Blue flares...


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Soo.. what's the deal with the blue flares?

Last time I saw something like that was UV flares in dying light. And I'm pretty sure those don't actually exist. Neither do blue flares. The only thing I've come up with, is blue LED "flares" which are essentially just flashing lights. Which would make sense with the event being that the animals are scared of unnatural light. But these flares would not be present in such a rural area as they're usually used by inner city police forces for traffic stops. And besides, these are not those. Because it appears to be just a blue reskin of the standard red road flare.

This just doesn't make sense and is a little too videogamey for a survival game that strives for realism, in my opinion. What do y'all think? Any logical way we can explain this one?

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Honestly, I have no idea about this addition, I have searched a bit and so far the only "blue roadside flares" I can find are either blue smoke grenades or the circular LED flares police use for guiding traffic (atleast they use them for that here in Atlanta).

It'd be good if we could have more released by hinterland or @Raphael van Lierop himself cause the only thing I know from the picture and caption is that it's a blue flare that is possibly only useful for exploring and possibly scaring off a wolf or timberwolf at night. Perhaps this is specifically for Timberwolves as the caption says "New threats mean you'll need new tools to defend against them".

who knows maybe the wolves have adapted to red flares and are no longer scared of them so we have to use blue ones ; ).


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16 minutes ago, Southerner in Snow said:

Honestly, I have no idea about this addition, I have searched a bit and so far the only "blue roadside flares" I can find are either blue smoke grenades or the circular LED flares police use for guiding traffic (atleast they use them for that here in Atlanta).

It'd be good if we could have more released by hinterland or @Raphael van Lierop himself cause the only thing I know from the picture and caption is that it's a blue flare that is possibly only useful for exploring and possibly scaring off a wolf or timberwolf at night. Perhaps this is specifically for Timberwolves as the caption says "New threats mean you'll need new tools to defend against them".

who knows maybe the wolves have adapted to red flares and are no longer scared of them so we have to use blue ones ; ).


I'm not against the addition of a new tool to defend against timberwolves. But the thing is, every tool we currently have in the game actually, uhm. Exists. 

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24 minutes ago, Southerner in Snow said:

Honestly, I have no idea about this addition

Yeah, I'm at a loss for what the rational could be for having two varieties of road flares.  I can't imagine that why they would be any more or less effective at keeping hostile wildlife at bay than the red flares... I do appreciate the variety though, and the blue flare does to have a nice aesthetic with it's illumination. :) 

I hope it's not just created to be Timberwolf repellant (though I suppose it likely is)... again, I just can't imagine what the rational would be behind the blue flare being any more effective than red...  I'm genuinely curious to know more.

[Addendum] - Wikipedia does mention, "Flares may be colored by the inclusion of pyrotechnic colorants."  Though, that would only suggest that blue flares are fundamentally the same as red flares... just with a modified chemistry to produce a different color...

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1 hour ago, Tbone555 said:

I'm not against the addition of a new tool to defend against timberwolves. But the thing is, every tool we currently have in the game actually, uhm. Exists. 

Except the storm lantern, as was discussed in a separate post.  Wick-based storm lanterns do exist, and mechanical-striker pressurized mantle lanterns do exist, but wick-based with a mechanical striker apparently does not.

That's not to say it's completely impossible though.  There's no reason it can't exist, it just for whatever reason...doesn't.  Similarly, blue flares could be quite possible with the use of copper chloride.

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41 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

Except the storm lantern, as was discussed in a separate post.  Wick-based storm lanterns do exist, and mechanical-striker pressurized mantle lanterns do exist, but wick-based with a mechanical striker apparently does not.

That's not to say it's completely impossible though.  There's no reason it can't exist, it just for whatever reason...doesn't.  Similarly, blue flares could be quite possible with the use of copper chloride.

Oh okay, I actually didn't know that. I learn something new on here every day :D

I'm not ENTIRELY against them. I mean they are very very pleasing to the eye. And blue is my favorite color. Maybe they will have a reasonable explanation for us at some point other than "timberwolf repellent just because"

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25 minutes ago, FrozenCorpse said:

1:15 in the video...

Okay, good. Here's evidence that they do exist. However these are football flares and not authentic road / emergency flares. What are the chances that these are gonna be floating around in the great northern nowhere of great bear? Slim to none? Not to mention even if someone does like blue flares, these blue football flares only last 60 seconds which is in no way ideal. They don't make standard 30 min emergency flares in blue. And as was mentioned before, the color of the flare should have absolutely no effect on wildlife. They're gonna all emit the exact same kind of light and work relatively the same. I absolutely love this game and love most of the decisions the team has made. But blue flares and green wolves just seem so "just because." to me. And if these flares are special, they'll feel just as videogamey as the UV flares from dying light, as mentioned above. Yes it is a videogame, and I'm completely fine with their portrayal of this apocalyptic event and the effects of the aurora. Some liberties are gonna be taken for the story of the game. However it has always been a game centered around realism also. And I feel like we're forgetting that more and more.

