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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. As a means to increase the capacity to move stuff, a travois would fall into the same category as a sled especially since the game does not have horses or dogs so the character would have to physically use the device by him or herself. If the intent was not to increase carrying capacity, then there is no need for such a device. if the intent was to increase carrying capacity then how it would impact the character and interact with the environment would make implementation difficult. Defining the actual construction of such a device would be the easy part.
  2. I have noticed that the bridges whose travel way (i.e. road surface) consists of logs now cause a significant amount of bouncing motion when being walked across. It is very obvious, unsettling, and annoying. Now I found, in Bleak Inlet, that the bouncing (the log irregular road surface) can be so pronounced that I can get [sort of] stuck much like trying to cross a railroad track which has motivated me to complain about it.
  3. Discovered that the first two tiers of crates in the workshop can now be touched and presumably broken down. The third tier on top still cannot be touched. The presence of the mountaineering rope in the workshop is about the only reason why I would think that a future Story mode quest will happen there and that there may be a "shortcut" to be revealed. I look forward to Hinterland springing that "surprise" on us eventually.
  4. While Hinterland can always surprise us, I doubt that any shortcut would be provided until and unless some quest in episode 4 (when it is released) - which by implication should happen in Coastal Highway - requires Astrid or Will (how he gets there I do not know) to access the workshop. Yes, it is a long walk around, but if they do not have a quest that requires access to the workshop there is no reason for them to provide one and if there would be a quest then no reason to let the cat out of the bag. For example, access to Skeeter's Ridge was previously restricted to the road from the east side or a two rope climb (which replaced a footpath up from vicinity of Draft Dodgers). Then with CE, there was now an additional path from Skeeters down to the river on the west side. I am about to enter Bleak Inlet and go to the workshop. I would like for the path in the Cannery to be shorter, but I don't expect anything to change.
  5. Although over time one would expect that environmental deterioration of structures would occur, that is not a feature of Story mode which was the underlying basis for the game. Sure, players have spent years in Survival mode - which to remind everyone was not expected or intended to be an actual game mode - but the underlying basis remains Story mode which, realistically, would be expected to play out from start to finish, in game-terms, over a period of a few weeks at most. Implementing deterioration in structures would involve much more effort on the part of the development team and associated groups than they would want to devote until Story mode is fully in the can. With limited resources, choices have to be made.
  6. I use the caches primarily for ... storing things. I have one by the tracks near the Camp Office to hold the gunpowder components I was going to take to Bleak Inlet. I put a cache near the transition cave entrance in Bleak Inlet so it is easier to sort through stuff (I still leave other things on the snow because even 30 kg in a cache is not enough). I even put a cache near the Old Spence Forge and Poacher's Camp to get more storage space. The need to accumulate 50 stones takes time and effort so one balances the value of placing a cache with the cost to get the stones. But the additional storage afforded is quite useful. I suppose it would have been nice, though probably problematic to implement so unlikely, if meat and fish (stipulated as cooked) placed in a cache would then decay as per most modern foods in the game (i.e. along the 1,000 day line) rather than 1% or more per day. It would largely negate a need for food preservation for the longer term and if food that went to ruined in a cache then disappeared as it would in any container, I think I would be able to come to terms with that. It would give me a reason to make a tour of my food caches and move food outside or get fresher stuff to replace it.
  7. I have not seen any new Geltaz stuff. I hope he's okay. Maybe moved on to other endeavors. I was always astounded at what he could do with a bow.
  8. Occasionally we get these "fantastic" and unexpected kills. I recall standing outside Trapper's seeing a deer out in the bowl down below, maybe 50 or 100 yards (yeah, 100, whose telling this story ) loosing an arrow at it and *presto* it dropped in its tracks. Astounding. No recording of this "Geltaz" shot .
  9. Alcohol for consumption with ancillary use as a disinfectant does not bring to mind any improvement, in the current game state or in Story mode, as far as we know, to its introduction. Since Hinterland would want to balance any "advantage" from such consumption with "disadvantage" of such, the potential downside looks worse than any upside so it is doubtful they would expend the time to implement it. If it was to be an important factor or use in Story mode, in some quest or some background aspect, that is a different matter. And Hinterland might surprise us in that vein.
