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Everything posted by oplli

  1. you are right. i read somewhere that the only electronics that could survie an IEM Electromagnetic something (sorry i dont know the word in english) is some types of batteries so even if a camera that has a battery could have survived, the whole system could be broken.
  2. i may not have expressed myself clearly beacause i dont know exactly what its called. before a picture is taken the polaroid is white when im talking about polaroid im talking about those polaroids. the unused ones. so to use the camera you have to first find a camera and then find a box full of white polaroid. polaroids already exists in the game that would make sense to be able to take polaroids pictures. and if we look at the technology on great bear it looks like we are not after the 80's so a digital camera wouldnt make much sense.
  3. yes it could work but it would depends on the wight of the metal i dont really see something that is enoughly small to fit BUT we could harvest bigger pipes and use the machines in bleak inlet to make multiple smaller shafts for the arrow. the devs said they wanted the add more use to the cannery so there is one. in interlopper there is literrally no use to get to bleak inlet its only purpose is for making bullets so that would make it interesting
  4. i dont think it sould be a challenge either beacause they all have an ending so it would be nothing new. it sould just be an option before starting a sandbox and then they as you : do you want and end game option and then you check yes or no so manic maniac would check no and i would check yes (no offense it was just a joke xD) and everyone is happy! yup i like the earth quacke idea but if it is always an earthquacke at the end it would not be as impressive as it is and also how whould we find where the earthquacke has opened a path (this sentence does not say that im against the idea). i would love to se multiple endings and they generate randomly depending on the settings you choosen before. this one is just an idea and i know that it would never happend im just saying it for fun. this ending would be the longest to achieve it would start at day 600. the first things that will happen are the global temperature going up, then some days later you wil l start to see that the ice starts to weaken and its spreads further and further near the costs amd in the middle of the lakes. Then the snow on the roads will start to melt and forlon muskeg will slowly be inacessible the more it goes and if you want to finish the game youll have to join milton before it happens ( you cannot go from ML beacause it melted and the cave collapsed. you only way to go there is by FM. once you arrive by marsh ridge you head up to milton bassin and then the paradise meadows and the first thing you see is a big bear rushing at you (just kidding)... the fisrt thing you see is a beautiful spring that is hitting the plains if you enter the house is says you are now free to prosperate or something like that... a beautiful spring
  5. i totally agree.why not instead of rechargin it, being able to find some polaroid that are not used to take picture it would not be 36 it would be one and everytime you wanna take a picture you will need to waint until it develops or just have an animation in wich our character shakes the image and then is slowly appears. also it would be nice if the picture updates the map and when we click on the spot we can see the image
  6. it would definitevly be apreciable maybe they could test it in one map first liek mystery lake. and by the way i dont know if it is for performance problems or size problems but id like not ot have a loading screen everytime i enter small buildings like houses or shops beacause they are not that big. it would really do a great thing to the immersion.
  7. i like all of your ideas but the automatic rifle it it too much, lets see there is not really more than 30 bullets per region if you are lucky so if you loot everywhere you could be able to find someting like 4 to 6 mags in the whole game wich automatically reduce the use for a automatic rifle. i liek the shotgun weapon i think they sould have added thi one instead of the revolver it is logical the revolver is useless on bears only wolves and that makes it not that useful unfortunately a bear attack is way dangerous than a wolf attack by my experience. i would love to see a double barrel shotgun to defend yourself from bears. and you could even make the choice to cut its barrel to make it lighter but less effective at a longer range
  8. i like this idea but what could be all those contreband items that could be useful in survival situations? what i would REALLY apreciate is that this region is not spawnable i mean that we could not access it by starting a new sandbox we will have to find it by ourselves. i REALLY like the riot shield proposition it could be useful for hunting bears or moose but it would be cheated if it blocks 100% of the bear/moose attack. i would love some hiding spots outside for example pile of chopped wood to use as outside shelter from wind or bears/wolves. a new vehicle could be nice: the prisoner transport vehicle inside it is warmer than a normal vehicle it could be like a inside location. i would like a gym room inside there could be some altheres wich can be srapped for lead to make bullets (i assume that blackrock will be near bleak inlet as it is a industrial zone and the penitenciary could resupply in ammo and repairs their weapons near the prison. also some guards suits could be looted and would not be that warm but would provide good protection without being too heavy i have ideas of clothes here : lets start by the protective ones : steel cap boots, bulletproof jacket, riot helmet. there could be some warm clothes too the guards need to survey from the outside and we all know how cold it is : heavy guard jacket ushanka hat, shooting gloves (warm warm gloves that you can take off the ends.
  9. there should be one ending for every maps or almost and you would have to discover em during your sandboxes only one at the time and the endings could be death but at least it would be an ending not our character stupidly dying of cold or by a wolf without trying to get rescued for 1000 days for example you go on timberwolf mountain and then you use a flaregun or something and then they rescue you (maybe they wont be searching for a little one motor airplaine but they are obviously gonna search for a big plane that crashed somewhere.) my other idea is that you could get to the mistery fire in hushed river valley and then there is a survivor there but a crazy survivor and he finally kills you i also like the idea of packing a boat it is my favourite what is beautiful about these endings is that they are optionnal if you like to get lost during 1000 days then go for it but let the bored survivors have a propper ending at least an ending that means something even if it is death.
