past caring

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Everything posted by past caring

  1. I'm just getting started. Is it possible to spawn in the new region? Only it's not showing up as an option form me, though I definitely have the DLC....
  2. Well.... Will annoyed me so much in Story Mode ("It takes losing her in a plane crash to make you realise you still love her? No wonder she left you. Stop moaning you utter roaster") that though I am a bloke I cannot be doing with him in Survival Mode. So I play as Astrid. And though I consider myself fairly trans-aware, I can't say I have any desire to "be" her. So I play her as me - with regular muttering under my breath, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Stop whining. Really? Really? You could make use of this? Why else pick it up? You've never been so hungry in your life? Actually, let me remind you about yesterday......". And so on. And if by some chance we end up with a mod that allows Will to make an appearance, she's going to put a cap in his ass, the melt.
  3. Thanks - I think I actually screamed out - loud enough that my partner came running up the stairs. 😁🤣
  4. Journeying from Ravine down to the fishing camp in Costal Highway, got intercepted by the bear. Got myself on ledge on one of the rock outcrops where I thought I could pop him but he couldn't get at me. Wrong. Got mauled. But in the process 'luckily' fell onto another ledge where he couldn't get me. Only now the weather's turned and I'm starting to freeze and the bear is still trying to get at me. The only way off the ledge where I'm safe from the bear (other than a deliberate fall that's going to cause further injury) is a short hop onto the ledge below - which the bear can definitely get to. I jump. I wait. I hear the sounds of his grunting begin to fade but I can't see him. I wait. No more bear sound. I wait. I edge around the corner of the ledge and come face to face with the fully healthy bear. In my panic I manage to squeeze the trigger on the game controller - it's entirely down to panic, not even a reflex action. I pop him right between the eyes - first one shot kill. 😏
  5. I appreciate that whilst Hinterland might have relaxed its policy somewhat on modding, it still might not wish to actively promote them. Still, with the relaxation of the policy, I imagine it's OK to discuss (and even link to?) what is available and works? So a little surprised to see no specific topic on this. Anyway, some time back - and prior to the build that stopped the existing mods that were out there from working - I think there was a mod that allowed the player to do a certain amount of "tidying up" of an indoor location? Either fixing broken cupboard doors or removing debris from the floor etc? That's the one thing I would really appreciate being able to do with my base - it makes sense that your character would do that with any base they established as a centre of operations. But I never used that mod - I think I only became aware of it after the build that disabled the mods that existed at that point. Anyhow, is there such a mod? Is it working? If so, where can I find it? Is there a site elsewhere with a list of currently available mods?
  6. I think it's oversight rather than a bug - in as much as I assume this is the same for everyone. You can see in and out of the fences on the other side of the complex. And yes, I've been mugged a couple of times emerging from the gatehouse as a result.
  7. @peteloud - sure. Was only trying to say the damage is at least 30%. And others have said they had the problem when the struggle happens in the vicinity of the cave, which has also been my experience, but it isn't to say the problem doesn't also happen if you're further away - it may well happen, I've just been lucky not to have experienced that yet.
  8. I'll create a save and send it next time I'm in Mystery Lake - only because that's how I can be pretty sure of replicating. But these steps ought to work; - camp out in the cave at the south west corner of the lake - leave bearskin bedroll in the cave (preferably deployed/unrolled) - go and aggro a nearby wolf - retreat slowly towards the cave so the actual struggle takes place in the vicinity of the cave - bedroll will instantly deteriorate by some 30% +
  9. Yeah corpse leaning up against the nearest stanchion in the second picture. It was definitely there. I'll take another run through when I get home next week.
  10. "Emboweled? If thou embowel me today, I’ll give you leave to powder me and eat me too tomorrow. ’Sblood, ’twas time to counterfeit, or that hot termagant Scot had paid me scot and lot too. Counterfeit? I lie. I am no counterfeit. To die is to be a counterfeit, for he is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man; but to counterfeit dying when a man thereby liveth is to be no counterfeit, but the true and perfect image of life indeed. The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have saved my life. Zounds, I am afraid of this gunpowder Percy, though he be dead. How if he should counterfeit too, and rise? By my faith, I am afraid he would prove the better counterfeit. Therefore I’ll make him sure, yea, and I’ll swear I killed him. Why may not he rise as well as I? Nothing confutes me but eyes, and nobody sees me. Therefore, sirrah, stabbing him with a new wound in your thigh, come you along with me." 😉
  11. I'm a bit of a way away from it at the moment - and going to be away for a few days fishing - so probably no chance of a screenshot until next week. But the precise location is; - if you're on the side of the bridge looking towards the crashed bus, it's on the left hand side, leaning up against the bridge and close to the bus itself.
