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1 hour ago, James Hickok said:

I decided that on the day of update i will retire my (at least 1500 days till update) Astrid in her home - Coastal Highway, outside Jack rabbit hut sitting by the fire, drinking hot teas and burn the fire untill i fade away to darkness form exhaustion. She will just go to final sleep...

I think this is beautiful James. 

After a long, stressful and turbulent life it is a peaceful end, should we all be as fortunate to fade so gently into The Long Dark. Your Astrid definitely deserves that.

Made me rather emotional 🧡

Edited by Sgt Socks
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8 hours ago, James Hickok said:


I think the Major loot like Backpack, crampons, blackrock vest will stay in the same place. The change will include tools and weapons mainly. Hope we get the answer.

Well I hope so..  I don't fancy having to search the entire island with little carry weight available.

It could take a while to get the moose sack and there's always so much loot .

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4 hours ago, Luca Loquax said:

I hope the "Forsaken Airfield" is mostly intact.  I want to get an old airplane operational so I can do bombing runs on the bear and strafing runs on Fluffy!


Death from above, Fluffy!

I can't be the only one who pictured Snoopy vs the Red Baron?

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I've been avoiding the subject, but I've had a while to think on it.

While I'm curious (even excited) about many of the idea's hinted at... I've had some real mixed feelings about the update/expansion.

I've never been in favor of the idea of "human NPCs" in the Survival Sandbox.  The idea of a Trader in survival, is one I don't really care for... I think it would very much undermine the Survival Sandbox experience as we know it today.  NPCs were a natural fit for Story Mode (of course), but I would argue that's where they belong.  I really don't like the idea of an NPC in the survival sandbox like those traders we would find in Fallout or 7 Days to Die...  If there is no way to disable the feature in the expansion, then I suppose I'd just avoid ever going to that location (or locations).    Frankly, I just really do not like this addition.  I much prefer the lonely desolation of the survival sandbox experience we have now, and my character's survival depends simply on my abilities to forage and manage what resources I and find/gather.  Having an NPC to just run up to and just "trade" for stuff... feels like it would just kind of ruin that for me.

I'm also not very fond of the idea of "narrative-themed Challenges that take place within your Survival game."  I have never wanted Story Mode to slowly leak into the survival sandbox, and this feels to me like exactly that.  I never liked the idea of survival having explicit prompts to "give the player things to do."  What I've always loved about the survival sandbox was that once we got proficient with our survival tasks, that it was purely up to us to simply live and survive on Great Bear Island for as long as we can (or as long as we choose to).  Perhaps I'm just one of those people who thrive in a sandbox "make your own fun" type situation... because to me having these "adventure prompts" kind of take away from what I love about the survival sandbox.  When I have wanted to play a particular challenge, I would simply do so... but just as with NPCs, I'm not in favor of these "Story Mode" elements leaking into the survival sandbox experience.

Granted, as always if these things are not optional in settings... then I'll simply avoid or ignore them.  For those excited by adventure prompts and NPCs... I'm glad you will access to those things you'd have wanted to see in Survival Mode - I just hope I will have the option of turning them off so I can still enjoy the other elements about the update/expansion that I do look forward to.  As always, I absolutely respect Hinterlands decisions... I always have.

For the rest of the hints given:

Three new Regions:  Yes please... and a Forsaken Airfield is one of them? Wonderful, thank you very much. :)

Handheld Shortwave:  I what end?  I suppose it might be nice to have a bit of music if I'm in a place that doesn't have a radio during an aurora.  For the most part, I don't bother with the radio all that much when there's an aurora.  The extra background music is nice, but I don't know that I could think of any reason to want to carry a radio around with me (at least not as of right now).  A nice to have item, I suppose... ?

Travois: I've not been in favor of the idea of a sled/sledge (crafted or otherwise) getting included in the game.  I rather like that our carry-weight limitations create interesting questions of resource and inventory management considerations we have to weave into our play style.  I think it adds an interesting element when we can't just drag everything we want around with us.  Again, I'm glad it will be available for folks who would want it... but I will very likely not make use of it (just like I don't make use of spray paint or pain killers).

Safehouse Customization: I've very much been in support of this idea.  While I don't like the idea of building safehouses/structures wherever... I've always loved the idea of being able to better customize the interiors of places we choose to "setup camp."

Complex Recipes for Cooking:  I'm all for the idea of building on the current cooking system.  Depending on what shape that takes, I think it could be a wonderful addition.

20+ minutes of new Survival music:  Yes.  Please and thank you.

Visual enhancements: Great, I can't wait to see them.

"Full global loot and wildlife refresh. We’ve redone all the loot tables, all the pre-placed loot, and rebalanced the loot economy across the entire game" :  I'm rather excited for this.  I do my best to try not to remember where to find things and just explore/search for every new run... but overtime I think we just kind of can't help but pickup metagame knowledge whether we want to or not.  A "world refresh" would be great, thank you very much.

