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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. Bears have shown an ability to "go to sleep" in sometimes unlikely spots (and sometimes unlikely reasons, why? don't know). Sometimes one may find a bear out somewhere and maybe it was one the character had shot and maybe it bled out. Maybe you find this: Or this: Only to find out it was still alive, only sleeping. Or you find this. This bear is dead. It died while sleeping when it bled out. Be careful out there.
  2. When I first went to Bleak Inlet, the occurrence of the aurora was very frequent then over a period of time I noticed that it started to taper off. Outside of Bleak Inlet, I have seen up to two weeks pass between auroras (I was in the Cinder Hills aurora annex so it was easy to keep count of the passage of days 🙂). In a recent youtube playthrough the player waited about ten days before the aurora occurred. It is random and can be maddeningly random at that. At 100 days you should have seen at least a few auroras. If you never saw one ever in that game, you could have a glitched game and maybe should consider writing off making ammunition if possible. Note that your gunsmithing skill affects the quality of the ammunition you can craft. At level 1 the ammo condition/quality will be 20% meaning a very good chance of a less than satisfactory effect when the trigger gets pulled. At level 2 it would be 40%, etc. I assume you have the components to reload ammunition - lead for bullets, gunpowder or the components to make it, and empty cartridge cases - or this could become an exercise in frustration. Good luck. Note I have not done Nomad, this was all under Pilgrim mode.
  3. I make this solely because in all of Ash Canyon I found two scrap metal and (as it happened) no hacksaw (but I went to Timberwolf and got one) to turn three (maybe four) metal pails into scrap metal. In going around Ash Canyon, I can be surprised at how meticulously tidy the previous inhabitants were. No junk piles and trash heaps which could be scavenged for things to be harvested or broken down. Where are the ruined (broken) picks, shovels, hatchets, knives, and clothing items, etc.? It is not as if there was regular trash pickup or a regular trash run to a landfill back in the civilized and populated areas before it all went to pot. I hope that the devs intend to open an "alternate" route into Ash Canyon from the other side of the region from Timberwolf. Given how difficult movement can be in Ash Canyon, it is hard to imagine that all that stuff got packed in by mule or porters. The Gold Mine must have been the mother lode of mother lodes to justify that much effort. 😄
  4. I have played Pilgrim for a very long time. I always think about the ultimate long-term run in my three Pilgrim runs. It infects my thinking and because of that I have to sometimes remind myself often that "this run was supposed to be more limited, such as getting feats, so loosen up on using matches, for god's sake". It is one reason why even if I had 1000 cloth onhand I would think, "what happens when I run out"? Same for matches, tools, whet stones, you name it.
  5. Up to the player, but I have a one or more significant bases in each major region I play in and many provisioned shelters. I play in Pilgrim mode so that is eminently possible. I also believe in having way station and emergency shelters so most any place that might function for those purpose, gets equipped with food, water, and sticks, at the least. It helps occupy my time. I even think about a Grand Tour of my bases across all the regions (that I have been to) every 200-300 days to see what has happened and to remind myself of what I left out there. Another way to occupy my time.
  6. If there was an excess number of cured animal-hides and guts in a base location and, of course, a work bench, I may make a second set of deer skin and rabbit skin clothing items, but otherwise no. Sometimes, if there were not a good selection of clothing at an outlying base, I might craft a set or most of a set to put there in the "just in case" category to fill in any gaps. I am inclined to always try to have sufficient materials for at least one mend for each animal-hide clothing item on hand. Being a Pilgrim player, I have not had any significant problems with animal-hide clothing deterioration but I like to have options.
  7. I went down into the Cinder Hills aurora mine section with a good amount of food. I explored after the aurora subsided because I didn't want to be electrocuted but the "sparks" in the water did unnerve me so I stayed out of the water even then. There is no particular need to go through the water - I later found out that it was not electrified without the aurora active but it was bitterly cold water - though one might find some items along the flooded portions. They all connect to the rest of the 'dry' tunnels. I spent about 16 days in there waiting for the aurora to occur again. I had eaten all the cooked meat I had brought into the mine and was down to the two MREs I had (found one in the mine) when the aurora finally occurred. I play in Pilgrim so Cabin Fever was not an issue, but it can become a factor for modes where it applies. Be careful. I will say I was prepared to chuck it if the situation proved to be unsurvivable (I had made a copy of the save game before going down, I had too much time invested to let the character die) not that I expected it to but better prepare for the contingency than to not and regret it. That's just my way of thinking. Good luck.
  8. The ropes in that area don't show on the screenshot, since I was looking more downward in order to get the shot, and I was looking around to see if there was another climbing point to get down there but didn't see any. I was concerned because it is easy to go down a slope that cannot be climbed. So a couple of people have gone down there and gotten back up, that is nice confirmation. Thanks.
