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Everything posted by oplli

  1. you sentence is not clear i would like to understand. i splitted your quote in three sections so it can be easier for me to answer you. 1: our character is almost always having more than 30Kg on him plus the thick and heavy winter clothes (and he got two layers of every of em) did you ever tried to jump with a 30kg backpack on your back plus big clothes that are reducing you movements? i mean it can lead to two outcomes : not lifting off the ground and falling or die of sweat trying to jump plus falling. even if it is a caricature i think i well said my point 2: i would like composite bows and arrows they could be great but like rifles not lootable in interlopper difficulty. they could have a better range and better damage but i dont think we should be able to repair the arrows except if we use the machines in bleak inlet. the composite bow is a great idea. 3: You will literally never run out of maintenace tools hacksaw: it can be repaired with toolbox and havested metal toolbox: they spawn in great numbers and can be repaired with harvested metal heavy hammer : can be repaired with fir wood wich is harvestable with axe axe : if you eventually run out of wetstones wich i never have and trust my there is a bunch of in the world, you can still craft infinite numebr of with heavy hammer and hacksaw rifle cleaning kit: can be looted in great number, rifles dont get dirty quickly and if you run out of cleaning kit you can still repair your weapons at the cannery or make a bow sewing kit: you can repair clothes with fishing lines wich you can make out of cured guts and hook, hook is made out of metal you can craft em with your bare hands. i think you understand the point, you will never run out of maintenance tools and if you do there are always multiple other options they just take more time to acomplish.
  2. honestly i absolutely hate the fact that we can just eat 0% food as long as they are cooked with level 5 food. i dont understand you are always saying that you dont like things that would make the game easier. then jerky would make the game hader beacause you would have to cure your food before eating it... jerky would have meny advantages but also inconvenients: Good things: light, takes a long time to perish, smells less. bad things: you need more water (could even give you an effect that makes you dishydrate faster) even though it is not necessairy i dont know why we still have to ask for that as you a lot of people said it has been asked many many times since the game exists.
  3. whatever it is: a bang stick or any x improvised weapons i dont care. the idea is to implement them on interlopper . they could be only craftable in interlopper maybe but beacause of their limited use and durability they wouldnt have a great use on stalker and below so i dont thinks it is a problem to have em in every game modes. im shure you would after living 500 days in those difficult regions find a way to craft you a good weapon for self defence. instead of just let yourself being charged by a wolf and struggle with your improvised axe. related to what i suggested, the fact that you would have to find the blueprint or an actual one to begin craftng these dont make em easy to get. wheter it is a bang stick or any x imprivised weapon as i said. another thing is that a bang stick wouldnt be that realistic beacause how would you hide a bangstick inside a prison and transport it without being noticed?. so i am not against the bang stick idea though but not inside a prison. ?
  4. the sled would break the game mechanic that we have wich is the weight... more packs is the same thing. moosehide sachel is really hard to get this is why it have a interest. the new weapond would be useless beacause it has the same exact fonction than the revolver. kill rabitts, sacare wolves etc. what purpose could have a multi tool?
  5. i just ordered three rabitskin furrs last week to make some mittens. and what i noticed is that is is SOOO light i mean i can make 2 mitts with the equivalent of like 1 pound or 0.5 kg. the tld mitts weight 4.4 pounds and 2 kg it is insane... of course in the long dark the furrs are not cured once you harvest em so it is normal that it weigts a little bit more but once we cured them it should weight less. but another thing is that our character is taking often 40 to 60 or 80 pounds \ 20 to 30 or 40 kg (approx) with him wich dosent make sense at all. like every items in the game xD i guess it is some kind of balancing
  6. i would really apreceate to have an off-ui journal. it could be a item that we can find and if we dont have to use it we can burn it. i we want to map a region we would need a journal and same thing if we want to write inside it could even have some limited space lets say 100 pages. then if you write only one page every day youre fine but eventually you will have to loot another journal. thoughts?
  7. @odizzido yeah but what about the cocktail molotov? i think its a great idea
  8. i think that we should be able to make our own weapons. But hear me out before thinking it is a crazy idea . the two items i thaught about are the improvised revolver and improvised flare gun. here are the informations: -the improvised Flaregun can only shoot 5 flares before breaking and the revolver 10 (could be like a 4 barrel revolver or something like that) -the guns cannot be repaired - the guns can be crafted in bleak inlet only even in interlopper (with the gunsmith skill) -the improvised revolver ammo could be made of scrap lead and they would be small rounds of lead that can be shot. it can take down a wolf but not a deer, bear and moose. -the improvised flare ammo could be made out of one flare and gunpowder wich can give you from 3 to 4 shells depending on your skill level. i had this idea beacause i was chatting with someone on the forums about blackrock prison and contreband items. so those two items would be lootable in the prison only and craftable in bleak inlet only after you found one of these in blackrock prison (it is like a blueprint unlocker but in your mind). it would add a really interesting use to the cannery in BI in interlopper and would add some special items that could be found in the prison and fits its universe (unlike the hunting carabin) those items could be foun in the toilet's "waterroom" inside a plastic bag (those kind of things) we have improvised tools for interlopper and why not improvised weapons? thaughts?
  9. it has been discussed a million times , alcohol dont make you feel warmer etc etc... people dont want it in the game and we have plenty of things to dinsinfect out wounds... it think that heal an infection would be less painful than making it disapear with "drinkable alcohol" as you describe it. the cocktail molotov though i would apreciate it but it should be craftable out of alcohol we already have in the game it is not useful to add useless items. the thing about unlocking things after a certain amout of day is not a the long dark thing every items are available at anytime and it always have been. also adding a compass would get you to always look at your compass to know where you are and not look at the world (as i did with maps while i started playing) and i dont think it has its place in the game as it is an exploration game... besides that the compass wouldnt event work as the world has suffered from many geomagnetic storms.
  10. oplli

