Question for the Community re: Custom Code sharing

Custom Code Sharing -- Do you use this?  

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  • Hinterland

Hey everyone,

We're working on some improvements to the Custom Settings (the system where you can pick a bunch of different variables around how certain game systems work or are tuned to your personal preference). One of the things we are considering is whether to keep the Code Sharing function of the existing system.

Originally, the idea here was that generating a code would make it easy for players to share their favourite settings with other players. But we don't see this function used much? And the system's current limitations mean we would have to do some work to expand it to work with the revisions we are making. We'd rather not spend the time/energy on that if it's not a commonly used feature.

I set this question up as a simple poll, but of course if you have specific comments you'd like to share, this is a good place for it. 


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I'll be honest, I don't use the Custom Settings Toolbox very often. Vanilla Stalker is my thing, vanilla Pilgrim is my "chill out and zen", vanilla Voyageur is my "I want some challenges, but I am so tired...". But when I do use Custom Settings, I often forget to screenshot the Share Code to give to my family and friends anyway, and have to start a new Custom Settings game to screenshot all of the settings for them to use.

If we could get the code after the run was in progress instead of only at the initial set-up of the run, I might actually use it more. Because I don't know if I chose settings wisely until after I have played for a bit, and then I have to remember which screenshot of a code is the one that goes with the "good" save. Actual problem if I have 5 or more different saves going at once (which is something that is common for me- like ketchup chips, one is never enough).

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I use the code less for sharing my settings, and more for saving my custom settings to re-use at a later date, it's handy if the custom run ends and I want to try again, and can simply put in the code rather than tweaking the individual settings again.

However, this is all I use the code for, I'm not keen to sharing custom codes, so I'm ok with saying No, and wouldn't be bothered if it was removed, especially if it's causing issues with development on your end.

Edited by Smellyfries
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  • Hinterland
17 minutes ago, Smellyfries said:

I use the code less for sharing my settings, and more for saving my custom settings to re-use at a later date, it's handy if the custom run ends and I want to try again, and can simply put in the code rather than tweaking the individual settings again.

However, this is all I use the code for, I'm not keen to sharing custom codes, so I'm ok with saying No, and wouldn't be bothered if it was removed, especially if it's causing issues with development on your end.

So, the ability to Save the custom code/setting to reuse it later would be useful, sounds like?

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I do use the custom code function to share setups with my family members. I have 2 young children that I often setup a custom run specifically catered to thier age and desires... I use 3 or 4 specific codes quite frequently.


Andi would LOVE the ability to name and save say half a dozen codes to be reused by simply selecting them.

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This is a tough one. On one hand, Ive never really used it personally.

But on the other, I think it couldve played a role in what made modes like NGOA, Dead Man's Challenge, etc proliferate into popular challenges.

If it adds weeks to development or nobody in the studio wants to touch it, then eh, I'm okay with it going away. But I'd prefer it to stay.

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I love being able to save and reproduce custom settings in this way.  It's also fun to be able exchange those codes.  I once used shared codes, to try out other players' custom settings (even if only as a base to then make further tweaks to iterate on what we or others have tired)... or those streamers that maybe we've watched and wish to build on the codes they've posted.

I've always thought it was wonderful to have dozens of variable settings encoded in that way for ease of saving or replicating those unique experiences. 

Regardless of the frequency of use by others, I do still really appreciate that it's there.

To be fair... the question of whether the juice is worth the squeeze... honestly, I don't pretend to know.  But I will say, it's a feature I may have always appreciated... but I would still support whatever decision you made regarding it.


Edited by ManicManiac
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Honestly I've never used it,and until a few years ago I wondered what these codes were that people were sharing..  that's no fault to the game or anything though,just me either not seeing it(,old eyes,)or just being impatient to start playing...

But Im with @Smellyfries in that the ability to keep it for my own runs to copy would be great....  But not at the cost of the teams sanity😊 

I'd support your decision whichever way you decide.

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Excited you're working on this!

Please keep the codes, make them copiable, and use a non-ambiguous font so I can see if that's a one, a capital i, or a lower-case L, etc. Typing them out by hand is a bit arduous atm

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5 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

So, the ability to Save the custom code/setting to reuse it later would be useful, sounds like?

Yes. Being able to save it and pull it up later would be ideal.