But again, I'll give it to them. They're pretty.

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22 minutes ago, Tbone555 said:

However it has always been a game centered around realism also.

Yes, but always with a caveat.  Recovering from four sprained limbs with 4 hours sleep.  Getting mauled by a bear, and getting over it by sleeping well.  Climbing a rope and needing to rest for 6 hours just to recover from that one climb.  Only getting 4 days worth of food out of an entire deer.  Etc etc's semi-realistic at best, and always has been.

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8 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Yes, but always with a caveat.  Recovering from four sprained limbs with 4 hours sleep.  Getting mauled by a bear, and getting over it by sleeping well.  Climbing a rope and needing to rest for 6 hours just to recover from that one climb.  Only getting 4 days worth of food out of an entire deer.  Etc etc's semi-realistic at best, and always has been.

I agree entirely, but there is a certain line. Green zombie wolves and dying light style blue flares are a little too out there for a survival game based on semi-realism. We all know a lot of the mechanics we have make no sense, but also they at least kind of do. If you know what I mean.

Still, hinterland has always been AMAZING with proper balancing with their items and whatnot, so I'm sure this new system will probably be a much needed mechanic to keep us alive out there. I just wish they could have come up with something better than "these flares will scare timberwolves off because they're blue"

I mean that's just like... wut?

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2 hours ago, Tbone555 said:

I just wish they could have come up with something better than "these flares will scare timberwolves off because they're blue"

I would imagine there's more to it than that.  HL is not in the habit of making frivolous changes for no particular reason.  The Go energy drink for instance, isn't just super coffee.  It behaves in a way that is completely unique.  And the Revolver isn't just a retextured Rifle, it handles in a completely unique way.  I'm sure the blue flares will have some unique trait beyond simply being blue.

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With a new menace, there might be the need for a new remedy/defense. It would seem to be burdensome to have two different versions of otherwise the same item - a road flare - except one is used against wolves and the other against Timberwolves. It might be that there will be a discrete item that converts a road flare from the red flame to having a blue flame and that item has to be applied before use or it might be a powder you can sprinkle on a burning flare or torch to make its flame blue for a little while. The number of those items you have determines how many time it can be used. 


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1 hour ago, hozz1235 said:

They are?  I can't find any info on that. Could you share?

Actually, I was joking. But I have been told by someone was told by someone who knows about dogs that dogs do distinguish the colour blue more clearly than reds and yellows and greens, which all look alike to them. So, if you throw a tennis ball into some long grass, your dog will find it harder to locate than it would a blue coloured ball.

So maybe there is something in this: a blue flare might appear brighter and more off-putting to a wolf than a red flare?

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12 minutes ago, TheEldritchGod said:

Bah. Include it to scare bears and you can make it a plaid flare for all I care. Either that or give me my bear spear in the survival game. Damn I love that thing.

+1. I love that thing too. It reminds me of The Edge. I'M GONNA KILL THE BEAR! SAY IT!!! :D

the flare gun works wonders against the bear btw, if you're having trouble with bears. Bottom of the ravine or top of timberwolf mtn. Idk how the revolver fairs - I haven't been unlucky enough to NEED to try it and I hope I never am. I try to give bears a wide berth

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4 hours ago, Tbone555 said:

+1. I love that thing too. It reminds me of The Edge. I'M GONNA KILL THE BEAR! SAY IT!!! :D

the flare gun works wonders against the bear btw, if you're having trouble with bears. Bottom of the ravine or top of timberwolf mtn. Idk how the revolver fairs - I haven't been unlucky enough to NEED to try it and I hope I never am. I try to give bears a wide berth

I've learned to go exclusively with the flare gun. They come right at you and if you miss, they run. If you hit, they still run, but are going to die, sooner or later. I used to perch on things and shoot, then jump to break line of contact, but that's so much more complicated then walking up to him and shooting him in the face.

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Guest jeffpeng
On 7/8/2019 at 2:24 AM, ManicManiac said:

Neat!  I've finally found another reference for blue flares...


Though it was in Mystery on Monster Island (1981)... and they didn't seem very effective on creatures. :( 

That's a foreshadowing of things to come if I've ever seen one. Who said we are going to be using those flares?

Edit: Is that thing actually wielding a storm latern in the other.... uhm... hand? Dang, we're in for a twist.

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5 hours ago, Fuarian said:

Coloured flares DO exist, as to how they would be any different than a normal red flare for dealing with wildlife beats me...

We are in a game that makes the wolf barking on you literally fly away instantly as soon as you try to start a fire. So... you're beaten twice I guess :D

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On 7/1/2019 at 1:30 AM, ManicManiac said:

[Addendum] - Wikipedia does mention, "Flares may be colored by the inclusion of pyrotechnic colorants."  

Which is fancy way of saying different metal salts. For example strontium burns red, barium green, and copper green or blue. So making a blue flare is really simple. It's just not necessary for most situations and red has been long established as an emergency signal

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