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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. How successful snaring is depends. It helps to have rabbits in the general vicinity where the snare is placed. It also helps to not wait fruitlessly for the rabbit to appear in the snare and, after a couple days, move the snare. You have to search for where the snare becomes effective. In general wait, at least, a full day after placing the snare before deciding its a dry hole or the place to be. When you score, remember the spot for future use. Some places, like Jackrabbit Island, you can place the snare outside the front door of the house and get rabbits, in other places, like the Pleasant Valley farmstead, you need to place the snares near where the rabbits are hopping around (like out by that barn near the farmstead). Good luck.
  2. You must practice better stone throwing discipline. Keep that finger off the stone or keep it in your pocket unless you intend to use it. 😁 The problem of actually getting a interaction point with the stunned rabbit (even a dead one) has been a problem for a while now and contributes to the waste of stones. The devs do need to fix that and that would fix several other problems with other things as well.
  3. Badges I earned were gone and badges (Challenges) I didn't earn were awarded, except for 4DON which I never played. All Feats were initially gone from the main game listing, but not from save games and when a save game was saved the main game list would then show the feat as now being available/earned. Keybind resets have returned as a problem when loading the main game. Changing save games did not affect the keybinds.
  4. The act of moving an animal carcass has been addressed, more or less, by the act of quartering. It was not always advantageous and, at times, can be considerable trouble, if not downright dangerous (in game terms), but there it is. It kept moving an animal carcass within existing game mechanics with some changes (since it dealt with breaking an animal carcass down into more of its component elements). So while the devs can do what they want, I do not think, for the foreseeable future, that they would dispense with quartering as the way to move an animal carcass.
  5. For a long time I only play in Pilgrim. That said, I have four Pilgrim games I rotate through that have ongoing durations of 1900+ days to 900+ days. I play Pilgrim because I am not so keen to have to contend with hostile wildlife. Winter's Embrace and Escape the Darkwalker events got me to play basically in a Voyager type game and I still have the Winter's Embrace save game, albeit now Voyager mode, and I'll almost certainly keep it for now (can't just throw away all that ammo and such 🙂 ). My objective for my Pilgrim games is to get each of them to whatever the "endpoint" of Story mode (I assume it will end in a 'new' region) and at that point I'll see what I do then. To pass the time, I make a point of checking my outlying emergency shelters and bases, and every 200 to 300 game days go on a grand tour to check all visited revions (remind myself of what I have there) what has happened there since my last visit. It allows for a change of pace and gods I can get so into making lots of lamp oil and collecting lots and lots of sticks (I have this fear of running out of stuff 😅 ). I have deliberately not visited two regions - Mountain Town and Hushed River Valley - on the "there be dragons" (places I have never been) way of thinking. Always a kind of unknown area. That does not mean I haven't watched other play-throughs that went through those areas so I know a lot about the regions just never been there. The closest I came to entering the "unknown" was Bleak Inlet as I really didn't know the layout or what to expect other than I wanted to find the ammunition workbench. Naturally, I prepared to excess in bring food, fuel, charcoal (for mapping) and other things to the entrance to that region. It was fun exploration even if I was not at any serious risk.
  6. I have ep1sandbox1 and ep1sandbox2. The longest is about 1,970+ days. All my main games are Pilgrim mode. I have sandbox10 which is Voyager but that is due to Winter's Embrace which remains the first Voyager game I have had and kept in a long time.
  7. Given @k0s0ff sharp eyes, I went back and looked at the previous images. In my cropped image, notice that little thing sticking up on the upper left, next to a tree? Possible lookout, maybe not a full-fledged lookout but a place to look for smoke of fires. That may tie into the next image. I did not notice before that the cable-way was going to an obvious lookout tower and it appears that the cable-way, no it is a foot bridge of some kind, continues at an angle, maybe 90 degrees, to the cable-way. The lookout tower might even be a central point for more foot bridges that we cannot see. Given how rugged the terrain is, it might be more effective to have an elevated path for observers who would not have to or be able to drive vehicles to access the locations where there would be some kind of shelter. One might expect there is a parking lot of some kind at the terminus of the cable-way but that's no necessarily so in the game. I also think that there was a forest fire at some point in the not too distant past. From what can be seen the location seems pretty isolated so the decision might have been to let it burn itself out. The only practical way to access the canyon floor would be from the lower end which might be towards the coast. With no apparent roads, it would look like a nightmare to try and deal with a forest fire. We'll see when this goes live.
  8. At some point in the not so distance past, the animal AI appeared to have been modified so the deer and wolf/wolves would head in more random directions than might be expected and sometimes frustratingly so. I have been herding a deer towards where a wolf was only to have the deer, with a large number of directions it could have gone, flee right back through me. It was not impossible, but luck does matter in the process a lot more.
  9. Raphael's tweet today suggests possibly next week the update will go live, if all goes well with testing. I would think more towards the start of the week since that gives them more time to work on the inevitable bugs and problems that will show up.
