Challenges, story or survival?


Challenges, story or survival?  

26 members have voted

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Personally I prefer survival mode. For me it's been well worth the price of the game on it's own and the other modes are just a bonus. But I know that quite a few people (especially early on) bought the game mostly for the story mode. So I'm just curious really, which mode do most people prefer and why?

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I always saw Story as a very long tutorial (since each episode seems to introduce more game mechanics).  Although, will the recent enhancements to Ep1 & 2 and the release of Ep3, it has become apparent it is much more than that.

Edited by hozz1235
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They each fill their own niche.  Survivor mode is great for when I want to screw around testing something, or just play to relax.  I can tweak the variables in a Custom mode to be exactly what I want, and then just go for it.  However, I invariably settle on extreme long-term resource management as a strategy, which means things like those Go energy drinks or emergency stims never get used, because I always save them for emergencies.

Challenge modes on the other hand give me the chance to make full use of the equipment at my disposal.  I don't have to worry about what Day 500 is going to be like if I'm just trying to go from Skeeter's to Trapper's while avoiding a bear.  Challenge modes are all about achieving your objective so it's a very different style of play.

And then story mode is a combination of the two, where I have a variety of different tasks to perform, but still the game will not last more than a couple game weeks tops.  So I'm free to use my resources.  And my use of those resources is centered around the story that's being told, unraveling the mysteries of Great Bear.


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6 hours ago, DerpyLemon115 said:

Can't really decide, like comparing apples to oranges to bananas. They all are completely different from each other. I would say that survival is the most fun, but all of them are good in their own way.

Apples. They taste better and are much heartier.

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I really didn’t like the story mode and only persevered with it for a few hours. I tend to skip through “story” in most games though.

the challenges are fun but after a while they don’t feel challenging enough.

This great piece of storytelling makes the challenges worthwhile all by itself:



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On 11/10/2019 at 10:39 AM, ajb1978 said:

Challenge modes on the other hand give me the chance to make full use of the equipment at my disposal.

Yeah. I love how we can spoil ourselves in story and challenge modes due to the objective based structure. It's a completely different and fresh playstyle after a long survival run. 

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