  9. I can agree that it is not obviously impossible - those are not sheer vertical walls - that one could come up from the bottom, I'd just think it is very unlikely. I am just disinclined to try and find out for myself. In the game, I have run into snow slopes which don't look too steep but were impassable (or blocked by force planes) and those slopes look to be too steep. I am leery of possible one-way paths. Also the likely rewards, even in Pilgrim, for the risk, as I see it, is not worth the risk.
  10. A corpse and backpack (sorry for the poor quality) down at the bottom of that deep hole out behind the Gold Mine. You can see in the image a couple of cedar limbs and a rose hip bush. I looked around and didn't see any climbing rocks to attach a mountaineering rope (which I didn't have anyway) so it might be doable getting down there without dying but I would not have any expectation of someone being able to get back up. I think this is an anomaly. No way the devs would deliberately put a corpse and backpack at the bottom of one of the deepest sheer pits in Ash Canyon. Would they? 😲
  11. The way the game is structured now, structures would be pre-determined and have specific footprints and requirements for placement. That is why the snow shelter can be frustratingly hard to place especially when one finds what one thinks is the absolutely perfect location for it. It just doesn't fit. A tent would be not that different from a snow shelter just has different integral components. I really would like to see a kind of "Clear Room" command which would clear tables, clear counters, clear shelves, put chairs back up against a table, close cabinets whose doors were ajar and similarly for drawers that were not completely closed. The broken doors and drawers, TVs on the floor, the cups, plates, bowls, cutting boards, and anything that was non-functional would just be swept away. Alternately, though sort of immersion-breaking, make non-functional/interactable items like cups, utensils, bowls, plates, and such that were on tables, counters, and shelves not interfere with placement of items on the tables, counters, and shelves. If it is not a container or can't be interacted with then there should be the option to make it "go away". But that would be a lot of work for the devs, I would expect, so highly unlikely but I would really like it.
  12. The usual advice would be to quit and reload assuming that you have done nothing to cause a save while in the stuck position. Until a save occurs while stuck the option to quit and reload which causes loss of game progress since the last save remains a viable option. Once any action causes a save while stuck, the quit and reload option is then closed and the only option left is basically write the save game off and start again.
  13. It was a random drop. The revolver could appear most anywhere. In my current Pilgrim run in Ash Canyon, I found a revolver in the Homesteader's Respite cabin on a table and a few rounds of ammunition. I also found two rifles of varying condition - one in Angler's Den on the rifle rack and one up in the Gold mine on the ground (it would be easy to miss it). No cleaning kits yet.
  14. Forging a prybar would seem to be a reasonable extension of forge use. Given the general availability of the tool and relative limited useful uses, though, I would guess that would be why it was not included in the forging list.
  15. As a matter of routine, I stay under the encumbrance limit. If I have a specific purpose that's a different matter as the trade-offs are now different. Of course this is all subject to circumstances, so it is mostly true.
  16. Sounds good. So it was not a hopeless situation about keeping the crampons in good repair. Just a long trip to the other end of the world (I am in Ash Canyon). 😄
  17. Just thought I'd add a post that the update 1.93 solved the keybind problem. I went back, put an older version of usercfg (that had had the problem) in line and got TLD to create an updated usercfg, and no problem with keybinds. So it was fixed.
