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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I can confirm, that is consider "ravaged". Just killed a wolf which was feasting on a newly killed deer. I was able to harvest it by hand, albeit taking 3 hours.
  2. Don't drop down in this corner, you'll get stuck. Submitted bug report.
  3. Does an arrow piercing or bullet entry/exit wound count? (not a serious question) Thanks for the clarification!
  4. Yayyyyy!!!! I always thought that we could get VERY close but didn't question it
  5. lol, it's obvious now but not when I opened the discussion on Oct. 1 😉
  6. This - ever since they nerfed the wolf behavior mechanics. Used to be too easy To answer the OP, I don't think I've ever built a rock cache.
  7. I would think a new Story Mode Region will at some point be incorporated into Survival. Just based off history.
  8. You never indicated if the user had bought the DLC or not. I've learned not to assume anything so was simply seeking clarification. Now, who is dumb?
  9. Woke up to about 3 inches of fresh snow and it continued through the day...man, was I longing to jump back into TLD!
  10. There already is one of those in an out-of-bounds area in MT (just down from the ML transition cave). All HL has to do is open that up to us and stock it. Perhaps a treacherous deer trail leading down to it.
  11. Yes, I'm sure there is straw in PV, which is primarily used for bedding due to it's low nutritional value, but the farmers would also have a LOT of feed hay. This is used to get the livestock through the winter. Grass hay wouldn't have much potential for flour (as I stated) but, as with many things in TLD, a token of suspended disbelief may allow us to harvest the hay for making flour.
  12. Thanks for sharing, @conanjaguar! Regarding your images, not sure if it's your browser or something else, but you should be able to get the pictures included in your post vs links. Do you do these steps? 1. 2. After you've selected the file and it's uploaded, you then click Insert and it should insert the image at your cursor in your post: Or, if you have the image in Snipping Tool, etc. or have Copied it, you should be able to paste it directly into the post without doing the steps above. Hope this helps.
  13. I've been reluctant to use that mod, in anticipation of HL giving us Safehouse Customization.
  14. If you frequently switch versions, you could always try to have separate folders on your HDD. I've never done it, but can't see why it wouldn't work.
  15. There is plenty of baled hay in PV!! I imagine the amount if would take to make any significant amount of flour would be significant in itself.
  16. Story and Survival modes are part of the "base" game. You are asking to incorporate paid DLC content in the base version of the game? What if you haven't bought the DLC?
  17. I actually really like BI (when there are no TWs!). BR is just so far out there...
  18. A Friday would be awesome giving us the weekend to play, but I can certainly understand the downside to that for HL support. At this point, we're SO close folks!!
  19. Naw, just areas I loot/get my business done and leave.