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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. Anything that might be construed as conveying an advantage, if implemented, is likely going to have some kind of disadvantage associated with it. Part of that balance thing the devs worry about. If it is purely cosmetic then the question is why would the devs put time and effort into it. Not that they can't but why, when resources are limited, would they? FWIW, I do not remember crosshairs for the hunting rifle. I know people have suggested scopes probably on the expectation that it would allow a more precise shot perhaps at greater ranges with image magnification, but I would expect that, if implemented, they would be rather sorely disappointed in the result.
  2. UTC-10

    ski and sled

    There is nothing wrong with skis and sleds. The issue is that implementing them is much more complex from the game point of view than from the player point of view.
  3. I think that once Story mode concludes, the devs, if they continue to develop/expand Survival mode may then come up with something that could be construed as "the end" or maybe not. At this point, there would be no reason for Survival mode to have anything like that as it would have to be reflected in Story mode. Presumably episode 5 may conclude with Will and Astrid being in a place like Perseverance Mills in an ending that may leave open the possibility of migrating to another location (i.e. TLD II) or maybe more of an "On the Beach" type ending where for all intents and purposes there is nothing more to be done (story-wise) and the story ends. Of course, players can still continue to play in Survival mode and there may even be updates.
  4. I don't think this would justify a bug report because it happens very infrequently but that is always more often than never. It is just inconvenient and should not happen at all. 1. For some reason when putting an item into a container, say from inventory into a cabinet, which contains items with which it should stack, the game will insist that the item does not stack with the existing item/item stack and keep it as separate item(s) or stack (if transferring more of these otherwise 'identical' items). Pulling all the items out of the container back into inventory does not generally stack the items (tinder books seem to be one exception) which when returned to the container will be separate stacks. The only way, it seems to deal with this anomaly is to go to a different container and put all the items into it where they will now *voila* stack. The consolidated stack can be taken out and will remain a consolidated stack when put back into the container that didn't want to stack them all together. 2. A separate issue is that occasionally, thankfully pretty rare, the game will decide that your ammunition is being carried loose and not in a box. Putting the ammunition into a storage container results in a stack consisting of the loose cartridges and no box. Pulling them out puts the stack of loose ammunition back in inventory. There seems to be a graphics issue and I don't care (or dare) to dump 20 rounds onto a floor to see if they become a box of ammunition. This may be only a problem when one may not have properly boxed ammunition in a container. Dealing with this anomaly involves unloading the relevant firearm where, it appears, the game remembers that there are things like boxes of ammunition even if the box contained only one round of ammunition. At this point the box of ammo can be put into a container and the stack of loose ammunition can be transferred in and they will go into the box. It would be nice if the game did not have these admittedly minor, annoying, and infrequent problems.
  5. Have a happy and safe Christmas (or Holidays if that is your preference). I am sure that Will, Astrid, Jerimiah, Molly, the priest, the survivors of the plane crash, and Grey Mother would have similar sentiments. They have a rough situation and I am pretty sure we all hope that we don't end up where they are. Now devs next year maybe an event called, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" aka "Save Christmas"... 😀
  6. The word I heard was that the non-repairability was part of the devs continuing assessment of how the crampons should be handled in the game. The game is centered a lot about making decisions so that may make good sense. I'll still pick them up when I finally get to Ash Canyon but I avoid climbing as much as possible anyway so that is not as big a draw and I go to the trouble of marking safe paths in areas of weak ice. I just don't leave useful gear behind. I may leave them behind in a base, like I do most flashlights, in Ash Canyon, or maybe the Mountaineer Hut or the farmstead in Pleasant Valley, where I can get at them relatively easily but I hate climbing and try to be careful around weak ice so as a utility item it is kind of marginal. Repairable or not.
  7. I would change the assumed mode of operation of the flashlight to be more consistent with how it should work due to aurora effects. The idea that the flashlight has capacity when the aurora is present but none when the aurora fades (and it does that rather abruptly) is inconsistent. As long as the aurora powers the flashlight it should be capable of being ON for as long as the aurora effects last. No need for capacity whatsoever. For the high beam option, it might be more consistent to make that damage to the flashlight's condition due to the "high heat" of the setting, since the intent was to limit the use, which can be repaired with scrap metal and a toolkit (maybe even or only at a workbench). If they want to keep capacity as a limiting factor on use, then the device should not abruptly stop when the aurora ends but the capacity should degrade quickly. I don't see the devs implementing an aurora trigger alarm device. In all of Great Bear, the player only needs one and the implementation may require more consideration by the devs than you or I may think is necessary. They have to live with the consequences of their decisions.