Visor Notes: Neat, I always love those little touches sprinkled throughout Great Bear Island and giving us little peaks back to "Earth that was..." so more of that?  Yes please. :) 

New First-Person animations: Nice, I look forward to it.  I find that with each update the game has always gotten more and more polished and wonderful.

Thermos: ...I could take it or leave it.  As it stands, beverages stay "hot" for a rather long time already.  Depending on whether or not that changes; I don't think I'd have much use for this item.

Burdock, a new edible plant: Neat... I'm on board.  I'm eager to learn more about it and how it might fit in to my character's survival regimen. 🤭

Improvised Crampons:  This is another one that (much like improvised head/hand wraps) I don't think I would ever find a reason to want to make.  I much preferred that the crampons were something we had to find.  I only ever used them for ropes and thin ice (since I've never had much of a problem with sprains... I think they are easy enough to avoid, and when I did take risky paths and got them... I always felt they were justified).  I never really used them specifically for "ankle support" I just never found that to be necessary.  Again, I suppose, for those who would want that option... I'm glad they'll have it, but it's probably a feature that I would not make use of.

If I remember right, there was mention of a transponder? ...kind of like the handheld shortwave... to what end?  I mean the only thing I could think of would be for those narrative-challenges.  If it's a means for easier navigation or something like a "waypoint" system... then, no thank you.  I think in both cases it's something I would choose to ignore and likely never want to use.

Anyway... for what it's worth, those are my thoughts on the new updates/expansions.
I don't generally have mixed feelings about updates; but as always I'm happy to show Hinterland support.
so... I'll be purchasing the expansion when it comes out, of course. :D 

Edited by ManicManiac
added the bit about the Transponder.
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1 hour ago, ManicManiac said:

Improvised Crampons:  This is another one that (much like improvised head/hand wraps) I don't think I would ever find a reason to want to make.  I much preferred that the crampons were something we had to find.  I only ever used them for ropes and thin ice (since I've never had much of a problem with sprains... I think they are easy enough to avoid, and when I did take risky paths and got them... I always felt they were justified).  I never really used them specifically for "ancle support" I just never found that to be necessary.  Again, I suppose, for those who would want that option... I'm glad they'll have it, but it's probably a feature that I would not make use of.

I don't think HL would add improvised crampons just for fun.

I mean, just by reading improvised it's kinda like they're saying the crampsons you can find will be removed in more difficult modes (interloper for example) and so you have to craft the in order to use it's benefits.

Now ofc i can be wrong, but this is probably the most logical reason why HL plan on adding improvised crampons.

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And we have to remember, that we still don't know to this point what they will take away from the game. Maybe heated drinks will cool off super fast with the next update (would make sense) and therefore they give us the thermos perhaps.

I would love to be in need of an actual bottle/vessel to be able to collect water. I find the actual system that gives you a plastic container for the water a bit off

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I don't ACTUALLY think there will be any NPCs, surely the Trader thing is something less of consequence. But if so after all, then there must indeed be an option to disable it in the Custom Game options, as that would be immediately immersion breaking as well as game breaking for me. That, or it would have to be disabled via mods. I do not enjoy the NPCs in Story Mode (well, or the Story in the first place) but at least they were isolated to only there. Also, these characters potentially trading something to you sounds like RPG...

Some story things incorporated into Survival I don't mind as long as they are truly optional and don't interfere with anything. Sort of like the code doors in Bleak and Blackrock, or the aurora messages on PC screens, that's fine.

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many players seem to be a bit scared about a few of the gameplay changes that were just named in the dev diary (like the trader, transponder, safehouse customization. I don't know why Hinterland didn't explained them a bit more detailed, maybe in a second dev diary.

Safehouse customization: It would be cool if indoors get a realistic temperature calculation. The continuously stable indoor temperature annoyed me from the first time I played the game. Changing it to a various temperature that depends on outside temperature (with phase shift), solar irradition and wind chill. Then the "safehouse" becomes not so safe anymore and collecting fire fuel gets more important. And a realistic indoor dispersion of warmth from ovens. This would lead to usable doors to decide which parts of the house warms up faster and to customizations for the house like isolations and making large rooms smaller by improvised dividing walls and doors

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6 hours ago, Honest said:

Safehouse customization: It would be cool if indoors get a realistic temperature calculation. The continuously stable indoor temperature annoyed me from the first time I played the game. Changing it to a various temperature that depends on outside temperature (with phase shift), solar irradition and wind chill. Then the "safehouse" becomes not so safe anymore and collecting fire fuel gets more important. And a realistic indoor dispersion of warmth from ovens. This would lead to usable doors to decide which parts of the house warms up faster and to customizations for the house like isolations and making large rooms smaller by improvised dividing walls and doors

That's the thing we have needed the most since the game launched. Relentless Night mod fixes this (the non static temps among other things) but I would want the base game to do it.

