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Everything posted by Fuarian

  1. I like the new music better, I just wish the menu was the dynamic background ALL the time and not the temporary black screen.
  2. Just some small stuff that isn't terribly important but would make the game much more immersive. -Soda cans left in the cold explode/rupture. -Wood, tinder and burnables left in cold will get wet/unusable, wet wood is less effective. -Fires can last longer than 12 hours. Imagine lighting a fire in the morning and then coming home to it still blazing. Aaaah. -Colour of light coming through windows should reflect the exact colour of the light outside. -Certain clothing items should get wet quicker than others, including by simply walking in snow. i.e. socks getting immediately soaked when walking outside with running shoes on. -Better smoke from chimneys. Smoke in the distance for navigating back home. -Wildlife attacks and injuries give the PAIN affliction and/or HEADACHE affliction and the CONCUSSION affliction from Ep. 3. -Going completely thirsty/hungry results in the DEHYDRATION risk and affliction & the STARVATION risk and affliction. (seen in Ep. 3 with the survivors). -Tools found out in the snow should be lower quality (i.e. rusted) -Scaring away deer once should cause the deer/deer herd to relocate. Wolves shouldn't stay local to one spot. Wildlife shouldn't be as satic as it is, forcing you to move vast distances to hunt OR you don't stay in one place. -Cargo pants & combat pants should increase your carry weight by 0.5kg (lots of pockets). -Leaving meat outside has the risk of being eaten by/attracting predators to your location. The more you do this, the more likely predators will make a habit of patrolling your area. -Throwable decoys -Left clicking to brandish flares and torches -Levels of aurora intensity, highest intensity turns of heaters and appliances, lowest level is only the aurora and small lightbulbs. -Radios should play static or staticy music, not clear classical tracks. -Add a lookout tower/building to Broken Railroad, open up one side of the map (across the tracks) for some extra playability in the smallest region in the game. -Ice on Mystery Lake and Crystal Lake has a risk to weaken. Same with areas on the CH bay and DP. -Hints of other survivors out there (don't actually have to add NPC's). Stuff like; smoke in the distance, find burning/burnt out campfires, footprints, dropped items, blood trails, looted buildings (very small chance), dead animals, new frozen (human) corpses that weren't there before, flare gun shots going off (also rare).
  3. Pretty sure it's right next to the log sort in CH. Changes will come to that region next.
  4. I think they are the nameless corpses you find around who aren't prisoners or that guard. Maybe the two people in the cave? The one guy with the wolf jacket (sasquatch)? He said there were half a dozen people around the time of the first flare. So 6 people isn't a lot. I'm guessing they went out to look for supplies, maybe find help, or go look for more survivors at the crash site but didn't make it.
  5. Phones aren't electronic. It's not for the sake of plot, it's actually very realistic. A solar flare that powerful would fry all the electronics, but like Molly described, since it's pre-electronics it still works. Also this was revealed in Episode 2.
  6. Every phone in Pleasant Valley are connected through land-line. The Hunting Lodge is way across the mountains so it's unlikely.
  7. With the new mineshaft added in the latest update by the log sort, it says "leave coastal highway" when entering, but it doesn't actually leave the region. You can go through it with the aurora active, but it's blocked off in every path you take. So you can't actually go to Pleasant Valley. It doesn't even connect to the old mineshaft at the top of Coastal Highway. This in my opinion is wasted opportunity. I think the old mineshaft should be scrapped or blocked off, and this new mineshaft should be the one that is opened up. But make it mandatory to have the aurora running to get through. That way, the only means of getting to Pleasant Valley from Coastal Highway is through a dangerous mine, in the dark. with the aurora going. Not only does this make travelling harder, but it gives even more purpose the aurora. It's using the environment to your advantage. It makes you put yourself at risk to get somewhere. It also fits the game perfectly as well. It's also not hard to implement since it already exists in Wintermute. I'm sure many others would agree that this is a good idea.
  8. Fuarian

    EP3 review

    How can a research doctor know about an incoming, world-ending solar flare? The reason why she acts so mysterious was answered in Episode 3. She had to sneak past lab security to get the medical cure out of the lab.
  9. Fuarian