    Hide skills

    it could be a tool that is equivalent to the sewing kit but it does not get destroyed as fast as a sewing kit it is more like every other tools (axe, saw, hammer etc) you need this tool to MAKE clothes on the bench but not to repair em.
  11. i agree exept for the last one. i think that if well done RTX can be really beautiful and enjoyable. even more in a game of pure exploration and lonelyness
  12. I would absolutely LOVE it i am currently shopping for a new GPU so if the devs could give their opinion soon xD i would probably change my GPU choice from GTX to RTX
  13. Hmmm. i am a little bit triggered with that answer... How on earth could it bother you if is is an option? it takes 3 seconds to disactivate before lauching a new save and you live your life... To give a caricature example: if there were spaceships in this game, i would not like it. but if it is an option why i would i be against it? i do what i want thats the idea of the long dark for me. so if is is fair enough like you say, agree with thoses propositions beacause it wont affect you, but it could affect others. have a nice day
  14. oplli

    Paint Can v2

    thats witout saying that paint during time get erased so it could just glow less and less bright
  15. oplli

    Paint Can v2

    well lets say the paint is rare. it dosent change a lot if you get some glow in the darn in your cave... since we are able to easily get unlimited toches out of the fire the light source is no longer a problem as long as you have wood. it just means that it would be nicer to have some viby glow in the dark paint to navigate inside our main base/caves etc. i dont think it would make the life easier at all as you only need to make a fire to get a lot of torches quickly. and it adds something to do, an activity...
  16. well there is no issue to transfer saves with steam maybe you could log in with your email. anyway it is not our job to reolve those problems where only giving ideas
  17. oplli

    Paint Can v2

    the game dosent have to be 100% realistic on that point there is no many unrealistic things about this game it would just be nice to have glow in the dark paint. at least I would love it.
  18. well that part my friend i have to disagree with you, i do not think that spawning with a polaroid is goig to make us any good. if like you said the loot is special like a light axe for example. having the polaroid directly a the start will make the game easier. and this would mean that there is only one polaroid in the whole save. wich wont make us explore more when we will found the special loot. it would definitely change the start of survival but if i get a special item for almost no effort i dont want that in the game. i would prefer to be able to find multiple polaroid that are well hidden and then IF i find one ill be rewarded. well there is already things like that existing in the game think about the polaroids (the ones that exist at the time we speak). they force you to go there and update your map. the misterious signal fire force you to find its emplacement to get great loot and so on... so i dont see how finding rare indications for a loot that is hard to find will make the experience less "true" to the survival mode... at those hidden spots it is gear and tools that you will find nothing else... theres nothing else to find
  19. Well maple would be an activity like catching rabbits with a snare. it will be working in the background during that time you can hunt you can make clothes explore etc. it would be not more painful than harvest your sap every so often and cook it when the time comes. exactly like the rabbit snares. you check sometimes your trap and take your rabbit if there is one and then cook it when the time comes. i dont feel like snaring rabbit is time and resource consuming so why maple syrup would be?