  10. When I harvest a bear or moose, I take the meat in ten kilo lots, then move to a short distance and drop it on the snow then go back to get another lot. Each pile represents ten kilos of meat. When I bring the meat to my base or cook station, I tend to take one lot at a time and dump them into a discrete piles if I don't put them into some kind of arrangement. That works better for me. Since I tend to not get everything cooked or, more particularly, consumed before it reaches ruined condition, putting the meat (raw or cooked) into a container is not something I would do ever. But it would be one way to organize things.
  11. Found a second polaroid for Forlorn Muskeg, but for the life of me I cannot remember where I found it. It might have been at the abandoned camp (ruined snow shelter, etc.) near the Muskeg overlook, an unnamed cave between Old Spence and the cave to Bleak Inlet (but then it would have had to be laying on the cave floor, or maybe in the cave to Bleak Inlet on a corpse though I think that last unlikely.
  12. If one does set fires around a vehicle, be sure to check where exiting from the vehicle from any door will put you. Same with interior caves both on both sides of the interface. The game does not care where it puts you, so place a fire in the wrong spot and obviously, when you transition, you wanted to be placed on that spot in the fire. People have gotten "burned" because they didn't check that. As another concept, since we now have the capacity to build a cache using 50 stones, maybe we'll eventually be able to use 50 stones and construct a two cooking surface field stove. The weight of the stones and probable lack of wolf deterrence (game balance you know) would likely make it something that is built for a purpose such as in a location where the [expletive] winds keep blowing your [expletive] fire out or as a means to make snow shelters maybe more survivable since there are limits to its base protection. I suppose a smaller version, using 25 stones, might provide for a one surface field stove or maybe just a warmth stove that is wind-proof.
  13. Found a polaroid for Forlorn Muskeg in the northern hunter's blind (taking orientation of North being top of the map in the game). Wasn't quite expecting to find it there.
  14. Fluffy was removed from Carter Hydro because the change on the generator level apparently made pathing there too difficult at the time. The workshop at the Cannery and the cave where Scruffy is much more open in a relative sense so less places for a wolf to get stuck. Given that wolves can now enter the Carter Baseyard if the gate is left open due to improvements in pathing, it might herald an eventual return of Fluffy if Hinterland feels it is worth the effort. I have not heard anyone mention The Return of Fluffy.
  15. UTC-10

    Curing of meat

    I would expect that any implementation of food preservation techniques beyond that currently available (putting meat and fish outside in the cold) will be somewhat more and significantly less useful than hoped.
  16. The beachcombing spot is located on the ice near the fallen lighthouse island. I have found it to be really good with lots of stuff (generally five or six things about every 24 hours) or not so good picking, but usually reasonably useful on the same time scale. Coming from the island side, as the spot is not way the heck out on the ice, you can actually get close enough to pick it all up with almost no risk. I play Pilgrim so predator patterns are probably different, but fallen lighthouse island is rather isolated from timber wolves and the only major threat was the bear which often patrolled between the island and the "mainland".
  17. Never played Interloper, never went to Hushed River Valley, though I would hazard a guess an improvised hatchet or knife should be possible since it does exist in Interloper. But Interloper is Interloper, the chances, like most default drops, would probably be very low unless it was a verified guaranteed drop at some spot. To depend on it randomly happening should only be relied upon out of necessity (like you spawn there and you're on a personal challenge to survive wherever the game starts you) and not if you have any other option.
  18. You can mend the satchel with cured leather. As opposed to every other piece of animal hide clothing, you do not need a moose hide to fix the satchel though you probably need one for the moose hide jacket.
  19. Lag is a relative term, here is something I detected: I have noticed that when in a situation where the game saves, it no longer freezes the screen for several seconds until the action is done, at least not for when I cross a transition and presumably wake up, etc. This came up because I had walked into a cabin, paused the game, and saw that the save game and the user file had different date-stamps which, to me, meant a failure to save was occurring (from prior experience). I reported that but eventually figured out that probably this was the action of saving the game that now occurred on a separate thread so I would not be stopped for a few seconds, and then if I was moving, the game screen would momentarily "hiccup" which I took as the save game thread getting the save completed. Typically if I wait say 5 seconds, I don't see that "hiccup". I can also check the date stamps on the save and user file and they are close enough so I know they saved. For me, I had instances before Crossroads Elergy where the game would not save game progress over a period of real life hours with a considerable loss of game progress. It was also not detectable unless you did like me and had the save game folder always open and checking the date stamps. I suspect that TLD is sometimes pushing my graphics card and I should get a new computer.