  8. When the small update to 1.92 occurred, at some point my usercfg.70699 decided to reset my keybinds. I renamed the offending usercfg file (which had more current dates for creation, modification and accessed) and let TLD make a new one based on my strange usercfg.70139 that has a modified date of October 17 and the newly created usercfg.70699 had the same modified date (Oct 17), same files size (7,306 bytes) and no longer changed my keybinds. This got me to thinking. The usercfg does not change all that much. It is likely a base configuration setup for the game. The game then updates that setup based on the appropriate user001 file (in my case). My PC seems to prevent any updates of the usercfg file unless there is an update, so maybe... If one still has usercfg files that date back to before the keybind problem really arose (for me that was with Darkwalker ending) and renamed any usercfg back to that time (I tend to not delete files incase I might need them), then had TLD recreate the usercfg.70699 (brand new) from that one, the keybind problem might be avoided so long as nothing caused TLD to update the usercfg file, like an update or some other player action. What kind of action, I have no idea. Not a permanent fix, if it works, but a temporary one that might ease some of the annoyance until Hinterland can put out a real fix. Obviously I don't want to test this on my PC as it might make the magic go away... 😅
  9. The game does not support landscape changes which has been the biggest or one of the biggest obstacle to many suggestions. Additional animals in the game would have to be balanced between what the devs feel adds to the game and the effort to implement it.
  10. They learned a long time ago to NEVER promise or imply a promise of any game feature. It does seems very likely they have some ideas floating around about new animals as well as other things, but it would probably have to serve the game, particularly story mode, to get any work time on it.
  11. I haven't been to Ash Canyon - still in preparation phases for my various Pilgrim sandboxes - but I was a bit surprised not that Ash Canyon connected to Timberwolf Mountain, but that there were two connections to Timberwolf. I had hoped that Ash Canyon would have more than one access but wanted it to be to two different regions. For instance, one connection to Timberwolf and another to some part of Pleasant Valley or a ravine projection from the Ravine Basin or to Desolation Point (past the currently destroyed bridge). I didn't want to see a deadend region though given Ash Canyon is on the world map NE side of Timberwolf, that seems to imply that there may eventually be a connection to a future new region for Story mode. One can hope.
  12. I personally think the Riken is perched too high up to have been where it was when the ship sank or the ocean level receded - like a tsunami wave put it on the rocks. It might have been more realistic to require characters to climb up onto the deck then enter the hatch to the galley but at that point there was probably no climb mechanic either by rope or by hand in place so a hull breach was substituted rather than a convenient pile of stones. A breach because a rock stove in the hull was probably thought to result in too small a hole to be a practical entry so an outward breach was placed there notwithstanding the illogic.
  13. FYI, this is the affliction screen for broken ribs. Note that 2 applications of bandages (one at a time) and pain killers (two pills or one cup of rose hips tea at a time) needed as well as 120 hours of time.
  14. The presence of the mountaineering rope led to a lot of looking around for a "shortcut" because of the long path to the Cannery Pier from the starting point. There might be one, but not accessible right now. By that I mean there were possible spots for use of a rope but, for the purposes of the game, it might be something that would be revealed when or if Story mode quests (episode 4) comes to Bleak Inlet. It might also be there was no use for the rope too. The only "official" of sorts "shortcut" was the climb from upper Bleak Inlet down to lower Bleak Inlet according to Raphael so the hub hub died down after that.
  15. I had wondered about that. Okay so only firearms can be repaired from ruined. That may change eventually, and include tools, but good to know the current limits for the here and now.
  16. Hinterland is aware of the keybind reset problem and has been working on a fix. No prediction of when it comes out but it should be in a hotfix sooner or later. It wasn't ready in time for the fix for Badges and Feats hotfix. Suggested work-arounds have tended to be temporary. The key point is whether the keybinds hold when the game itself is ended (and not the save game) and reloaded from scratch. The keybind problem seems to stem from when the game starts up. It has been annoying.