  10. Using the electronic igniter of the storm lantern as a light source was used a long time ago when lanterns used kerosene not lamp oil. At the time it didn't use any fuel but that "exploit" (oh that word which was used a lot back in Early Access 🙂 ) was "fixed" and it would consume a small amount of fuel. A consideration about using the "sparking" is that if your lantern does not have any fuel that can cause a problem in the game since it does not have a graceful way to abort lighting a fuel-less lantern that can leave a player with a lantern in hand, unable to put it away and the game still runs, if that happens the only recourse seems to be to quit and reload.
  11. We'll get information on what the December Update actually contains, including details of fixes, UI changes, etc., the day they let it go live. That seems to be the way I find out about what an update contains.
  12. Did you know: You can get frostbite the risk/affliction while Feels like Temperature (FLT) says you are warm, even completely warm? FLT refers to whole body temperature (the net of ambient air temp, windchill, clothing warmth/windchill resistance and any other source of warmth like a fire) while frostbite affects an (uncovered/unprotected) extremity and FLT does not apply (net of ambient air temp, windchill [I think], and any other source of warmth like a fire or a bedroll or bed). Other than the initial warning of the risk, the notification that the risk was dissipated, or the announcement that you now have frostbite the affliction, there is no way to know where you stand on the state of the risk (rising, falling, static) except by looking at the status screen (i.e. where things like sprains, etc. show up) . Even if you think you have taken care of the cause (e.g. found a covering for an extremity) until the frostbite risk is gone keep an eye on it and don't assume that everything is okay now.
  13. My apologies, I didn't notice the original posting date 😅 . A couple years can be a lifetime in a game and player experience.
  14. Anything that is electronic (by current assumed canon) would not function except maybe during an aurora, but even then it would be of limited use. I am not up on the state of the technology so assume it has to be powered in some fashion.
  15. Whatever was intended to be accomplished by "knitting" can be accomplished with "crafting". It is just a matter of the devs choosing to add the crafting recipes to do so. There are boots, pants, jackets, mittens and hats that can be crafted. Improvised handwraps and headcoverings were added because those can be very hard to come by in certain modes and the consequences (frostbite) have own impacts on players (largely due to the RNG). So there was a recognized problem and it was solved. Adding more improvised clothing items would not really add to the game, at the present, and that is basically what has to happen (in the devs' opinion) for implementation would involve a fair amount of work by the Hinterland crew to bring it about. So there is nothing wrong with the idea but the implementation effort and expected results would make it not worthwhile. It might also change game dynamics and that is an assessment that depend on the individual.
  16. The reset of keybinds has been a problem (again) starting possibly with some glitch contained within the 2 GB download for Escape the Darkwalker (and other things). A lot of players have experienced the bug and most remedial measures, related to deleting the usercfg.xxxxx files from TheLongDarkNoSync folder, have been temporary at best. For myself, some kind of fortuitous computer glitch has apparently "fixed" the keybind problem for now. You should bug the problem. Keybinds resetting is very annoying but not as much of a problem as inability to enter or leave a building or game crashes which would be game-breaking.
  17. My experience with the keybind problem has been strange and probably specific to me and my PC. For some reason, somewhere, my PC seems to have made several usercfgs going back a few updates have a modified date of October 17. Even with that last update of a day ago, the usercfg.69021 file has a current created date (as of the update and when I started TLD), a current accessed date, and the same modified date (October 17). And I still have not had the keybind problem crop up. I had hoped that it was a simplistic interim fix but apparently not.
  18. I have heard that what I found does not hold for everyone, all the time, but it holds for me and I have no explanation. I do know that for whatever reason the usercfg.68231 is smaller than the user001 file and that the "modify" date is still stuck on October 17 though the created and accessed notations in properties is more current. Might be a glitch on my PC at that, but as long as the keybinds stick, I guess I can't complain. 😲
  19. FWIW, for me and my PC, I have figured out what was happening with losing my keybinds. In the folder: TheLongDarkNoSync there are or maybe files of the form: usercfg.xxxxx where the xxxxx is the build number. The current (November 2020) build seems to be 68231 so the file in the aforementioned folder would be usercfg.68231. The strange/funny thing I discovered was that (for me) there were TWO usecfg.68231 files, one dated October 17 and the other from November (after the Darkwalker event concluded). People familiar with PCs (Windows 10) would know that is not supposed to happen. Each is a discrete file. Anyway, for me, the later file from November once it was renamed to xusercfg.68231 (could just delete it but I kind of am reluctant to do things like that until I know I don't need it) and the October file left alone, the keybind problem disappeared. Why did this happen? I don't know. But at least I don't have the keybind resetting to default problem anymore... for now.
