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Everything posted by Fuarian

  1. Port Mary is mentioned in Episode 2 in some background information for Mystery Lake provincial park. We know it's a location on Great Bear somewhere, just like we know there's an oil refinery somewhere on or around the island (from buffer memories in CH) but that doesn't mean we will see it. As much as I'd love to see the entirety of Great Bear filled out I don't think it's reasonable to expect that. Although I do hope some day we get a full Great Bear island map, at least to know the general shape of the island we call home. Just for the curious minded among us.
  2. Well in real life if a cougar snuck up on you in a mile wide open field you'd probably be able to see it at least somewhat. It's fine if the cougar is stealthy and can sneak up on you, but I find it a bit strange how you can never see it before it attacks. Imo it would be slightly better if it would spawn right behind you a couple of metres when it attacks and you'd have a split second to turn around and shoot it. This should be a difficult feat and as a result an attack is still more likely than not, but having the ability to fend it off before it almost kills you instead of requiring it to attack you to kill it would be better imo
  3. I like most of what I'm seeing here. However I'm not much of a fan of the cheat death system. I understand that it's optional but I feel like players knowing that death isn't the end wiil affect their decision making process and drastically alter the way they play and the overall feel of the game. But I am curious to see how it's implemented and what choices we'll have to make. I hope there's a custom mode option to not include it at all in our survival saves. But everything else I love the sound of. The cougar sounds terrifying and difficult and I love difficulty in this game. I hope it feels natural and the mechanics behind it aren't too noticable. Mountain Pass looking sweet, probably gonna take the spot as my favorite region.
  4. Good ol' lakeregion The nostalgia is real here. I remember the days when it was just Mystery Lake and it would take something like 2 in game days to go from Trapper's to the Dam. The character model/camera was lower to the ground and I think slower moving? This made the region feel a lot bigger than it was (and at the time it had to, or I suppose the player's relative size is what defined the region size) and it made surviving to day 50 a monumental challenge. This is because we had only Mystery Lake there were only enough resources from ML to survive off of. With every new region added we end up with more resources so it becomes easier to survive longer and longer (as long as you can access those regions). Very interesting to see some original concepts for this region and what it could've been like. In particular that old barn area. Did not expect to see a structure in that spot
  5. The Travois and new regions. The Travois acts as a resource sink and has a relatively low durability so you sink even more resources to use it. By the time you need a travois you usually have a lot of the resources to make it and it's a great balancing tool. I wish we had more such things. I like my difficulty what can I say And the new regions are great overall. In design and atmosphere and everything, they're much more developed and advanced in region design than earlier regions. I really hope the older regions get a terrain and overall design facelift to be more up to par with newer regions; for the sake of visual consistency. Oh and their unique music tracks add to it too.
  6. You can detach ropes from a rock. Been this way since they added ropes.
  7. Coffee gave an instant fatigue shot and always has. I think that's fine. The pie giving health is ridiculous. Not just because having no magic health packs was a point made a while ago, but because it just doesn't make sense. You don't have to make the game super realistic, but come on.. somehow a pie made with ingredients scrounged up and cooked over a fire instantly heals you more than carefully procured pharmaceutical stimulants do. I cannot fathom how an emergency stim, literal medication heals you LESS than a PIE. Let alone how upon consuming the pie you're instantly healed. The Long Dark has never been a sim game but there's a degree of believability it has. Mechanics like this just throw that out the window and remove all sense of immersion it has built up until then.
  8. Those trawls are electricified.. idk how that works. Fishing nets are usually made of high insulating materials that don't conduct electricity. Could be the salt water but I doubt that. I was thinking they looked like an automated rowing system but on a ship that old, idk how that makes sense. It's a steam ship so it wouldn't need that to propel. Not sure what's going on there. That terrain could just be minimalistic for the poster. But it does look like there's a campfire and campsite there, if you zoom in you can see vague structures that look like tents. It almost looks like a Native American village, which makes me wonder if this poster shot is a flashback to when Great Bear was colonized. But I highly doubt that given the above.
  9. Respectable points for the most part. But I would like to add that while making certain features optional may not always be possible, one such feature that I believe should be made optional is the Trader. A good majority of the playerbase enjoys the solitude that comes with The Long Dark and the addition of the Trader to the game may not be something that supports that. I don't claim to know how the feature will work nor am I suggesting how to go about implementing it, but I did want to drop my 2 cents. I do have faith however that the Trader's implementation will be executed well and will not compromise the sense of loneliness in survival mode, but rather enhance it even more so. Looking forward to that feature.
  10. The machine you find is very clearly not a particle accelerator but it does have to do with electromagnetism or whatever the glimmer fog is.
  11. Agreed. I honestly think the hardhat protection value is a bug or unintended. There's no way a piece of protective gear like that would have only 4%.
  12. You can get away with getting shot once if you keep moving, but there's no affliction it's just a massive health drop
  13. Some ideas I've had that compliment this well are: Smoke plumes in the distance Burnt or ember campfires that weren't there before Footprints in the snow that aren't yours Dropped items in the snow that weren't yours Dead animals/carcasses that weren't there before Blood trails Distant gunshots/flare shells in the air (rare) Random voices on the shortwave Light in the distance (a lantern, flare, etc...) that disappears after looking at it
  14. The idea is that they'd be changing, not something you come across and always see. But something appears that wasn't there before.