  12. First trip to Blackrock coming from PV - I come out from Keeper's Pass near the Blocked this time I am massively overloaded so I dump some of my gear in the body on the bridge. Come back the next day and the body is gone - and my gear with it. Bug or WAD? I've never had a human body disappear previously.....
  13. @AdamvR - did this ever get resolved as a bug? Just had the exact same thing happen to me (but in ML).
  14. @NickBeast17 - thanks, and interesting. There's a post on the 2nd page of that thread from @AdamvR; My emphasis in bold. This is exactly what has happened to me. Obviously, in my original post I didn't think to mention that I'd had a tangle with a wolf (in fact, I had two) - because I couldn't see the relevance. The bedroll was in the cave and nowhere near the wolf encounter. But that seems to be the common factor. I note there's nothing to indicate this got resolved - Hinterland did acknowledge it as an issue, in as much as it is not WAD.
  15. Anyone else seeing this? I've just spent 3 nights sleeping in the cave at Mystery Lake (the one at the foot of the rope climb close to the lake itself*). Before sleeping I repaired it to 100%. I've just walked to Carter and I'm sorting my gear ready to make the journey to my main base at PV Farmhouse - the bearskin bedroll is now at 53%!! And for the avoidance of doubt, I've not had a wildlife attack whilst carrying the roll. Surely this can't be right? * - Not that the location is important. I had noticed over the past couple of weeks in other maps that the bearskin bedroll appeared to be deteriorating more quickly than appeared right. But nothing quite as dramatic as this.
  16. I didn't connect the two events initially* but after using the ammo workbench for the first time, every other crafting option disappears from the menu - I can no longer do other crafting at the 'normal' workbench or craft items that should be craftable anywhere. I 'solved' the issue by saving, exiting the game entirely and reloading - but as soon as I use the ammo workbench again, the issue returns - (*which explains how I did come to link the two things). Anyone else? Bug report?
  17. The Robinson Crusoe tradition is a long one, but thinking Hinterland may be relying on it a little too heavily here.....
  18. Maybe I'm missing something with the last few posts (I'm currently in PV and was next off to BI to craft some ammo - but now thinking of going to Blackrock instead) - but if the ammo workshop is in the prison, why go to the mine at all? I've played Episode 4 of Story Mode so I'm assuming you can still walk in through the front gate?
  19. There's an ammo workshop in the prison? I don't need to go to Bleak Inlet? Fantastic.....
  20. I don't think they are saying it is a 'bug' that their temperature drops whilst standing in freezing water - but that three arrows indicating their temperature is going up is a bug.
  21. Spoiler request - looking at the release notes Blackrock is supposed to be accessible via Pleasant Valley. I'm already in PV in my current run - so where do I head to to get into Blackrock?
  22. Well, it depends , I answer was on the basis of "If I could build a house....." it would be for a home, a long term stay. And to me, that also requires that you've already gone some way to establishing yourself on Great Bear - you're not still scrabbling around to trap your first rabbit or craft your first deer skin pants. Maybe in my current run I am lucky, but; Wolves tend to patrol either of the orchards West or South of the farmhouse - they're easily avoidable. But I am at day 300 and something, so wolves themselves are a 'resource' for me now. The trees lining the frozen river leading East to the barn near Heartbreak Bridge regularly drop branches and twigs - as do the trees around the barn itself. Wolves don't patrol that route. And there's rabbits around the barn to be trapped. There's plenty of reclaimed wood to be harvested inside the farmhouse when you first arrive. Get yourself set up and then go gathering firewood. The route leading directly from the farmhouse East to the barn regularly has a couple of deer in the orchard - again, no wolves about, but I accept it's a bit of a pain if you only wing them and they run off over half the map and you end up getting caught, either in a storm or by a wolf. However, those deer are prime candidates to be scared into the vicinity of the wolves that are South of the farmhouse - let the wolf kill the deer and then you kill the wolf.