  10. usually what i do past 300 days i just throw my character from a bridge there is nothing to do after that
  11. i would like to see your three first ideas on the list but i think that the other last ones are too much. decreeasing the calory burned is i think too overpowered
  12. this weapon could be particulary useful on big animals such as bears or moose and on the contrary useless almost with the smaller animals. it could "destroy the meat" on smaller animals such as deers wolf and rabbits if you use the muzzzle loader on em. what i mean by destroying the meat is that they start at a higher level of deterioration and/or there is less meat to harvest and the pelt is unusable
  13. How i see this idea is not as a major game changer. it is more as an experience that you can have during the long dark ( a wonderful experience by the way) imagine waking up (in your dreams) and every game "rules" changes for the next couples of minutes and lets you play with it and experience it. lets say you are in pleasant valley walking near the farmhouse and then you see a hundreds of deers running towards you without noticing you and they just pass by you and then disapear slowly as they get further and futher away. it whould be that little minute that lets you back up a little bit on the reality of your survival and lets you enjoy the beauty of the long dark... before waking up and being eaten by a bear an hour later. and it is juste one example... it could be developped way more to a bigger thing who knows. we can do anything we want with dreams and thats the beaty of it. now of course when i explain this it looks big and complex that is part of the problem. if dreams would be added in the future they would take a lot of space and gameplay time as i explain it wich is not the point. dreams would have to be something extremely rare (the type of dream that im talking about is lucid dreams wich make sense) you could only dream during long nights of sleep ad if you are in a good condition so the higher the difficulty is the less often you will experience dreams. i would not go for dreams that are longer than 5 minutes so it would not take that much space in your gameplay time .these are just idea and are not really a problem uif devs like the dream idea they will find good ways to make em not too long and not too often. unfortunately mixing maps could be a dangerous idea if it is random there could be so many map bugs and problems and if it is manually made it would take too much effort to the devs for a thing as little as the dreams even if i love this idea i dont think it would be doable. I dont agree with the fact that dreams should not affect the real survival gameplay of course it would be illogical to make it affect major things but here my ideas : you could wake up in three diferent dreams type REALISTIC: looks almost like reality and you have to be attentive to realise your in a dream there are only some minor changes to the game rules... UNREALISTIC : every game rules or almost have changed you can wake up in a blizzard and be a ble to run though it fast and then instantly the blizzards end leading to a day that last 20 seconds and then two nights one after another. this is a little bit crazy but definitely and experience i would like to have xD SHORT : can be from 5 seconds to 1 min, anything can happen (a wolf/bear charging at you and winning the fight instantly (nightmare) or the dear example ive mentionned in the fist quote(could be a dream)) all of em can be nightmares or dreams (i made an example for the short dream) depending if you had trauma or not in the short past or if you have an injury while you are sleeping. first, dreams should'nt make you wake up exausted this is a terrible idea because it could literally lead you to death it is too much of a gameplay changer. so it should only decrease the effectiveness of sleep during nightmares and increase em during good dreams. i thaught about some bonus/malus efffects that you could get depending on how you got out of you dream and these could particulary work with the realistic type of dream. a bonus effect when you survive a wolf attack in your dreams could be that you effectiveness when fighting wolves could be increased during some time for example 24 hours and on the contrary if you lose your fight your effectiveness will decrease during 24 hours it takes me back to the fist time i wrote on this subject when i explained what are the dreams for ( they are to prepare us in real life if a danger comes) another idea is that if you kill a passive animal during a dream you will not be able to kill one during you gameplay for some time example 6 hours beacause it wasnt useful to kill this animal in the dream This post looks more like a instruction manual to the devs than a brainstorming of ideas so i just wanna make that clear feel free to add your ideas or modify mines it is only my vision of the dreams.
  14. yes i saw the dev diary xD i saw the picture and i am cannot wait to see that
  15. i would love to see that it would onlt require two new items to develop: salt and beef jerky. for the other ideas i like it. when you travel in the long dark your food takes a lot of space but when you stay in your little homestead for some time it would be nice to pass time by cooking more complex meals that could be heavyer but contains more calories. here my list of ideas to elaborate and you can add whatever you want by quoting it -a cooking pot could be needed -adding two or three condiments example here: salt pepper, oregano, mint, thyme etc - adding harvestable plants in the game that needs to be eaten in recipie for example mushrooms, leaves etc beacause for now any plants that exist are for medicine (we have cat tail for recipies) -being able to find eggs or potatoes or any type of basic aliment for recipie in friges or freezers.
  16. i do not share you point of view but i understand why you dont want useless things to be added cuz it fit your playstyle. i have 700 hours or gameplay and i feel like i went around the game in depth enough i know myself and i need new stuff to keep me entertained. i love new ideas and i support every good ideas that are comming from the community and the devs beacause a game needs to evolve during the time if it dosent it dies. i am not saying that hinterland is not evolving but i was just explaining my thaughts cuz it more fits my playstyle and i know i am not the only one. i know you are not the only one too to fit your playstyle that is whats difficult when delevopping a game
  17. it was not meant to be on wish list im not asking for a new map im wonderin if there will be more i want to hear from the devs
  18. you dont understand. if people request multiplayer on hinterland forums it is not to play dont starve or any other multiplayer games we like real thought here and constructive messages you could explain why you prefer solo instead of writting those messages
  19. the long dark together why not?