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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I don't see anything wrong with this. You're cooking to raise your cooking level. Whether you eat it, really doesn't matter. My favorite technique for raising cooking is: 1) "cooking" tea and coffee and 2) placing canned goods (except dogfood, yech!) next to a fire so you have secondary cooking while cooking something else.
  2. Why continue adding fuel when the wind is going to blow it out anyways?
  3. The mine was given to us compliments of Episode 3. Granted, there isn't much there, but for those of us who have very long runs in which we've done everything else, it was something fresh Some of the laptops that are scattered around are triggered by aurorae and have "buffered memories" in them that are interesting collectibles...
  4. Welcome to the forums, @SoPro and glad you're enjoying the game as much as the rest of us!
  5. Glad you finally got it! If you run across other optional quests and begin to get frustrated, try going off and doing something else then coming back - that helps with me.
  6. Quite a few items "float" in the game and it is a known issue.
  7. I will don it if I know I'm going into a heavily-infested wolf area but just temporarily.
  8. Yup, can really be handy when you're stretched for food. I use it when on one of my "craft arrowheads" binges, where I'll go days crafting so as to conserve coal.
  9. My logic was this, based upon elevation at zone transitions (these are rough estimates): ML = PV (we do climb slightly in the cave) MT = ML (we climb down but back up so roughly the same) HRV = MT (there is a gradual climb to the HRV cave) PV < TWM (due to the rope climb to TWM) The 'Deer Clearing' transition from TWM to AC is tricky because to get to the summit of TWM, you have quite an elevation gain, but the same goes for AC. They may actually be really close. I don't think we can count on the game coordinates to help us out much as @ajb1978 pointed out.
  10. I've seen items become partially buried in the snow. I suppose it's possible this happened with your lead.
  11. Basing my answer on zone transitions and rope climbs, I would have to conclude that AC has the highest peaks in the game.
  12. I would suspect that HL is focusing most of their resources on finishing Ep. 4 & 5. There have been many "disgruntled" players over the years crying out for Wintermute to finish up. If it were me, I would take the same approach @Raphael van Lierop is - focusing on Wintermute while releasing some additional content now and then. With all the work being done on mods recently, I would think HL could easily take that work and apply it to the core code. Perhaps this is what we'll see after Wintermute? Regardless - for the thousandth time, THANK YOU Hinterland Team for the best game ever.
  13. Has anyone done (or know of someone who has) a comprehensive study on Bow/Rifle condition and what effects that has one gameplay? Does it affect damage done? Does it affect (in the case of the bow) wear & tear of arrow condition? I understand damage could be very hard (if not impossible) to measure since there is so much RNG involved.
  14. I tend to use them until they're around 20% condition (which is my threshold for when I take them to BI for sharpening). Of course, I ensure I have another, sharper one nearby to replace the worn one.
  15. Sometimes. I know the zones well enough to not use the map, but I do use it to mark the areas I've explored.
  16. Yeah, entering a structure to wait for the bleed-out can turn out badly. I will usually crouch and cut up some limbs or wait (weather permitting) or make a fire and wait.
  17. Poor DP with zero votes so far! TWM for me. The massive mountains and the serenity of the Mt. Hut overlooking the lake.
  18. I'm in the same boat with @peteloud in that I loper is not enjoyable to me. Yes, I have played it, but it doesn't suit my playstyle and what aspects of the game I get enjoyment from. I think one reason you may find it difficult, is because of this. You have grown used to a certain playstyle and you would have to alter that dramatically to be successful at surviving loper. I don't particularly think it requires more skill, just much more patience, which I don't tend to have much of in the game.
  19. Works until you come across a 2nd wolf in your path - then you're in real trouble.
  20. Come prepared! Way more than you would for any other zone.
  21. Have you made any snares to hunt rabbit with yet? Send pics!
  22. Not really necessary. Like others have said, just always be prepared, like carrying food, water and a sleeping roll.
  23. 1. I can't confirm this, but I would hope it's just RNG. 2. Once again, can't confirm this, but I believe it's true. When I know I'll be in a area for an extended amount of time, I will intentionally leave wolf carcasses un-harvested so as to slow down the respawn of the pest. 3. Even if it were true, probably not something I would do