  18. I had crampons that got 3% wet and stayed that way - I only equip them to climb a rope. I had heard about having them equipped, so when I went to bed I put them on. I was not going to be walking around with them. They were dry when I woke up. When the devs finally decide whether crampons can be repaired they'll probably make the extra effort to deal with the wetness bug. I would also note that when my game loads (and possibly every time I pass through a transition) the weight of my revolver and rifle, even when loaded, reverts to the unloaded weight unless it was equipped. Equip the firearm and the weight updates until possibly the next transition if the firearm was unequipped in the meantime. Makes for a bit of a surprise if one closely adjusts the weight carried to be just unencumbered then equip the firearm(s) and become encumbered. 😲
  19. Although the aurora-power drill press mitigates the scarcity of whet stones (being the equivalent of a fixed, permanent grindstone), in the category of making more work for the development team 😁, I would like to suggest a skill for sharpening knives and hatchets. Currently, skill nominally starts at some low number though with 100% chance of success and a tool condition improvement that starts at 4% and rises to 5% with some practice. The whet stone with each act of sharpening loses 5% condition. This means that a whet stone, an item in short supply and otherwise irreplaceable (mitigated by the presence of the aforementioned drill press), can at best produce a cumulative positive change of +100% in condition (of one or a combination of knives and hatchets) before being worn out. The proposed skill would have five tiers per the usual way the skill levels work in TLD. Level 1 is, of course, the default starting skill with +0% bonus effect so a uniform starting of 5%. Every level increases the bonus by 1%, so level 2 is +1% (so +6% item condition improvement) to level 5 at +4% (+9% condition improvement). Alternately, the improvement might be in reducing the impact to the whet stone's condition. At level 1 the whet stone loses 5% condition, level 2 it loses 4%, all the way to level 5 where it loses 1%. Sharpening condition improvement can remain largely as currently in the game starting at 4% and increasing to 5% with practice. If, at level 5, a +9% condition improvement in the sharpened tool or 1% condition loss of the whet stone is considered too beneficial, some combination of the two benefits might be worked out such as maybe the condition improvement of sharpening might occur at level 2 and 4 (so +7%) with a 25% and 50% reduction in whet stone condition loss at level 3 and level 5 skill or something like that. Anyway so, at an assumed level 5 skill, in the resulting +9% improvement category a whet stone would generate +180% total condition improvement (20 uses of a whet stone) while the -1% condition loss category a whet stone would produce +500% total condition improvement (100 uses of a whet stone). Whet stones currently are a limited resource so I leave it to the devs to which might seem more worthwhile or in what combination. I would suppose that there might be applicability to hacksaws in which the character sharpens the cutting blade with a whet stone (a bit of a stretch perhaps) for small improvements to the hacksaw's condition (at the cost of taking a lot longer per % improvement) versus using scrap metal and tool kit for a larger repair or scrap metal and drill press for a complete repair. Just a thought. 😀
  20. I have been playing in Ash Canyon (typical for me in Pilgrim) and I noticed something that may be new or maybe not and I just never noticed it before. The charcoal map, if one harvested some resource (limbs, cattails, reishi, rose hips, birch saplings, etc.) then used another charcoal to map the area again the map would "update" and the harvested resources would disappear (since they have now been taken) from the map. The stump of the birch sapling taken would still be there, of course, but now you no longer see it as a resource on the map. Depending on your druthers, that may be good or not so good.
  21. Food preservation - salting, drying, smoking, etc. - has been suggested a lot. I expect that for the purposes of story mode (the focus of TLD), which nominally covers only a period of a few weeks at worst, compared to survival mode where durations can be for thousands of days, the devs have decided it is not worth implementing at this time. There are probably a host of food preservation techniques that could be introduced into the game but, as always, the implementation is up to the discretion of the devs. They have to do the work, after all.
  22. Just a thought. Not really necessary, but with certain locations being classified as "indoors" as time goes on it might be something to do. When in a location that might look like it should be "indoors" like the entry area to Cinder Hills mine, it might be worthwhile to put down a campfire. Can't do that NOW in Cinder Hills mine, that has already changed, but as time marches on and places change, something to keep in mind. I recently discovered that the niche beyond a waterfall in the Misty Falls Picnic Area cave, has been classed as "indoors" which I found out after I tried to light a fire there. In the chamber before the waterfall, I had previously had a campfire so I did light that one before venturing through the waterfall into that niche. If a campfire was already in existence in that location, then relax the burned out campfire can be relit, but it might be that no new campfire can be laid down (so don't dismantle any campfire unless you have to as you may not be able to replace it).
  23. In general things like scrub brush should not respawn. It is winter, after all. But that does not preclude spawning due to other game-related effects like landscape changes. I don't harvest things that I don't think will respawn but I did do one scrub brush out by Poacher's Camp, as a test, and it never came back.
  24. This applies to the times when a forum member has commented on a thread resulting in a star with a red star when there was a new post to the thread. The minor issue is that once the thread is read/accessed the red star persists whereas in any other thread which was marked with a red circle for unread postings the red circle disappears when the thread is accessed. Previously the red star would become an outline of the star and otherwise blank. It is a bit annoying that a look at the status for forum threads to see red stars where they should not be. I hope I am making sense. Thanks.
  25. Candles have bee requested and so far has not been implemented. Once, not so long ago, I think about the time of Crossroads Elergy (episode 3), Hinterland had asked how candles would add to the game experience (or something like that)? If they were going to do the work to implement, they wanted a better reason to justify the effort than "we want candles". I do not oppose lighters, but one that can be fueled like lanterns would likely be thought of by the devs as too open-ended. 100% fire strikers are limited to about 50 uses and are basically the equivalent of matches (mostly) - there is a limited supply or usability and once used up that's it. A basically forever lighter fueled by lamp oil (itself a stretch as a replacement for kerosene fuel) would affect the game balance in ways the devs likely do not favor at this time. However nothing prohibits them from deciding to include one. I did not expect to see ammunition reloading implemented the way it was (or at all) but there it is.