flare and ran to a car on the side of the road and hopped in. The wolves were waiting just outside the car. I slept for an hour and they were gone but the music was still playing and the "pack indicator" was still showing. I ran quite a ways with no sign of the wolves and the icon/music did not stop until I entered a house.
  24. Nice reward on other side! I'd jump through naked to save on those wet clothes!
  25. I haven't finished, but I'm to the point where I'm to go to the mine. It does say something in the description to "finish up" other tasks. Shouldn't be a problem taking your time. TWs like to flank you. I've found it helpful to (if possible) put myself against a hill/cliff or, better yet, a narrow they have to run through to get to me. Makes the revolver shot easier.