past caring

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Everything posted by past caring

  1. I dunno. I dunno. All I am saying is that since TFTFT I have managed to kill a bear a couple of times with just a single revolver shot, whereas that hadn't occurred previously. In terms of 'evidence' it's purely impressionistic, of course - and evidence to the contrary of others who play more than I do probably ought to be given a greater weight. I'll also admit it wasn't something I'd tried previously - received wisdom is you don't go after a bear with less than a rifle or bow, so that's what I always did.
  2. Relating more to the OP - it might be stating the obvious (apologies if so) but maybe not - once you get the "Coming Storm" mission, you don't actually have to do it immediately. In other words, you're still free to go off and explore other areas of the map and to complete the side missions - and that might result in you picking up the flares and flare shells etc. that you need to deal with the wolves. It worked for me.* Also make sure that for each survivor you head out with enough food/meds/water/pots to boil water in - the fire beside each survivor burns forever without more fuel. It will keep you warm and allow you to cook etc. So use that - sleep the night if necessary - to make sure that you bring each survivor up to the best condition they can possibly be in before you start the return journey to the Community Hall. That gives you more chance if one of the wolves does get through. ETA - * this also applies if you've already started the mission. So if you've already brought in one survivor, you're not compelled to now bring in the second and third - you're free to go off and gather the resources you might need to complete the mission before resuming.
  3. Just a thought, seeing as these are coming back in the next update...... I'd like to see a prepper stash/bunker in every single region - or at least, the possibility of a bunker in every region. And the reason is this. Knowing that there aren't any bunkers in ML, PV or Blackrock has resulted in a real disincentive to explore following TFTFT. So extrapolating from that, a bunker in every region would have the opposite effect, so long as like previously, the actual location was randomised, you'd want to search everywhere. And that, at least for me, would really help with long-term and repeat play - no more having to skip large areas of maps because you already know there isn't going to be anything there that you really need. And that need not have an affect that spoils gameplay on harder difficulties - the bunkers would be there, they just wouldn't have an awful lot in them (but could have one of the rare and important items that does occur anyway on that particular level of difficulty). Another thing - on my runs post TFTFT, I get the impression that Hinterland have already done a bit of tweaking to item availability as the game progresses? So that a region like MT, where you would normally expect to find lots of really useful loot (particularly on easier settings and where it's your starting region) doesn't seem to hold that much good gear, even on those easier difficulties, if it's the third or fourth region you visit. Now if I'm right about that and Hinterland have introduced a "there's less good stuff in a new region if you've already got good stuff" mechanic, then a bunker in every region wouldn't have to unbalance things on any difficulty. Just a thought.....
  4. I'm not sure that it will/it should? By which I mean that, yes, there may be variables on harder difficulties that reduce your chance of hitting the bear in the first place, and possibly of dealing a critical hit, but with those caveats, a critical hit ought to still be a critical hit. Anyway, my real point is to agree with you - following the TFTFT changes I definitely think it has become a lot easier to kill a bear with a revolver and that one-shot kills are more frequent. In fact, I'm not sure I'd even had a one shot revolver kill previously but I've had a couple this time around. First time I wasn't even sure until I'd checked the stats afterward. He was dancing around outside PVF and I shot him through the porch window. It was only a couple of days into the run, so the revolver was the only thing I had. I knew the first shot had hit from the reaction and I thought I'd pumped a few more into him, but once he dropped a minute or so later, the stats showed all but the first shot had missed......
  5. Just had a very weird thing..... Loading up my loot at Hermit's Cabin in MT, I was expecting to have to do it in two hauls. But as I shoved more and more stuff in my inventory, the load remained steadfastly as just over 35k kilos. As I was well rested, that meant being able to do the two rope climbs out in one push. Walked through the door of Paradise Meadows Farm and I instantly got sprain risk - I was now carrying the true figure, just over 57 kilos. Connected to this, I'm pretty certain - I had stored some fresh rabbit pelts, wolf and deer hides in the wood store at Hermit's Cabin. They'd only been in there a day or so and they were fine when I loaded them up - but on entering PMF they were all instantly ruined..... Bug, obviously - but just a one-off glitch for me or others seeing it?
  6. Apologies for the massive gaps/space in the above post. This was unintentional but has started happening in the last week or so when I post from my phone. Now I'm back on my PC, I don't have the option of editing it out.