14 minutes ago, xanna said:

lease keep the codes, make them copiable, and use a non-ambiguous font so I can see if that's a one, a capital i, or a lower-case L, etc. Typing them out by hand is a bit arduous atm

I also agree with this- saving *and* being able to copy-paste it in to the code text box would be so useful for me- my eyesight isn't the greatest, and yeah- those look-alike characters can be a pain to tell apart, especially on a smaller laptop screen instead of a large desktop monitor or large-screen TV.

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5 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

So, the ability to Save the custom code/setting to reuse it later would be useful, sounds like?


At the very least, the ability to save/load the custom setting (even if it's no longer using code generation) should be retained IMO. I don't think anyone playing custom would happily reconfigure the setting sliders one by one for each run.

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I don't but it's nice such a feature exists for those who use it. However, if it currently prevents certain planned improvements to the existing custom system then I would be in favor deleting the share-code feature for a later addition.

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I do use custom codes to save and share complex setups, and certain challenges propagate through the community this way: Deadman/NOGOA is probably the most common but there are others including Deadworld that have been around for a while and still continue to see play. Then there are modes like Gunloper which are more about taking an existing difficulty and changing 1 or 2 settings, codes aren't as needed for this.


I guess it's worth pointing out that there is an existing workaround to "saving" a code for later use. If I have a code I intend to use multiple times, I'll start a savefile with the code and immediately quit. Then, whenever I need to use the code, I can load that file, quit, and then start a new custom game and the fields will automatically be filled correctly(This can also be used to check the settings of an existing custom run.) This method does take up one of your save slots and isn't useful for sharing with other players, though.


One last thing: Significant improvements to custom options will probably see a lot more players using and setting up custom runs. So I could easily see the code share being a much more heavily used feature in this scenario.

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9 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Hey everyone,

We're working on some improvements to the Custom Settings (the system where you can pick a bunch of different variables around how certain game systems work or are tuned to your personal preference). One of the things we are considering is whether to keep the Code Sharing function of the existing system.

Originally, the idea here was that generating a code would make it easy for players to share their favourite settings with other players. But we don't see this function used much? And the system's current limitations mean we would have to do some work to expand it to work with the revisions we are making. We'd rather not spend the time/energy on that if it's not a commonly used feature.

I set this question up as a simple poll, but of course if you have specific comments you'd like to share, this is a good place for it. 


I'd say scrap it and consider adding it back once development of the game is finished so it doesn't affect development until then.

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I was excited when the first concept was introduced but when I saw there wasn't a dedicated thread established for sharing custom game code settings, the whole notion kinda fizzled out for me.  At this point in the game's development, I'd rather see efforts put into place that contribute to the completion of the final story line and fixing the bugs in survival mode.  If that means losing the ability to share codes, I wouldn't consider that much of loss.  

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None of the options reflect my opinion on this mechanic, so i'll write this instead. I never used it actively or passively. But i think it's a great way to stimulate interactions between the players (NOGOA for example). For me personaly, it wouldn't make much of a difference if code sharing is gone, but the game would lose a player-interactive tool. Therefore i would say let it in. But when you say it causes problems and issues and keeping you from enhancing the game, then it's better for the game itself to get rid of it. After all, nobody says it will be gone forever 🤷‍♂️

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For me as a player, the NOGOA code is a huge part of the game, like another difficulty that I enjoy playing. And the same goes for a number of very dedicated TLD content creators. And yes, the need to set everything up manually for every new run will be death to it. Don't do it! It will be absolutely devastating.
Just expand the code from the current 20 base-64 digits to 24 or maybe more to make room for all the new features. The community will be happy to update existing codes.

And please fix fishing for the custom game! After the last patch, when you create a custom game based on Interloper settings, it gives you zero fish. This is wrong, because a custom game with Interloper settings should be the same as Interloper, and Interloper gives you fish. This even affects old runs where fishing worked before. Now I cannot play my 150d+ NOGOA run because if the character gets scurvy risk, I have no practical way to fix it.

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As I see it there are two choices.

1. Leave it, or improve the choices in Custom. Those who don't use it lose nothing.

2. Take it away. Those who do use it lose everything.

The options desperately need expanding on in my view, but if that is not going to happen then leave it as-is.

Edited by Dane_B
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I won't mind if the code goes away.  I have tried to use it but the code font is confusing in that capital i and lower case L are the same character.  I have been hosed by that issue with the code twice so I quit using it.


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