  20. Update to 63122. Still version 1.78 What Admin posted above probably accounts for it.
  21. You have encountered the regional Lost and Found boxes, there are far as I know, one per region, excepting Pleasant Valley where there can be two. Since regional Lost and Found will sweep up everything that is outside (it appears to include just about everything you touched, even stones, cattails, and tinder plugs) and put them into the regional Lost and Found box, by necessity, the box is likely to contain a whole lot more than would be typical. The Lost and Found container only allows things to be taken out. Food still decays and will disappear if it reaches ruined (0%) condition. Food that was ruined, e.g. ruined bear meat you left out in the snow, will be disappear because the Lost and Found container is a container. Ruined clothing and burned out torches will survive because it appears that the rules make an exception for something that has a harvest value. Sometimes you will find things that were out there but you didn't notice. Inside a dwelling, there can be a local Lost and Found container typically by one of the entries. It does the same thing, basically, locally as the regional Lost and Found does for things out in the region. Inside, coverage can be a bit spotty with some ruined food items, for instance, remaining where they were. However otherwise, the rules are the same as for the regional lost and found. As far as we know, the Lost and Found container will remain in the game until it is emptied. Presumably any future Lost and Found event will add to the contents as applicable.
  22. Update 1.78 apparently removed the polaroid of Bleak Inlet from the Quonset garage as unintended. It did not affect the fact that I had already found it. My goodness, when I got to the vista point in Bleak Inlet and used a charcoal the amount of the region revealed was pretty astounding.
  23. I figured that the no-decay aspect of caches as regards meat in them was a bug. Expected that fix. That fix also means that ruined meat cannot be put into a cache and almost certainly any food item reaching ruined condition would disappear. It did cause my game to crash while it regurgitated the piece of ruined meat I had left in a cache as a test. Hopefully my game will forgive me. The fix to clustered spray marks should help, too. I'll see.
  24. UTC-10

    New way of MRE

    I have nothing against introduction of a variety of MREs, but as far as The Long Dark 1.0 goes I just don't expect to see it. It would be nice to have but would complicate the food and drink situation as well as mean that the 1,750 calorie MRE is not going to weigh 0.5 kg but more like 1.0 kg. They also better be more like Canadian IMPs since they include a gusset on the bottom of the pouch and beverage bags so they can stand up. After all we won't be able to 'get this out onto a tray... nice'. Maybe in The Long Dark 2.0 if that ever happens.
  25. Spray Cans. I have been going around Coastal Highway marking things. Mostly cars that didn't or no longer have a battery or, in one case, has a trunk full of sticks. 1. When bringing up the spray can marking menu, perhaps the game can say "You don't have a spray can" or "You have no spray paint" if that is the case. Save some consternation about what happened. The current implementation shows you readying a spray can whether you have a work one or not. It only tells you when you try and you can't. I do not know how the mechanic selects which can to use but seems to default to using the lower condition (less paint in it) first does suit me. 2. In inventory, when a spray can is empty, maybe mark it as "ruined" unless there is going to be some way to refill one. Right now I am littering around the Quonset garage with the empty spray cans. Pretty but like brands and survival bows, they apparently cannot be disposed of only dropped. 3. In the Coastal Townsite, due to the proximity of the cars (and houses), marking locations there generates an ill-defined mark that if you're looking at it now shows all the marks you have in that area and asks if you want to delete any or all. If you had a specific one you decided to delete, you don't know which of the list of marks is that one and does that actually erase the mark from wherever it was placed or just from the list? 4. It appears that limited visibility (I guess) seems to prevent marks that should be clearly visible from appearing on the map. I marked the cars near the Fishing Camp and, while the cars got marked, nothing showed on the map. I tried to update it with charcoal which is where I got the not enough visibility so I assume that restriction may have bled over to whether it should show the paint marks. When it was implemented I was not sure that they would be useful, but I guess I am finding a reasonable use for them.