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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Based upon what I've read about the event, here's my proposed route I'm going to try:
  2. There is. It's not on Nexus. I won't say anymore due to violating forum policy.
  3. I'm sure he's just happy that he is not laying next to the deer! 😳
  4. It's starting to get colder here in the NW USA. The snows will be here soon. Makes me appreciate a warm fire in the game (as well as at home) even more!
  5. Could very well be. Astute of you to notice. Addiction? Possible. If it makes you feel good, and there is no harm in that, is that so bad?
  6. Quite the rush when it does happen, huh? 🤪
  7. Using the 'free placement' mod, are ya? 😉
  8. Lucky find on the TWO cans of spray paint! I like these "crime scenes" Hinterland throws in the game. In particular, I like the 2 guys you find in the cavern of one of the ice caves in HRV. A pistol lies nearby while one guy has a knife sticking out of his chest. Makes you wonder what they fought over? Desperately hungry?
  9. This might help: https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Polaroids If you checked all those places, may be worth looping back through again.
  10. Hmm...I've had several playthroughs where I haven't seen one (this is the first in fact). Perhaps I missed it, but I feel I scour the area pretty well and this would be hard to miss.
  11. Now I know I have never seen this! Anyone else? It was only 2% frozen as well. The quarters were at 52% condition.
  12. Perhaps your repair skill is maxed so it doesn't display increases any more?
  13. A cave is natural just as is a hollowed out tree, as are many other types of "shelter" in the woods. As far as gameplay, caves are a pretty convenient place but, also, have you ever froze to death in a snow shelter?
  14. I'm in a similar situation. The reward I get from the game is "collecting stuff", managing my inventory, increasing skills, stockpiling supplies - all that makes me feel good and it's what I enjoy most. Not to say I couldn't go on about all the other aspects of TLD I like (music, art, etc.) I don't have the time or patience anymore to continually replay the same content. It would be like playing a story-driven single-player game, dying and having to play the same content again and again. So, yes, I have save-scummed (as well as modded) and I'm not ashamed of it. As many have said, it's my money, my time and I'll choose how to maximize my pleasure from that.
  15. How odd! The only time I've seen a bear sleeping is in it's den (and that seems to be very rare as well).
  16. I periodically back up my saves for that very reason. Sorry to hear it.
  17. Not so much "scares" me, but what "alarms" me the most is when I come up over a blind spot, and bam!, immediate wolf attack. Makes my heart lurch. I'm beginning to play Passive Wildlife because of it. I'm gettin' too old for that
  18. Ate a few too many reishi!
  19. HRV. Survival at it's basics and so much to explore.
  20. I've been thinking about a new challenge for myself. It goes something like this - I cannot break down any man-made items (batteries being the exception) and I must collect everything I find and stash it someplace inside (and I intend to post screenshots of the inventory). I will allow myself to eat man-made items(when necessary for survival). I will be playing at a somewhat Pilgrim difficulty due to the nature of the challenge. I will post my build so you can see my settings. Overall, it shouldn't be difficult, just very time consuming. If I feel I need to deviate from this challenge, I will post that and the reasoning behind it. Code: +340-V8Ww-KFCG-mKpJ-BOMI
  21. It would make sense that the new region would support Ep4. But then again, they repurposed PV for Ep3 so anything could happen! I'm still betting on option 1 though.
  22. AWWWWEEEESSSSOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMME!! Been looking forward to a new area! Thank you!!!!!
  23. FM, Transition Cave to BI - there are moose scratches here, but I've never bagged one in this spot. Has anyone else?
  24. Unique features.