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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. I have limited experience with timber wolves but all of the weapons seemed good to me. Accuracy and speed are your best weapons. I would suggest practicing quick shots and without using the aim button because of the, frankly, absurd AI dodge which only happens if you "aim". Actually, if you enjoy games like UT2004 then that would be really effective training. I bet with a few weeks of solid UT2004 you could mow those wolves over no problem. Actually I do have one suggestion. Bring multiple weapons. I think the DPS on the pistol is probably the highest, but the reload takes a while. Start off with the pistol, take all six shots as quickly as you can, then switch to the rifle or bow.
  2. I don't understand why storage is something that comes up. To me I see the ground as an unlimited but RSI inducing storage box. boxes are simply there to reduce tedium and pain for people? Why not have more available? I don't think they actually help you to survive unless I am missing something?
  3. Just going to leave that there about rabbits.
  4. If wolves actually had to path to the meat it would completely solve those issues......and replace it with self hunting meat.....
  5. I honestly don't understand why they haven't done this already. The calorie numbers are so off.
  6. It sounds reasonable initially, and it would make the stone caches have a reason to exist. I could see them doing it in two ways though... 1) The dogs don't actually come and your stuff just vanishes which is easier to program but also makes it more annoying to players 2) Make it so the dogs have to actually go to the meat. This removes the annoying things but also makes it so your meat hunts itself. Meat does "go bad" more slowly outside, though how it goes bad at all in -15 is a mystery. Of course that could change at any time so it's best to test by keeping one inside to compare with
  7. I do seem to recall survivor man saying he wakes up when he gets too cold, for what that's worth. I think though that gameplay wise this might be a good idea because without waking up when freezing you make the optimal choice to sleep in one hour increments. This is tedious but obviously the best choice for staying alive.
  8. I think it's okay for them to make the game how they want to....it is their project. Of course there are other games such as xenonauts 2 where it is much more community focused. The people making that game will talk to us regular people and things get looked and and implemented and changed, removed if they don't work, etc. I do think it's going to be a better game because of that too so really it is a shame that hinterland mostly doesn't seem to read or care what we think. At least relative to the other project I purchased early to fund.
  9. Yes custom helps, but I wish we had more control over custom games. For people who want the challenge to move more towards supply management and the weather instead of having the wolf thunderdome there isn't much on offer I feel.
  10. I think starting down the nutrition road isn't somewhere the devs want to go. That being said, I think having a better starvation/fat system would be of benefit. Right now it's too simple and I don't think it works well. Having everything linked to health means that food and health are largely the same thing which enables people to eat almost nothing every day and simply regen their "food" back at night. Or regenerate their cold back, or whatever it happens to be. It also means you could, in theory, burn yourself to 1% inside, step outside, and freeze to death in ten seconds after standing in a fire. It's obvious that having health be everything gives a poor representation to what is happening. Of course on the plus side, it's super low effort to make everything health so maybe it's not worth it to them to put the effort into having things make more sense. It might end up being a job for the modding community, assuming they open the game up to that.
  11. Personally I like when the game makes sense so I am glad they changed it to be repairable.
  12. Try turning off resting health regen and putting awake health regen to low. Nothing like needing a week to heal up while being well fed to change how you play the game.
  13. Separate shoot and use binds have been used for over two decades....it can't be that complicated can it? It's only more recently when games became cross platform that that started going away and it wasn't because it was too hard to deal with it was because there weren't enough buttons on the controllers.
  14. odizzido

    A Dog

    TLD already has dogs, they're called wolves in the game for some reason though. They are your constant bloodthirsty suicidal companions who want to hug your neck with their teeth. I tend to play fetch with them but I am bad at launching my sticks and they tend to go into their heads which makes them tired and have a nap. I guess that makes us both terrible at showing our affection for eachother.
  15. I agree with a lot of what you said with artificial difficulty and complete lack of reality. Hopefully some of it can change, or, assuming they make modding easier, people can change the game to challenge them in different ways. The custom game feats is particularly baffling to me as all it does it make people unhappy for no benefit other than some sense of elitism. That being said, I also like quite a lot about the game. It has very good music, a nice feel, and generally things fall together well. I really do feel if they could fix the clunky controls and at least make the game world consistent that it would be pretty solid. Right now it's okay, which for a game that is in the middle of being made is probably a good place to be. I will just wait and see how it goes. Hopefully the money I gave hinterland for development will help just a little to get a solid final product. edit------- Just to answer the question in the title, for me personally no it isn't toxic for my mental health, especially since I only play custom games(which totally should be added to story mode unless T1000 health regen is required?)
  16. I never said it was a bug, just that it feels like one. Also I know it's an unpopular opinion(or was until FO76?) but bethesda games are all terrible. Also I bet the people who loaded the game and found out the controls are a little off, you can't sleep or turn your head, etc, are not the people who made an account on this forum. I certainly didn't register on that one batman game that everyone liked's forum. I loaded the demo, couldn't rebind any keys, and just uninstalled it without even getting past the menu. Anyways I can work around the limitation now, but when I was a new player it certainly hurt the game for me. Not enough to make me stop playing obviously, but it did hurt.
  17. Yes I've noticed that too....things have been getting stranger and illogical lore wise. Computers never used to work and the CNC machine never used to exist so it's a more recent issue. I am all for making the world more interesting with gameplay effecting events but hopefully microwaves, stoves, cars, etc can all start working too so the game can make more sense. Though it would be a nice touch if the cars would stop working after a certain amount of time has passed as gas goes bad in something less than a year.
  18. I think asking for saves and asking to be able to sleep anywhere are a little different as sleeping anywhere is something everyone can do, but reloading after getting hit by a bus is, AFAIK, something nobody can do. It's like looking out the back of cars. Unless our character has serious spine damage why is it that we cannot do something that basically anyone can do?
  19. Not being able to sleep anywhere, even if it's a bad idea, was certainly one of the strange and to me bad things I very much noticed when starting out in this game. Over time you learn how to get around the issue but it feels like working around a bug. I mean, our character would rather die than sleep on a floor for an hour. What? Then your character has the balls to lie right to your face when they say "I'm so tired I could lay down right here". No, you can't. Anyways I would totally support sleeping anywhere. It for sure should come with a steep - temperature bonus though. Even sleeping on the floor in a warm +20 degree building can be cold, I know, I tried it a couple weeks ago. The floors in buildings are around 0 so I can only imagine how cold that would be. It would almost certainly be a terrible idea 99% of the time, but I want the option anyways.
  20. Some people hate it when others enjoy a game if it's a little bit differently than how they feel it should be. They must hate happiness.
  21. I would rather we had different key binds for shoot and pick up. How anyone can sit there throwing rocks at the ground when trying to pick up a rabbit is beyond silly.
  22. That sounds cool. If nights were darker and the lantern more useful I think that would look really cool. Right now I don't think there is a case where I would use the lantern and also be out in the snow.
  23. Removable backpacks could be somewhat similar to what the OP is saying here. Have three different ones you can put on depending on what you want to do. It would also make it so people could drop their backpacks and go climb something or go explore with the downside being you no longer have your gear. For a nice example you can download STALKER:Anomaly. It's free, fun, and shows (almost)exactly how it could work.
  24. To me the problem is the headaches not being disoriented. I certainly wouldn't want to play something that made me feel physically bad. I am just lucky that I don't have that issue.