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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Thanks for pointing that out 🤪
  2. There only appears to be ONE (gold) mine in the zone yet the note found at Miner's Folly talks of a gold mine there - where is it? I can't imagine the Miner's Folly mining camp would be for the only gold mine we can find?? Future content?
  3. Lately, it seems like after I stun a rabbit, I run up to pick it up (before it recovers) and if I don't put my cursor in the right spot, I can't pick it up and it runs away. Very frustrating. Anyone else?
  4. hozz1235


    Hmm...Which meat group first?
  5. Mine has increased dramatically since creating this post. I'd say <30 seconds now.
  6. Lately, I've noticed on my oldest save game, that when I trigger an event which update the save file, it does not. But if I do the event a 2nd time, it does. For example, the first time I rest, the user* file updates(saves) but the save game file (ep1sandbox2) does not. If I rest a 2nd time, the save game file does save. Anyone else experience this?
  7. For those familiar with AC, name the locations! Easily missed hidey hole!
  8. As I do with most games where I'm exploring, I just keep hugging the left boundary so ultimately I will map the perimeter. I then start to explore the "inner" portions.
  9. Not reading replies to my post on the gold mine! I want to figure it out myself.
  10. This is a classic means of death - pushing too hard. I'm sorry for your loss.
  11. Keep the same motto in mind, "Be more cautious and rest up before venturing forth". Also, "Look for the guy below the stag in the cave."
  12. I encountered a cave "transition" that when I exited, took a VERY long time to load into the next area. I was about ready to Alt-Tab-Del.
  13. You can still be sick while out of town!
  14. Time to call in some of that "sick" time!
  15. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! <edit> On my way from BI. 2 packs of timberwolves confronted, thru CH, ML, Dam, WR and in PV Homestead making my way to TWM to find the linkage! <edit2> Found it!! On into the unknown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <edti3> Load times seem excessively long in AC. <edit4> There is a moose in the zone. <edit5> After it seems like endless rope climbs (I'm staring to call this zone "Where eagles dare"), I came across some PHAT LEWT!
  16. True, but up until recently, you could access the cockpit to loot it.
  17. My longest save has a naming convention of "ep1sandbox2" whereas the newer Survival saves have a naming convention of "sandboxXX" where XX = a sequential number. Question: How many of you out there still have a save game 'ol School style?
  18. Can't hurt to ask! Release could be 3 weeks out...unless you know something we don't.
  19. You need to spend quite a bit of time there. Eventually, with enough retracing of your steps, you will have the "Aha!" moments and it comes together. I feel ya. Just pick an area of the map with a cave as your central scouting point. Scout the area around that until you're familiar with it then move on to the next scouting area with a cave.
  20. I believe that's an issue for everyone right now
  21. Any more details to share? REALLY looking forward to this!!