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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. What is it? What do you do to help overcome/level it? Mine has to be Mending. Seems to take the longest/most effort. The way I level it is finding items which have the least amount of time to mend (socks, mittens, etc.), mend them up to 100% and harvest them.
  2. If only I had some champagne to celebrate - wishlist item? 😋
  3. I believe my oldest save and longest run are over 1900 days now.
  4. I wish; although, I still get a thrill when I see it go down with a, "grrrrlllllllrrrllll" sound. Must've killed hundreds...
  5. I've noticed this on quite a few bear kills I've had. Perhaps that occurs for a set amount of time after their death? I could understand some steam coming from them, but it definitely looks to be breathing as the steam comes from the nose in regularly intervals.
  6. I wouldn't wait around for a spawn - just keep exploring and if you see scrapings, take a good look around. No moose? Move on, you'll find one eventually OR they'll find you!
  7. I use it to: I open hoods on cars to mark that I have looted them. Those cars which I can't open the hood on, I use spray paint to mark it instead. In caves to mark the route through (avoiding dead-ends) HRV Ice caves, I use them heavily. At the entrance to an ice-cave, I will use a distinct symbol. Inside the cave, at intersections, I mark the floor showing the way to that entrance. Since some ice caves have up to 3 "entrances", this helps me navigate easily through them. In new areas (ones I don't have memorized), I will use paint to mark caves that can be used as shelter. I will also use it to "tie" 2 ends of a cave together (such as you find in AC).
  8. Looking at the picture, I believe there was just one broken snare.
  9. Okay, I've my original post to shame. Laid a trap line behind the Milton Church. Got 3 the first day (meh), but the 2nd day... I do have the Expert Trapper Feat active.
  10. Can't say I have. Most I ever chase is deer/rabbits to wolves.
  11. Next time you're up there, pick up everything! Yes, you'll be over-encumbered but then just goat down to the clearing near Chasm Cave. Drop it all and then you can take your time ferrying it out.
  12. From my recollection, I can't recall finding much under cardboard. I have seen items that are slightly buried inside some open ones but you can access them without breaking it down. If I had to estimate the percentage of green crates/boxes that I have found items under, I would venture a guess of 2%. I keep telling myself, the next new run I start, to note locations that do have items under the crates. I can think of a couple I've found recently:
  13. If I can pry them from your frozen fingers! 😝
  14. Just take your time! Be patient!! There are quite a few caves in both areas to take shelter. Explore your immediate surroundings (always knowing how to quickly get back to your cave) until you find another "base" (cave) - Rinse and Repeat. HRV (IMO) is a very fun zone. Well worth exploring! Ice caves are fun to map!! I envy you and the "newness" you will experience in those zones.
  15. That wall of Death has likely claimed the most victims!
  16. WARNING - Using mods - simply meant to answer the question, "What is beyond the Broken Bridge?" Had to skirt around the canyon under Broken Bridge Glad I didn't hit and Death Walls managed to get to the other side of the bridge Not much beyond...maybe the bridge gets repaired and leads to...? TheLongDark 2021-03-22 18-58-01.mp4 While I was here, I continued along the "southern" side of the zone. Hit invisible walls near the zone transition to FM and couldn't go any further.
  17. I started off at the rope-climb nearest the Maintenance Shed. Up high overlooking the frozen lake. Looks like I'll be spending the night with an amazing view (and 2-hour sleep increments!). See the Rickey Foot Bridge below and to the left? Yup, I don't thing I'm getting across THAT canyon! This expedition over.
  18. This is what I do and create a hotkey shortcut to the bat file.
  19. Mine has to be BRR Hunter's Lodge. I consistently get 3/day by setting snare lines in the pic below:
  20. Confirmed: BI Birch Forested Area can spawn Moose without scrapings! TheLongDark 2021-03-19 16-26-47.mp4
  21. Man, I'm like a giddy kid when I see an email like this in my inbox! Work goes on hold! Excellent update @Raphael van Lierop - MUCH appreciated. It was fun taking the survey too and knowing I may have an impact on one of my favorite games ever. One thing I was hoping to see either talked about or in the survey was Player-Created Content and/or mod support. I assume that since it was not listed in the extensive list of "futures" for TLD, it may not come to fruition.