  17. At face value, it does sounds like a glitch in your particular save game. If so, other than quit and reload the save game; quit out of TLD, start it up and load the save game; and cold boot your system then start up TLD and load the game, I do not know if there is much that can be done other than report what happened and carry on if you can or start a new game. If you start a new game, you might go find a moose and get trampled by it and see if the same problem arises, then report the bug with more details (I am kidding 😉). None of my characters have had the broken ribs affliction so there is not much more I can say. Good luck.
  18. The badges and feats fix works great, at least they are back where they should be. Unfortunately, the Campaign Mastery badge got compromised because for a while the game (or Steam?) saw I had "done" all the challenges when I had not and gave me that badge (Steam award?). I hope that the keybind reset issue can be fixed soon too.
  19. In an email from Hinterland responding to my bug report, they said that they were working on a fix for the badge and feats problem which should come out in a hotfix soon (date indeterminate). They also noted that they were working on fixing the persistent keybind reset problem but the solution for that may take a little longer and probably would be in a later hotfix (again, date indeterminate). For whatever reason, my PC seems to have fixed my keybinds reset problem in a probably non-reproducible manner, at least I don't know why it is now not a problem, but for now it is fixed. 😲
  20. With the above hint, I went back to my TheLongDarkNoSync folder, commented out the usercfg.69558 file and started the game. Got in and *voila* the keybinds were what they should have been. I went back to the TLDNS folder, looked and found a new usercfg.69558 file that exhibited two salient characteristics common to my earlier usercfg files (i.e. usercfg.69021) where my keybinds had held - file size 7,306 bytes and Modified Date of October 17, 2020. The commented out usercfg file had 6,201 bytes and a normal modified date. When the update occurred, that file had been about 1,000 bytes smaller. I do not know what is happening other than now my keybinds do not reset. I was surprised on the Hesitant Prospect update that the usercfg.69558 files that had been created had been about 5 K Bytes (and I lost badges I earned, got other badges I did not earn, and lost all my feats, and keybinds reset). I just checked again. The keybinds held but the badges and feats remain as they were changed during the Hesitant Prospect update.
  21. The flashlight on Hi-Beam was intended as a way to fend them off but eats up the flashlight's capacity faster than normal use during the aurora. I don't play in any mode where aurora wolves would be a problem so don't know how well or how erratic the flashlight is for that purpose.
  22. How successful snaring is depends. It helps to have rabbits in the general vicinity where the snare is placed. It also helps to not wait fruitlessly for the rabbit to appear in the snare and, after a couple days, move the snare. You have to search for where the snare becomes effective. In general wait, at least, a full day after placing the snare before deciding its a dry hole or the place to be. When you score, remember the spot for future use. Some places, like Jackrabbit Island, you can place the snare outside the front door of the house and get rabbits, in other places, like the Pleasant Valley farmstead, you need to place the snares near where the rabbits are hopping around (like out by that barn near the farmstead). Good luck.
  23. You must practice better stone throwing discipline. Keep that finger off the stone or keep it in your pocket unless you intend to use it. 😁 The problem of actually getting a interaction point with the stunned rabbit (even a dead one) has been a problem for a while now and contributes to the waste of stones. The devs do need to fix that and that would fix several other problems with other things as well.
  24. Badges I earned were gone and badges (Challenges) I didn't earn were awarded, except for 4DON which I never played. All Feats were initially gone from the main game listing, but not from save games and when a save game was saved the main game list would then show the feat as now being available/earned. Keybind resets have returned as a problem when loading the main game. Changing save games did not affect the keybinds.
  25. The act of moving an animal carcass has been addressed, more or less, by the act of quartering. It was not always advantageous and, at times, can be considerable trouble, if not downright dangerous (in game terms), but there it is. It kept moving an animal carcass within existing game mechanics with some changes (since it dealt with breaking an animal carcass down into more of its component elements). So while the devs can do what they want, I do not think, for the foreseeable future, that they would dispense with quartering as the way to move an animal carcass.