  20. I was having recent trouble with my keybinds gettng reset to default. Since I do change my WASD to SZXC that was kind of noticeable. Hinterland suggested to others to go to the folder TheLongDarkNoSync and delete the configuration files there. I discovered that the folder: TheLongDarkNoSync contains files of the form: usercfg.xxxxx. The "xxxxx" represent the build numbers. Towards the end of that long list of files I had several (64569, 67831, and 68231) that had the same date (October 17, 2020) and time stamp. I also found a usercfg.68231 that had a more recent date. After several iterations of experimentation, I think the October 17, 2020 usercfg.68231 is the correct config file and the "newer" usercfg.68231 was not. With the "newer" one out of the way, my keybinds did not revert to default. This seems to be holding. Something may have gone wrong when Escape the Darkwalker event ended, which was about where my keybind issue arose. What I have done seems to work. Good luck.
  21. I heard that tech support advised going to the TheLongDarkNoSync folder and deleting all the configuration files there. This is just my experience, YMMV. The named folder contained a host of files in the form of "usercfg.xxxxx" where the xxxxx is the build number. For instance, there should be a "usercfg.68231" file. I discovered that I had TWO such files with different date stamps. The older one was dated October 17, 2020 and the newer one was dated more closely to when I actually played (i.e. November 18, 2020) . Technically on the PC there should not be two usercfg.68231 in the same folder with different date stamps but there were. I renamed the newer file to xusercfg.68231 and then played the game. My keybinds held and consistently held. Swapping the newer and older file, the keybinds got reset to default. I was going to put things back the other way but when I tried to rename the older "_xusercfg.68231" to usercfg.68231 my PC said that there was already a file there. I had already renamed the newer file so that could not be in the way. I looked at the directory and there was a "usercfg.68231" already there. I suspect that something went wrong when ETDW event ended resulting in a new usercfg.68231 file which got in the way of the "correct" one. So either delete all the usercfg.xxxxx in the TheLongDarkNoSync folder or look for a duplicate usercfg.68231 and rename to newer one to something else. For me there were several usercfg files with the date October 17, 2020 and the same time, so from my experience those are the okay one. Then try booting up the game. I suggest booting the game from scratch so there is nothing left of that possibly troublesome usercfg file still in the game. Good luck.
  22. Sleds, skis, snow shoes, travois, etc. have been suggested and discussed for a long time. So in that sense nothing new is being suggested. The implementation would be the problem since the interaction with the environment, character, and game mechanics would be difficult and can have collateral impacts and these will often not be trivial. If something has a use in Story mode then the devs would certainly look more closely at how to implement it. But if the effort to implement is too costly or difficult, then whatever idea that supported that item/use might be dropped.
  23. Frostbite the Affliction is a permanent condition. Once acquired, it remains for the entirety of the run and it can be acquired multiple times taking a toll on the maximum condition of the character. Frostbite the Risk is a variable precursor to the Affliction. The risk goes up and down depending on environmental conditions and a character can have multiple risks of frostbite at the same time. One key difference in dealing with the risk is to realize that ambient air temperature matters and the warmth bonus that results from all clothing worn does not - making Feels Like Temperature rather dangerous when dealing with frostbite risk. Even if the FLT was +15 C, the abandoned prepper cache is like -3 C or something and the bed there is +5 C. By FLT the character is quite warm +17 C (+15 clothing, -3 cache, +5 bed) but by frostbite rules the character's frostbite risk is being reduced by only a +2 C difference (-3 cache +5 bed). A vast difference. Any number of characters have run afoul of miscalculating how fast the risk was rising or mistaking the FLT as being material to their risk and gotten frostbite the affliction. There are other related aspects but this is kind of the basic. So do you have frostbite the Affliction or frostbite the Risk? In any case, good luck.
  24. I would not really object to introduction of primers - they will likely be generic like cast bullets, one size fits all - though I don't object to their absence. The problems for devs when considering primers would be 1) how small they are, 2) how many would realistically be in a box (it seems to come in trays of 100), and 3) people don't just keep primers for the sake of primers and their existence might put more pressure on making ammo reloading something that can be done elsewhere, and 4) how to add such to the loot tables. I would guess that the devs decided if a character has the lead plates, the stump remover, the dusting sulfur and charcoal, to make the bullets and gunpowder, the empty cartridge cases, and is at the sole ammunition workbench on Great Bear Island as well as have the materials to survive while doing so, then primers would be a superfluous additional requirement. But it might have been a nice touch.
  25. Practically, because each of the towers was probably part of an automated communication system and had line of sight to another tower in what would be another area/region. One might expect that each tower would have an auxiliary equipment point to continue operations if power was lost but with the exception of Signal Hill control hut, there is none. There should have been some facility to coordinate the signals to/from/through each tower. The towers themselves were also inconveniently located for ease of maintenance and routine checks, in fact Forlorn Muskeg lacked the kind of roads, even a hint of them, that would allow system personnel to drive up to each location. Of course, as a game, there is no need for consistency only for what seems "realistic".