  7. Got to admit I had not paid attention to the fact that you can see out of the train station windows in the brief exploratory run I did. But something I did notice was the unmistakable sound of a bear prowling about outside. I didn't actually see it, even though I had a damn good look. But it definitely was the sound of a bear. So given how easy it would be to get jumped in that location, see through windows are even more of a bonus.... Will be interested to find out whether the bear is there or not. 🤣
  8. @Shadox - don't get me wrong, I will visit FA. And I'm not moaning about what I paid for the DLC - no complaints about that at all. But my priority is to survive (I'm not massively great at the game 😁) and so at the outset I'm after getting hold of the stuff that's going to help me with that - some decent clothing, something that will allow me to fight off the wolves or at least scare them away without having to take damage and something that will allow me to carry a bit more gear about.... I did a couple of thorough Pilgrim recces of FA and of the things I actually need, I only came up with two* - the revolver and combat pants (I think I might have actually found something like 4-5 combat pants, but you can't wear more than two at a time) so as things stand, until something else is added, I'll probably have to stick with my usual PV - TWM - AC start for non-Piligrim runs in order to get myself to the point where I'll head to FA. That's all I'm saying really - in terms of where things are with the game right now - I don't see a huge amount that would make PA worth an early visit. But doubtless that will change as more of the DLC is released...... (*oh - and I did find the same thing that you did in both runs. Now if that means that *thing* is a guaranteed find in PA, it might well make it a worthwhile early-mid game visit. Certainly worth having that before visiting some of the regions I'll be wanting to go to..... 😉) ETA, having just checked, it seems that the blueprints for that item are now with us from the outset but that we still need the specialist workbench to make them......hmmm
  9. Maybe things will change by the time that the full TFTFT jigsaw is in place, but for the present I'm not seeing a great deal of gain from FA. It looks fantastic but flatters to deceive in my view.... Game is sparse, and though there's some decent loot, there's nothing unique or "must have". Yes, there's the forge - but there's also forges in FM and BR which I'd need to walk past to get to FA and they don't have the glimmer fog issue. i fully accept that the picture is likely to be very different by the time all of the DLC is added and TFTFT is complete, but as things stand, my view of FA is that it's not a region to spend any time in until you're a little bit established and have some decent gear - and by the time you've achieved that, there's more productive regions to visit.
  10. Playing on PC/Steam - Survival Mode with DLC. Used to be I could delete a save from the menu. That option still exists where it always was - but clicking on it now opens Steam. If you close Steam, the sandbox game is still there. Bug? or am I doing something wrong?
  11. PC user. Prior to the latest update, I knew how to find my saves. Is there now a new location or are they no longer saved on your PC at all?
  12. Just checking on I right in thinking that though the new rifles arrive with the DLC, they're not necessarily located in Forsaken Airfield or the associated transition zones? - i.e. they could actually be located on any of the maps? Just that I've pretty much completed my FA exploration and have yet to find any kind of rifle (on Pilgrim).
  13. Well, I say "disappearing" but that's slightly inaccurate. They are still there on my PC and I could probably use them if I went down the time capsule route. But those old saves aren't compatible after the update, so they don't show up any longer.
  14. Well that's exactly what happened with PC/Steam users, so I can't imagine it being different on other platforms. For reasons outside the game I was forced to restart my PC, that in turn resulted in my having to relaunch TLD, which in turn resulted in the update automatically downloading from Steam and my saves disappearing - all before I had the option of purchasing the DLC. (for the avoidance of doubt, this isn't a gripe - I was expecting it. I had hoped to get Astrid somewhere nice so we could say our final goodbyes but that's my issue....)
  15. But if so, you'd get a message, same as all the other lock boxes where that is needed. With this, you get the circular turning graphic that happens when you normally open something - it just doesn't open at the end of it. Either way, something is off.....
  16. Airfield, Cargomaster's Trailer - the third locker (furthest from the door) will not open - I get the graphic for "searching" but at the end of that the locker does not open.
  17. So just experienced some weird electrical storm type thing. Indoors - lights come on etc like the aurora. Go outside and it's midday - but cloud and mist everywhere......
  18. Whereabouts in Broken Railroad is the transition to the Airfield? - I'll give that a go......
  19. I've asked above, but what you're saying suggests I ought to be able to start a game in the airfield? It isn't appearing a starting region for me and I definitely have the DLC - bug or not?
  20. I'm just getting started. Is it possible to spawn in the new region? Only it's not showing up as an option form me, though I definitely have the DLC....
  21. Well.... Will annoyed me so much in Story Mode ("It takes losing her in a plane crash to make you realise you still love her? No wonder she left you. Stop moaning you utter roaster") that though I am a bloke I cannot be doing with him in Survival Mode. So I play as Astrid. And though I consider myself fairly trans-aware, I can't say I have any desire to "be" her. So I play her as me - with regular muttering under my breath, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Stop whining. Really? Really? You could make use of this? Why else pick it up? You've never been so hungry in your life? Actually, let me remind you about yesterday......". And so on. And if by some chance we end up with a mod that allows Will to make an appearance, she's going to put a cap in his ass, the melt.
  22. Thanks - I think I actually screamed out - loud enough that my partner came running up the stairs. 😁🤣
  23. Journeying from Ravine down to the fishing camp in Costal Highway, got intercepted by the bear. Got myself on ledge on one of the rock outcrops where I thought I could pop him but he couldn't get at me. Wrong. Got mauled. But in the process 'luckily' fell onto another ledge where he couldn't get me. Only now the weather's turned and I'm starting to freeze and the bear is still trying to get at me. The only way off the ledge where I'm safe from the bear (other than a deliberate fall that's going to cause further injury) is a short hop onto the ledge below - which the bear can definitely get to. I jump. I wait. I hear the sounds of his grunting begin to fade but I can't see him. I wait. No more bear sound. I wait. I edge around the corner of the ledge and come face to face with the fully healthy bear. In my panic I manage to squeeze the trigger on the game controller - it's entirely down to panic, not even a reflex action. I pop him right between the eyes - first one shot kill. 😏