Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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 Aurora on Monolith Lake. I'm in the Lake Cave next to the waterfall. I go take some pics.

Just outside the cave.


I scramble up to get up to the lookouts.


First I look down the valley:


It looks like it drops off the end of the world.

I look across.


I move around to the other side and look down on the path that goes to the Pensive Lookout.


I keep going on around until I can look back over towards the lake.


That's all the views up here and I'm getting cold. I head back to my cave to sleep the night.

The next day is snowy. I'm getting a little low on wood (I like to have a few days on hand if I can swing it). I go head over to the Pensive Lookout to get some wood; you can often find fir out there.

The snow is pretty thick, but it's not too windy for a change.


I look up the valley.


I set myself to a fir limb. When I'm done the weather has gone downhill considerably.


I start to book. The weather continues to worsen as I trudge upwind towards the Lake Cave.


When I get down to the lake, I look west and catch the sun's last gleam through the murk.


Beautiful, even with the snow blowing in my eyes.

Just as I get to the cave, the snow stops. I look south over the lake. The skies are already nearly clear. It's amazing how quickly the weather can change up here.screen_e8a4bbf7-db4c-454b-8513-60748a1be5fb_hi.thumb.png.aea0b551f1b8529c709c59270696f8fc.png

I sit in the entrance to my cave and look out at the clearing evening sky. The wind is just whistling out there, even if it's stopped snowing.


The fire went out, so I thought I'd just look out without it... when I'm here it's usually burning so it looks quite different.

The wind dies down so I decide to have some fun before bed. I light the fire, get a torch, and play with light and the waterfall.



I yawn... at the late stage of the day I'm quite tired. I head to bed.


Edited by stratvox
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Picture from Lake Overlook cave on the eve of my first 500 day run completion (Voyager). It was my intention to try and spend as much of it outdoors as possible and I think I did alright...hours indoors 4,364, hours outdoors 7, hours rested outdoors 2,114.. or about 264 of the 500 nights.. all skills but rifle to level 5... as I hardly ever use it

500 days.jpg

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9 hours ago, stratvox said:

Aurora on Monolith Lake. I'm in the Lake Cave next to the waterfall.

Nice pics!  I spent a while in that same cave, it's beautiful up there.  Have you noticed crows circling above the cave?  They were always there for me when the weather was decent.  I couldn't figure out if they were up there because of the body in the cave, or if there's something up there.  It looks like there might be an open area above the falls, but I couldn't find a way to get up there.

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2 hours ago, MrWolf said:

Nice pics!  I spent a while in that same cave, it's beautiful up there.  Have you noticed crows circling above the cave?  They were always there for me when the weather was decent.  I couldn't figure out if they were up there because of the body in the cave, or if there's something up there.  It looks like there might be an open area above the falls, but I couldn't find a way to get up there.

Yeah I noticed that too. There's a wolf carcass in the cave on my run, and it's weird because it keeps respawning when I arrive there after being gone for a few days or weeks, but is not harvestable. I figure that's what's bringing the crows: the reincarnating wolf carcass of Lake Cave. Even when it's not there, its potentiality keeps the crows coming back.

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Monolith Lake it is again. Dunno if this has been brought up before... but why Monolith Lake?

When I first stood and pondered this thing near the lake, very soon it sort of clicked in my head... There is an old Spielberg movie about aliens, contact and whatnot, Close Encounters of 3rd Kind... If I'm remembering the plot right, in the film the contact was to took place on a sort of tower-like mountain (a mesa is it?) in the desert... could it be a reference?


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23 minutes ago, dead frozen dude said:

Monolith Lake it is again. Dunno if this has been brought up before... but why Monolith Lake?

When I first stood and pondered this thing near the lake, very soon it sort of clicked in my head... There is an old Spielberg movie about aliens, contact and whatnot, Close Encounters of 3rd Kind... If I'm remembering the plot right, in the film the contact was to took place on a sort of tower-like mountain (a mesa is it?) in the desert... could it be a reference?




You mean this one, perhaps? ;)

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28 minutes ago, dead frozen dude said:

There is an old Spielberg movie about aliens, contact and whatnot, Close Encounters of 3rd Kind... If I'm remembering the plot right, in the film the contact was to took place on a sort of tower-like mountain (a mesa is it?

That would be Devil's Tower, in Wyoming.  According to wikipedia, it's a butte.

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10 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

You mean this one, perhaps?

2001: A Space Odyssey by Kubrick and Clarke... although it has alien monoliths indeed, it doesn't exactly ring a bell...

Besides, I heard there's a sort of homage to Carpenter's The Thing somewhere under the ice in FM...

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12 minutes ago, dead frozen dude said:

2001: A Space Odyssey by Kubrick and Clarke... although it has alien monoliths indeed, it doesn't exactly ring a bell...

Besides, I heard there's a sort of homage to Carpenter's The Thing somewhere under the ice in FM...

Interesting to see The Think And Space Odyssey both mentioned often in various Hinterland staffers Twitter feeds and other social media accounts.  But yeah, the mashed potatoes sculpture of Devil's tower too... would not shock me that that movie influenced some of the team at Hinterland as well. 

I have never been able to eat mashed potatoes without thinking of that scene, since first seeing the movie, all those years ago. My parents used to hate my brother, sister and I using peas as boulders and sliced carrots as slabs or rock, rolled off our buttes, by sudden downpours of gravy.  xD

So... the Mysterious Signal Fire.. the Aurora, Monolith Lake... this means something? 


And sorry, I'll get back to screenshots instead of movie clips. Soon™. Maybe™.

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First off.. I probably took more screenshots from TLD than from The Witcher 3 ! (That game has the most gorgeous sunsets and facial features, though)

First an oldie (I was crouched while taking this screenie..) Moose flirting with a bear, no points for guessing the location!


And a recent one; It can be nice weather at PV, see?

You're all invited for dinner! (Bring your own beer and whine, I have plenty of water stored, about 60 liters.. and some sodas)


And here's one example of the really nice facial expressions of Witcher 3..



Edited by Krait
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I may be freezing and starving to death.... but at least I have style and a nice smelling house! ^_^


Nature is depicted beautifully in this game, but I think the interior spaces are wonderful as well and might be taken for granted sometimes (usually I'm too busy scrounging for loot :S)


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