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Everything posted by Mistral

  1. The only books I ever use are archery and cooking. Maybe fire starting and carcass harvest if there's nothing else to do. The rest are useless. However, even with those archery and cooking books, I don't wanna use them right away (unless there's time killing and excess calories to be spend during blizzards) because you kinda want to get more important stuff done in those first two weeks or so. Okay the books are heavy and you don't wanna carry them around for too long, but still.
  2. Ruined by...? But no, there are no timberwolves in the game except for Bleak Inlet and Blackrock regions.
  3. Don't have a garage, or car. Have a storage space in the basement of the apartment building, but it's just full of empty cardboard boxes, for the next time I eventually move places. So I guess all I have is Tinder material. In orher words nothing after Fire starting 3 has been reached.
  4. If I had to guess, it'll probably come out with the Mountain Pass region, seeming as it's characterized as stalking in the ravines etc... also as entirely new animal, it should be among the most trickiest things to implement on the list... so my estimate is the "final update" ie December 2023, for both the animal and final region. At least putting it that far back in my guesses, I won't be dissappointed! Ptarmigan on the other hand, I'd expect that one to roll out in one the "lesser" update packages mid-year. Perhaps even in the next patch. Probably along with the new low key bow so that that thing can be used for more than just rabbits
  5. Yeah there's only 4 locations with loading screens in FA, and that's awesome.
  6. The rough estimation roadmap, as suggested by The Riddler above, would be absolutely fantastic. But even more needed is the old style detailed patch notes immediately upon launch of every single new version. Patch notes are critical basic feature.
  7. The person in charge of the airfield probably lives in Mindful cabin for at least part of the year. Someone used to live in Surveyor's Memory location too, maybe in Justy's Hovel as well (Island Cottage seems like a recreational summer place though). The mechanics and some other staff either in the Hangar directly (there are few beds) or in the two trailers temporarily... I think majority may come on go on rotation. Maybe in the upcoming Minining map, there is some settlement next to the quarry, where some of the staff might have commuted from
  8. Here's an example on how detailed the patch notes used to be... why are they gone now... and/or delayed to time X, every single patch should have these sort of details upon LAUNCH RUGGED SENTINEL Release Notes Version 1.16 [33814] NOTE: We are still investigating some issues with the Faithful Cartographer achievement; we hope to have it fixed soon and will update shortly. NEW! * Added the Moose to all Survival Mode regions. * Added the Broken Ribs Affliction. * Added the Moose-Hide Cloak gear item. * Added the Moose-Hide Satchel gear item. * Milton is now playable in Survival Mode, as "Mountain Town", including a full Loot and Wildlife pass. * New Save System for WINTERMUTE. * New Experience Modes for WINTERMUTE: Green Survivor, Capable Survivor, Hardened Survivor * New Custom Experience Toolbox for Survival Mode. * New Worn Clothing Weight Modifier. * Added Aurorified Lighting to all regions; these appear when the Aurora is active at night. ART * General texture clean-up. * General art optimizations to improve performance. * Reduced opacity of nighttime breath effect. * Additional beautification around Coastal Highway Quonset * Additional beautification around Pleasant Valley townsite. * [Wintermute] Added missing texture to chair in cinematic. * Fixed floating bones in Forlorn Muskeg Bear Den. * Fixed floating Wood object in Mountain Town. * Fixed the sun position in all regions to ensure it rises in the East and sets in the West. * General clean up on "out of bounds" areas. GAMEPLAY * [Survival] Fixed inaccessible loot in Turbine Room of Carter Hydro Dam. * [Survival] Fixed inaccessible loot under bed in the Coastal Highway Quonset. * [Survival] Fixed inaccessible loot in Cave in Mountain Town. * [Survival] General loot tuning for Broken Railroad region. * [Survival] Fixed inactive container item in Hunting Lodge basement. * [Survival] Fixed missing corpses and containers in Broken Railroad region. * [Wintermute] Fixed progression blocker related to Wood Bin and Flashlight in the Hunting Lodge. * [Survival] Milton is now accessible from both Forlorn Muskeg and Mystery Lake regions. * [Wintermute] Fixed missing translated strings for "Lake Gunshots" side mission. * [Wintermute] Current episode progress (% Completed) is now displayed as part of Save Game information. * [Survival] Fixed issue where player could get into a half-buried car on Coastal Highway. * [Survival] UI updates to clarify Encumbered and "buffed" carrying capacity states. * [Survival] Loot updates to Pleasant Valley to reflect additional beautifications. * [Both] Added numbering to Afflictions in the First Aid UI to make it easier to treat when there are multiple instances. * [Both] Fixed some inconsistencies in UIs that presented "cancel" options where that functionality did not exist. * [Wintermute] Added some failsafe logic to ensure the Old Bear doesn't get stuck and prevent completion of the Bear Hunt mission. * [Both] Reduced Deer carcass quartering time to 60 minutes, to improve balance against Bear and Moose quartering times. * [Wintermute] Modified aurora appearance timings after the player completes the Bear Hunt mission in Episode Two. Aurorae should appear more frequently now. * [Both] Controller bumpers can now be used to toggle between Harvesting and Quartering interfaces. * [Both] Fixed issue where lit Lantern would be dropped during a Struggle, and end up back in the player's Backpack without being extinguished, thereby using up all the fuel. Lit Lanterns will now be dropped in a Struggle. * [Wintermute] Fixed issues where items returned from a Trust interaction might not appear correctly in the player's Backpack. * [Both] Fixed issue where player camera would be inside the Bear mesh during carcass harvesting. * [Wintermute] Fixed issue where player would take no damage when standing inside Grey Mother's fire. * [Survival] Fixed an issue where a few tunables in Interloper were defaulting to Stalker settings. Interloper should be more challenging now, as a result. * [Both] Fixed some bugs with the Struggle system which could sometimes result in the player losing control. AUDIO * Several UI audio elements fixed. * [Wintermute] Fixed bug where lit Flare audio could carry into cinematics. * Moved triggers for "night is coming" gameplay VO to ensure they happen before it gets dark at dusk. * Modified frequency of exploration music in Timberwolf Mountain region. * General audio fixes for Grey Mother's House (Milton). Post Office (Milton), and the Hunting Lodge (Broken Railroad Region) GENERAL FIXES * [Both] General navmesh updates. * [Both] The game will now automatically detect Polish and Italian text based on system language settings. * [Survival] Added more backer info to Cairns. NOTE FOR LINUX USERS: Some Linux users may need to manually install SDL2. This can be done by running 'sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0' in your terminal ### End of Release Notes ###