    EP3 review

    Here's the thing though. Nobody KNOWS what's going on. And nobody knows about the impending apocalypse.
  10. I know the mine is there in Coastal Highway next to the log sort. But it doesn't logically add up. In Episode 3 we go through the same mine that's there in survival mode and end up there. But if you go through it in survival mode you end up at the top of coastal highway. So which mine is it? There's a conflict. I think you guys should scrap the old mine and just replace it with the new one from story mode. But obviously tweak it so you don't need to do all the mission stuff, all you need is the aurora to power the elevator and you're good. That way the only passage to Pleasant Valley from the coast is with the aurora, it would prove a hazardous and dangerous journey. Otherwise you need to take the long way around by Mystery Lake and the Carter River. I think this is a great idea because it proves how much the world has changed with the aurora present in the environment. It would also be really damn cool. Also, people have activated the elevator in survival mode and gotten stuck and died. To fix this either remove the new mine from Coastal Highway or replace the old one with the new one. I think many other players would agree.
  11. Fuarian


    You're no hero. Just looking for something. Trying your best to survive in the meantime.
  12. Hmm, yes. The poor electrical engineering skills of a forestry lookout ranger caused a global apocalypse. +1
  13. 1. 1920's 2. Martin 3. 60 4. Alice? 5. Chinese Yen (Or is it Yuan?) 6. okay bud 7. Signal Hill 8. eh... 9. 2300 (guess) 10. Brian Cold (?) 11. The manager at the time 12. Thursday 13. gonna guess 22 14. 1960 15. \*_*/ 16. September 2012 17. 1980 something
  14. I don't know why. But I would actually enjoy this
  15. There's this thing, it's called Story Mode. There's also this guy, his name is @Raphael van Lierop and he said there are 2 more major aurora based game mechanics that aren't in the game yet. But are planned. Here's hoping for Episode 3!
  16. Is Methuselah a human being or an omnipotent apocalypse god?
  17. I second this! Without giving off too many spoilers however...
  18. The renovations have nothing to do with the outside of the dam. It's always been this way.
  19. I'm talking about the physics that somehow allow you to climb down the face of the dam without falling to your death...
  20. Take torches from fires to keep. Allowing you to obtain tons of torches to re-light. Bait and kill wolves. You should have to throw bait instead. Skyrim-ing down and up cliffs where you should fall to your death. Starvation tactic.
  21. Are there any plans to extend on the more passive gameplay systems of the game? Things like massive weather changes, wildlife migrations, overfishing, overhunting, mass blizzards, transition region blockages, collapsing shelters, inaccessible areas (due to snowfall, debris, etc...), cold/warm fronts, falling trees. These things all indirectly force the player to make changes to their ways of survival. Currently I find having access to many ways to survive makes the game a bit too easy. With some careful tuning, some of those things I mentioned could mean the difference between life and death for the player. Potentially forcing them to move entire regions simply to obtain food. Perhaps due to a super blizzard on it's way, or all the edible wildlife have died off or migrated. I've always wanted to be forced to live in inefficient shelters for long periods of time, but currently it makes no sense to do that in terms of survival efficiency. A large part The Long Dark is about going to extremely tough lengths to survive, but currently all I really have to do is wander over to the lake, grab a few cattails and I can survive for weeks on end no trouble. I also understand that some people enjoy the exploration aspect of the game and others the survival aspect. That's what voyageur mode would be for, a healthy balance. That where over time you can master survival and thrive. But currently (as an experienced player) it feels too easy to master the elements early on. I want to experience TLD the way you anticipated it to be experienced. But I want to achieve that without getting bored early on or in the late game. Some of the above mechanics mentioned above would counter the boredom a lot of players feel, in my opinion. And while I'm here, do you see sandbox NPC's being something achievable in the near future? If not 3D modeled NPC's then what about simulated NPC's? For example; finding a looted building that was not previously scavenged, or seeing a campfire smoke plume in the distance, finding footprints or remains of survivors that are not your own? They would be rare, but make the world still feel somewhat alive. -Fu
  22. Sprains need to be much rarer but also much more deadly.
  23. How is it Antithetical? It fits perfectly with the core design of the game. It just may be a little overpowered/unbalancing. But that can be fixed with tweaking. Maybe make them have a low durability and make them have a long fire starting time.