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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. Hi, there are some paths off the beaten track, You could use. If You stick to the road, You need considerable firepower, indeed.
  2. I do love the new episode too. I felt a bit sorry for the poor warden in the beginning. Imagine all the folks wandering around exploring caves and huts for days, while he is waiting for his medicine...
  3. Try to accomodate with the wolfes in survival mode. There is a great tutorial on how to handle single wolfs with a torch and stones. I found out, that the TW packs are held at bay by carrying a torch too. Just walk away from them and You are fine - at least as long as You have torches to light. Then the new noise bombs work really well, just throw them a bit to not hurt Yourself. And on my run I found flares in abundance, so You should be able to reach the next shelter. So far I do like EP4, even with the wolfes around everywhere.
  4. Played EP4 for about 5 hours and I must say it is awesome. The map so far is twisted but not as maze-like than AC or HRV. Very well done. Thank You HL.
  5. Continuing from EP3 to EP4 went fine for me (Win10, Nvidia Geforce GTX1660 Super). The cool thing is, that the Epic and Steam install are sharing the save location. So I was able to continue with Steam, where I left in Epic.
  6. Hi Admin, thank You for the heads up. We will wait patiently and then enjoy.
  7. I am installing my Steam copy now. After all the hours it is now time for the achivements, I think...
  8. Try to keep on the move. Loot a place and press on, as long as the weather permits. Avoid beeing outdoors at night (of course) and in the morning - it is the coldest time of day. You can travel quite long even if evening is closing in.
  9. I am impatient and thrilled as well. 3 more days - and then the time zome mathematics...
  10. I do not like save-spamming. But for me it is sometimes hard to find a suitable spot to end a playing session. For instance transitioning from BR->Muskeg or in TWM/AC. And wasting an hour of good weather and daylight together with a match and fuel is not always welcome. In the beginning I wondered about the "lost" playtime after exiting a game, not realizing that the last save-point was quite a while back.
  11. Entering a building is a bit better - or sleeping for an hour, but then best make a coal fire to stay warm and save.
  12. Yes, in survival mode the game is saved only in several situations and not on exiting the game. You have to sleep or enter a building or transition cave with loading screen to save. And as a convenient service, the game is also saved after You got injured, of course.
  13. You can normally avoid encounters by proceeding with care. Wolfs can be held at bay with a lit torch or a burning flare. There are some great turorials on how to scare them off with a stone. Bears also wait a bit if You are carrying a flare and give You time to retreat. But You have to be quick about it. The final tip for moose and bear is, that You can drive them off with the flare gun. Wait until they charge and then shoot them in the head. You will either get an instant kill or they will run off in fear.
  14. I found a few at the coast near the cannery - towards the trailers, but very few indeed.
  15. Hi Jim, thank You for the challenging task. I collected 21 lanterns and brought them together in the PV town hall by day 16. I did not expect so many lanterns around at all. And that with no visits to BI, MT, HRV and Spencer's at FM. Maybe I will venture out in the remaining days to secure some more jelly cans. I had my close calls with bear and wolf mauling, but in the end all went well. It was a very fun adventure, although I tended to overpack at the beginning, realizing later that the Stalker setting is providing You with an abundance of food and drink. Images: feeling safe now, for the moment.
  16. Thank You. How do You know, how many lanterns are availiable in a single run - is it not random?
  17. I am slowly converting my behaviour to use my resources more freely as they become availiable. There is nothing more annoying than dying because of a stupid error or by saving resources, You will now need no longer. And yes, those moments sound familiar indeed.
  18. Do You have a special code or do You just start a new Stalker Sandbox? Any feats allowed? I will give it a go myself. This challenge sounds insane.
  19. To spoil the party a bit, I would love the fuel distribution but there should be a weight penalty for the jerry can. At the moment the little plastic bottles are way heavier than the jerry can. This des not feel right.
  20. Thank You for the update. I am looking forward to play EP4 so much.
  21. Hi, unfortunately the cunning beeings at HTL have foreseen Your move to grab some easy cash. As You can now speed up the cooking process until every chosen state by pressing the space bar, any lawsuit filed will utterly be smashed. On the other hand, regarding my headaches after putting too much attention into my cheap French cooking wine, maybe the Brexit does have some benefitial aspects towards Your health. Have fun.
  22. Like with the bear it is a good idea to have the flare gun around. After a shot the beasts are fleeing, if not dropping dead after a headshot. Moose I normally hunt only with the flare gun, continuing with arrows if it runs away.
  23. For speedruns, maybe You should avoid encounters at all by carrying a lit torch or a flare. If it comes to a fight, the knife killed the wolf in most cases for me.