  9. It is pointless, but so are the spray cans, and we live with them in harmony.
  10. Thanks for clarifications.. I wonder if you could ever release the first ever build (or some other early access version) as stand-alone installation for free? I think many people are curious about the origins of TLD but may find Time Capsule too intidimating (or are unaware of it anyway)
  11. There's too many of them now, too easy. They're becoming like revolvers.
  12. Here's another magical teleporting fiasco, first the player is stuck in buggy snowshelter (timestamp 2:29.25). Then when you load the latest savepoint to salvage the situation, you are teleported to different side of the map, to a cave you've never been in (timestamp 2:32.28). Are you investigating snowshelters too @Admin
  13. When I had insomnia I didn't notice anything different, except for waking up one time but then going back to sleep immediately. It's even less of a nuisance than "pain". Especially if you sleep in short intervals anyway, there's really no difference. Now the toxic gas thing in Blackrock, that was something... maybe it'll return in that upcoming mining region...
  14. This is not true, you certainly have been able to spawn into new regions immediately before, at least from since Bleak Inlet. Before that I don't remember. For example, see this (very first spawn into AC) The reason they didn't do the same for this time round looks to be to emphatisize this being different zone in the world. (Though TBH if they really wanted to underline this, the trek there should've been much harder and longer, just as they were advertising. As it is Keepers Pass is harder + seems longer than this...)
  15. How did you manage to tour the entire map in 7 days? It's massive. (IThen again I have to look into each corner. And the 12-14 hour blizzards kinda stop you advancing.)
  16. It seems pretty similar so far But all of this talk of region harshness, one can always make every one of them (even Milton) hard with self-imposed region limitations and custom settings. In fact it would be pretty logical to region-limit yourself to Far Terrirories only now and never even look at the Eastern Great Bear. And different modes can change the dynamics between maps too. For example, starting NOGOA/Deadman has famously been easier at HRV than at ML, because of the (previously) guaranteed matches and bedrolls of HRV, while at ML you didn't necessarily have access to even water, other than at the Dam toilets
  17. Yeah, it's not very difficult. But then again only very few maps are (Bleak Inlet, Crumbling Highway, HRV if loot and plants and animals are set to minimum) That island cottage is gonna look really pretty if you later get safehouse customization for that. We need more of these "semi-indoors" on solid locations, thankfully we now have more than just the Mountaineers hut. Same with the train station.
  18. The bear was glitching for me too, but it wasn't sleeping, just trying to walk on a wall. The wolves, I too thought they were gone the way of the dinosaurs when I entered the map, but at least on higher difficulties there are quite few of them once you get going. Most of them are on the lake ice or snow plains, few (ocasassionally) in the corner forests. One appeared next to that cabin in the upper hills. The clothing thing, that's how it has always worked? But I don't know if it's been like that in the easier modes. I think in the Story it auto-wear clothes.
  19. Back to Forsaken Airfield. Now that I've explored about 70% of the map I must say I'm really digging it. Was pretty lukewarm to the new transer zone and transer hub, and even to this one at first, the road up to the first trailer was pretty tame. It didn't even seem as if there was any wildlife. But after that I've learned that this map has a really nice barren character to it. The airfield has unique feel to it as does the big open space. The island cottage is lovely. Just spent a night inside and next to helicopter in the middle of woods at the other side of the map during 14 hour blizzard and it was great. It's not quite PV feel but almost. The wolf patrol routes seem to change as well. There was a (buggy) bear and moose, too. The only thing I'm really missing, besides having cougars and whatnot, is knowing what's the actual reason in coming here. I mean you need to add some special items and/or features to this place if you are playing the long game. There's a reason to go to Ash Canyon or Blackrock etc, what's it for here, other than "general loot"? I mean you have a forge but there's now a bunch of them anyway on the western side of the world. Well maybe that'll be updated in time. Also, if there is to be special stuff here, I think it should be far in the wilderness, not just in the airfield complex.
  20. With the DLC up and running, I wish this separate legacy "Time Capsule version" of the game being purchasable really was reality. I would love to switch between the versions on the fly. There are now separate versions of the game being available anyway, why not this too. The Legacy Package for like 5 dollars.
  21. Admin said they are gonna release patch notes for those, but I have seen nothing yet. But so far it seems: - Airfield region added + new hub and connector - Glimmer fog and insomnia added - Does added - Craftable crampons added - Visor notes / mementos added - Some new music and sound effects - Some loot and spawn refreshes - Minor other changes (textures and enviros etc)
  22. Autowalk is very handy and saves wear off from W button on your keyboard, also relaxes your fingers
  23. Tea has always been extremely helpful... as warming up buff and small calory intake. Not much as else