Bleak Inlet


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Two entrances to this new zone:

  1. Raven Falls Ravine - Climb done rope to get to bottom then follow the creek to BI (from looking at video)
  2. From Forlorn Muskeg - Looking at the existing world map, the "cave" they refer to that links FM to BI must be in the South East area of FM, but could be more North towards the tower...I'm going to look when I get home from work.

This is my proposed area for BI with guesses at where zones will tie in (in blue):


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11 minutes ago, stay puft said:

I appreciate your vote of confidence but I just showed up there and it's as I feared. All my gear is gone and I never saw a lost and found box at the entrance of Forlorn or inside/outside the new cave.

There goes 20 knives and 20 hatchets along with 50 coal and over 100 pieces of wood and a huge amount of other stuff... Oh Well.... FML lol :) 

Try contacting support.  Maybe the box is somewhere else.

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@stay puft

Hmm... no lost and found at the closest structure either?  Drat, I would have though for sure that things laid outside would wind up in a box at a near by building.  That's what had happened to my stuff in Mystery Lake in my last run.  (that is so say, sticks, stones, and cans left in caves and such all showed up in the Lost'n Found outside the Camp Office... I'd hoped perhaps your stuff would be outside at the old Spence Place or something like that...) 

I am sorry for your loss

Edited by ManicManiac
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I assume that you checked the tunnel from Mystery Lake? On my grand tour (where I was getting things arranged again following Lost and Found), the Forlorn Muskeg regional lost and found (RLF) box was at the tunnel from Mystery Lake.  

When I went to Broken Railroad, I found the RLF at the tunnel from Forlorn Muskeg. PITA to move all (or most of) that stuff from the tunnel back to the Maintenance Yard and the Hunting Lodge. I would have thought the RLF would be at the Maintenance Shed door. There was a local lost and found (LLF) box inside the Shed door and in the Hunting Lodge. 


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Sorry to hear that. I wonder if Hinterland ran lost and found again. It may not be automatic. I can check my sandbox once the game updates. I think I'll bring up one sandbox that I went through all the regions I had previously visited to put things back to rights and see if new stuff has appeared in them. 


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I was eager to explore the new region. Luckily I had one of my 'errant pilgrims' (heh heh) located in Coastal Highway, so it was just a matter of getting to the Ravine, then to Bleak Inlet. Starting in the wee hours of the morning, I should get to the new region in the early afternoon at the latest, I thought. The weather thought otherwise. The crisp clear morning rapidly turned into a blizzard. Managed to get to the trailer right below Train Unload, warm up, sleep a bit, bid my time, and essentially wait until the day after. And the day after the blizzard was gone and now there was… a thick fog. Reached the Ravine, crossed the Trestles Bridge with almost no visibility (always a train load of fun, that), went down the basin, and thankfully the entrance to Bleak Inlet was very easy to find. By then, the weather got worse again — gusty wind and snow. 

I love the fact that you don't have to explore much before encountering a man-made structure. The path from the Ravine entrance to the Pensive Lookout is rather linear. Good thing I started my exploration on Pilgrim, because just as I began approaching the Lookout, three timberwolves came about! Now I'm getting warm inside the Lookout, waiting for the weather to clear so that I can take a look at the region from this vantage point. 🙂


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As for whether there was lost and found with this update, it looks like maybe not. I have only been moving around Pleasant Valley and nothing has changed that I can tell other than I now have three bags of sulfur and two cans of stump remover and six lead plates. 

@stay puft I would guess that if your gear in that cave was not swept up into the Forlorn Muskeg Lost and Found, when episode 3 went live, then it sat in the cave and was lost (for now) when the EP update occurred.  I have generally found Lost and Found to be pretty indiscriminate about sweeping up everything outside into a Lost and Found box so I am surprised you lost gear. Hope you get your stuff back. 

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I suspect that they thought that Lost and Found would sweep it all up and nobody would be putting everything back in the same locations considering the limited carry capacity we have. But they should have said something.

Ravine Basin was an unlikely place for anyone to leave any quantity of gear since it was a deadend, but Forlorn Muskeg was not as isolated with three exits to other regions from it. It might have been better, in this limited instance, to fix the bridge in Broken Railroad and have the track/path lead down to a coastal area (Bleak Inlet) but that's just me. 

I lost a house full of gear at (formerly) Crossroads when the house was removed and replaced with the foreclosed houses. It wasn't a disaster for that sandbox, but it was a surprise. I had plenty of margin to cover the loss. Oh well. 

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Bleak Inlet does indeed have bleak weather. I've been there for, uh, 6-7 in-game days, and the weather has pretty much traversed the whole spectrum of annoying. Wind, heavy snow, fog, blizzard, strong wind, more fog, blizzard, two auroras, wind, wind, wind. In one instance, I crossed the Long Bridge at such a slow pace against the wind that I was barely moving. Hinterland really meant "wind-swept coastline" when describing the region. And I used to complain about the weather in Broken Railroad and Pleasant Valley! Temperatures are on the low end even during the day. I rarely saw a "Feels Like" greater than +4 C. Thank goodness I have very warm clothes, and just when I was searching a car I got my Cold Fusion badge! 

I also advise caution when walking on ice in the Frozen Delta area and behind the Fallen Lighthouse isle. There are spots of thin ice — I learnt it the hard way. Fortunately, it's not very deep water, so only your clothes from the waist down get wet/frozen.

Still, this region is amazing, and it's quickly becoming one of my favourites. :toque: :)





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4 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

I only have one issue with Bleak is there no regular crafting table even in the "Room with everything" on the pier?

That makes absolutely zero sense.

I've yet to find one as well.  I did a Bleak Inlet start and started in the Cannery Workers cabins.  I'm doing OK, but I don't want to have to go outside the zone yet and I wanted to craft my rabbit mittens before heading out to FM.  Looks like I'll have to just take the skins and guts with me and do it at Spencer's.

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18 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I've yet to find one as well.  I did a Bleak Inlet start and started in the Cannery Workers cabins.  I'm doing OK, but I don't want to have to go outside the zone yet and I wanted to craft my rabbit mittens before heading out to FM.  Looks like I'll have to just take the skins and guts with me and do it at Spencer's.

I don't mind that decision on their part. Since the same can be said of HRV.

However, HRV is a wilderness area where one wouldn't expect to find a Crafting Table.

The "Room With Everything" minus a crafting table in Bleak Inlet makes no sense at all.

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1 minute ago, Starcraftz01 said:

I have only played for a few in game day trying to find out how to get to the milling machine but there seems to be no way over to the last part of the dock. Anyone know how to get across that gap?

Look for a rope up...but if you didn't get the code from up won't be able to get in even with the Aurora active.


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