In the real world, I have gone to a cabin in the woods that was -25 celcius inside even though it was only -15 in the outside, and it took 2 hours to even heat it up to +10 degrees. 

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7 hours ago, Honest said:

many players seem to be a bit scared about a few of the gameplay changes that were just named in the dev diary (like the trader, transponder, safehouse customization. I don't know why Hinterland didn't explained them a bit more detailed, maybe in a second dev diary.

Safehouse customization: It would be cool if indoors get a realistic temperature calculation. The continuously stable indoor temperature annoyed me from the first time I played the game. Changing it to a various temperature that depends on outside temperature (with phase shift), solar irradition and wind chill. Then the "safehouse" becomes not so safe anymore and collecting fire fuel gets more important. And a realistic indoor dispersion of warmth from ovens. This would lead to usable doors to decide which parts of the house warms up faster and to customizations for the house like isolations and making large rooms smaller by improvised dividing walls and doors


Unfortunately, Admin responded to that suggestion saying that "There are no current plans to alter this further in the game", so I wouldn't expect the dynamic temperature to be added any time soon. O̰_O̰

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2 hours ago, Ghurcb said:


Unfortunately, Admin responded to that suggestion saying that "There are no current plans to alter this further in the game", so I wouldn't expect the dynamic temperature to be added any time soon. O̰_O̰


sad that the devs not planning to take dynamic indoor temperature into the game. From my perspective the game would be twice as good, if the already existing game mechanics get improved to near realistic. Another example for that more realistic would be that boiled water can freeze again and it would need to be warmth again (on a oven, beside a heat source or even take a small bottle under your clothes and warm it up, while you lose some temperature). Another thing is that bottles spawn out of thin air when you boil water. Same as there is always snow available for boiling, even if you are indoors.

If you would need to find bottles first to store water and first need to collect snow before you can boil it... small changes would make TLD overall more plausible, realistic and challenging

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7 hours ago, Honest said:

sad that the devs not planning to take dynamic indoor temperature into the game. From my perspective the game would be twice as good, if the already existing game mechanics get improved to near realistic. Another example for that more realistic would be that boiled water can freeze again and it would need to be warmth again (on a oven, beside a heat source or even take a small bottle under your clothes and warm it up, while you lose some temperature). Another thing is that bottles spawn out of thin air when you boil water. Same as there is always snow available for boiling, even if you are indoors.

If you would need to find bottles first to store water and first need to collect snow before you can boil it... small changes would make TLD overall more plausible, realistic and challenging

I'm not sure how I feel about the addition of bottles. On one hand, it could greatly improve the survival, limiting the amount of water you can store or carry around, thus making dehydration more of a threat. On the other hand, we have enough fiddling with pots and cans already, imagine if you wanted to pour the water from one bottle into another, or empty a bottle.
Would the bottles be chosen automatically when you take the boiled water from a pot?
What if there's not enough free volume in your inventory, would you take as much as you can?
Would you have to choose both the bottle AND the volume you want to take?
Obviously, you shouldn't be able to carry a pot full of water in your backpack, but should there be a way to fill the pot from a bottle, not to boil the water, but just to store it?
What about tea/coffee?
It would be VERY difficult to make the interface work as anything but torture device. Possible, but difficult.

Collecting snow seems to me like a completely unnecessary interaction to add. Snow is everywhere in TLD, so it wouldn't meaningfully change your survival, but this extra step would likely be somewhat annoying. 

Now, when it comes to water freezing, I'm all for it. We already have a way for some items to freeze (I'm talking about clothes). So it would make sense for water to behave in a similar way.
(this mechanic could also have an interaction with the thermos)

(I'll probably make a wish list post detailing this idea, since I put too much time into making this one image)

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On 10/28/2022 at 7:54 PM, ManicManiac said:

I've never been in favor of the idea of "human NPCs" in the Survival Sandbox.  The idea of a Trader in survival, is one I don't really care for... I think it would very much undermine the Survival Sandbox experience as we know it today.

I hear you. When it is too cold on the Great Bear, I go to SCUM island in Croatia. I run it as PVE. Rcently they added traders too. Man it changed the game dynamic. Now everbody rushes to them to exchange their items for buck and buy some better items. Before that it was "you got what you found or crafted". BUT even this game has an option to disable them.

On 10/28/2022 at 7:54 PM, ManicManiac said:

Handheld Shortwave:  I what end?

I hope it is similar to yell in the Death Stranding. When some other player is in the area, he can answer. No chitchat, just yell to void and then answer from it.

As I stated before. I am for the solitude spiced up with some hints you are not alone. Figure in far distance, fires you did not lit up, some half eaten food...

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On 10/29/2022 at 12:49 PM, Mistral said:

I don't ACTUALLY think there will be any NPCs, surely the Trader thing is something less of consequence.

I think, there could be some trading post or similar things. Something like post with ads on it. "I will trade 10 cured wolf pelts for 5 rifle rounds. Bring them to my farm. Molly"

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