  15. Most interiors are below freezing though. check the air temperature
  16. The update video for part 1 indicates that it's caused by the interaction between the aurora and something else. Most likely Rudiger's machine
  17. The journal works in Custom Interloper. Just not regular Interloper. I tried getting it working but UI is very difficult to work with. So I won't be doing that.
  18. Hello all, I finished Signal Void and thought it would be a good time to express my thoughts on this update and the content within it. Tale: Signal Void Starting with the biggest part of the update, the Tale. I really enjoyed this form of narrative expression. Each transcript giving a little more of the story but not being too explicit about what's going on felt like a perfect way to deliver some narrative content. I just wish there was slightly more of it. The voice acting was also really good, especially for Patient 7. My current theory about what is happening is that these people are experimenting with some kind of electromagnetism device that changes psychological states of people near it. With the intention of doing some kind of research. Something like MK-Ultra. It induces psychological effects and I think dementia and insomnia are some of them. I believe whatever device was built is still present in one of the Far Territory regions and the aurora is activating it, causing the glimmer fog. This caused the teams working on the project to go insane but some likely survived and moved onto Phase 2. The part I did not like about the tale is that it took place mostly in Lower Great Bear. It makes sense that it did because lore-wise they would build bunkers there, but the real reason is because there's areas to work with. The rest of the Far Territory isn't here yet so obviously they needed to put bunkers in existing regions. However for a DLC focused on the Far Territory it feels weird that we spent a lot of time travelling back and forth between it and Lower Great Bear. Also, the Tale isn't in Interloper which is a shame cause it could easily fit with some tuning. Handheld Shortwave & Transmitters I really enjoy this feature. Repairing the transmitters has nice animations and feels like a great objective to pursue. Some of the locations feel a bit odd and I kinda wish there were more of them around. But overall I like that part. The actual shortwave was a bit hard to figure out at first but it's quite intuitive once you get the hang of it. The one thing I'd wish is if you could find it in LGB and that would allow you to repair all the transmitters in LGB, find the sites and give you a reason to go to the Far Territory. You could find it in various set locations around the world and each new run is a new potential starting scenario for the Tale. I feel like this would've made more sense. The supply caches and downed aircraft feel a bit lackluster to me. Firstly, while they added more downed aircraft in other regions I feel like even more, but randomized locations of these would make using the shortwave have more of an incentive. Same thing with the supply caches. But a more pertinent problem with the supply caches is that the loot isn't very amazing. Getting a lot of flares and such, which aren't that useful once you have a revolver for example. But there's so much potential for this gameplay mechanic and I'm excited to see the future of it. Bunkers & Unique Items The new bunkers look really good and have some nice assets inside. I like them even independently from the Tale content but I do wish those in LGB had more stuff in them. The bunker in HRV is particularly good because of the workbench in it. The new food items are pretty nice. Although I do wish they weren't bunker exclusive. Variety of items is nice to have all around the game world. The aviator jacket is pretty nice, although the paperdoll texture looks too high definition to fit with the other clothing items. The aviator hat on the other hand fits quite well. And the hockey jersey. More variety of clothing, the better! The technical balaclava looks really cool and I much prefer it to the original balaclava. It's also more like a ski mask which I've wanted for a while. Finally the Rifle Sling. I haven't tried it out, it seems a bit buggy. Conceptually it works but I feel like we need more accessory slots with the amount of items we're getting that fit there. Acorns I like acorns! I expected to see them physically under the tree but them being buried in the snow makes sense. I do wish they replenished over time for a set amount of days. But there's plenty of them in the game world. I like the prepping process and having some more natural food is nice. Although the calories they give for the time it takes to prepare them doesn't feel worth it. Even for the coffee which isn't that useful on lower difficulties due to the sheer amount of man made coffee present in the world vs. how much you actually drink it. I think they should add more natural foods and stuff like this under trees, like pine needles, etc... Also, we should be able to eat reishi mushrooms like we can eat acorns. But they need prepping obviously. Beachcombing I haven't been out to the coast much but I've seen a lot of positive feedback surrounding this feature. I like that items can wash up on shore, including carcasses and boats and such. Just an extra level of immersion and dynamicism to the world. Although I have seen a few bugs with this feature, including assets like the boat disappearing right below the player's feet as they're looking at it. Fire-Hardened Arrows This is definitely the weakest feature of them all. These arrows are good in concept but not in practice. Firstly, they take durability off your bow when you shoot. I think they should take far less because they are lighter than normal arrows and thus way less on the bowstring. Secondly, they only used for killing rabbits. Once the Ptarmigan is added they'll be more useful. Sure they can scare wolves, but so can flares and stones and other methods (some even more effective). They do level your archery skill which is good but not enough of an incentive to use them. Finally, I think they should deal damage to bigger animals. There's no way that absolutely PELTING a deer full of sharp sticks at high speeds won't kill it eventually. I think if you hit a critical organ it should cause bleeding over time (slower than normal arrows) and if you hit, say a leg, it will cause them to run slower. I think these arrows have potential but need tweaking to be truly useful. That concludes my thoughts and feedback on this update! Hope it's helpful to Hinterland to make some changes in the future.
  19. It seems to output a little bit less light but maybe that's just me
  20. I think long, monotonous travel is part of the experience. It's designed that way.
  21. An air drop wouldn't work consider no planes can fly