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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. This habit predates TLD by about 30 years but it fits: I always carry a knife and a lighter any time I leave the house. I used to have a nice Zippo that disappeared on me at some point, but a cheap plastic Bic works just as well most of the time.
  2. General troubleshooting advice, try mixing it up. Sign out of the Forums and see if the Support link works when logged out. Try a different browser. Try a different device. if you use a VPN, try disabling VPN. Or if you don't use VPN, maybe give one a try. Try connecting to a different network, like at a library or McDonalds or something. Or if you're on mobile an easy way is to simply shut off wi-fi and rely on mobile data for a few seconds--that counts as a separate network. Basically you want to just try testing it and figure out if the problem is with the site itself (it isn't, since the rest of us can get in), your device, your browser, your internet connection, or possibly just your specific account.
  3. When you're ready to move on. You've given up all hope that the region has anything new to offer, you've decided that today is the day. You've gathered all your gear for the road, fixed everything up to 100%, are ready to head out into the great unknown....aaaaaaaaaaand there's a moose.
  4. I hope at least some such decorations also serve a purpose besides being simply decorative. I mean I would eventually get around to crafting decorative items just for something to do, but in the short term a little tangible benefit would be nice. Like actually being able to use stag antlers to mount a pair of revolvers/distress pistols, or moose antlers to mount a rifle/bow. Maybe mounted wolf heads on pikes outside would have a scare chance for wolves that get within range. Or stuffed rabbits/ptarmigans act as decoys to create trap/hunting zones. Whatever makes sense given the properties of the item in question.
  5. Wouldn't be a stretch to add canned pumpkin. Everyone I know that bakes pumpkin pies use canned pumpkin, and you could eat it straight from the can if you wanted. Although I think I'd rather eat dog food.
  6. I have found a rifle in Blackrock
  7. This game does a really good job of reinforcing the priority of shelter -> water -> food. Because that is the priority in real life as well as in this game. Those are the things that will kill you fastest if untreated, and in that same order. (Barring injury or disease, of course.)
  8. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Sure I've had 95% firestarting chances fail 4 times in a row, but overall the law of averages plays out in the end.
  9. You likely wouldn't find much fish in areas like that at all due to the low oxygen levels in the water because of how stagnant it is. There might be a small fish population near hat creek, but once you get out into the muskeg, it'd be dead. Especially with all the nasty runoff from the railroad tracks.
  10. I primarily use Rock Caches to add storage near my primary base in any given region. If I'm staying long-term I will store meat in there, so I can easily keep an eye on its condition at a glance. If I'm moving on for an indeterminate duration, I pull it all out and throw it in the snow. For places like Timberwolf Mountain that are horribly lacking in storage, that's all I use them for. All meat goes on the ground regardless, and the Rock Caches are used to store tools, materials, things that don't degrade over time, etc. The ultimate answer is pretty much the same as just about any other similar question: "It depends."
  11. If you're really lucky they'll spawn close enough to grab, but mainly this is an oversight on the devs part. That cave didn't used to link to anything, it was just a regular cave. Once HRV was added and that cave was chosen as the transition point, the coal spawns weren't properly addressed. They continue to spawn in unreachable locations in Survivor mode, although in Story mode the coal is fully accessible.
  12. Seeing as how they're almost always ruined when you find them, most likely because they died upstream and were washed out into the ocean, then later washed back up onto the ice.
  13. Honestly if this were added as an actual Challenge mode I would play it, but that's too many rules to keep track of on my own!
  14. That's not quite how this game works. Crates in this game don't physically contain items, they can however be placed in a way to physically obscure them. To the player, this looks like you smash a crate and there are now items on the ground. In reality, the items were on the ground the whole time, the crate was just in the way so you had to smash it.
  15. Actually when it comes to preplaced carcasses, either harvest everything, or leave it alone. The moment you touch it, the decay meter starts, and they're already damaged to begin with. If you're not prepared to take everything, take nothing.
  16. The part about "specifically for high-end system", likely some new things in the options menu to possibly take advantage of ray tracing for more dynamic lighting, or increasing the render distance for objects so there isn't as much visible pop-in on 4k displays, maybe using billboards to create the illusion of a denser forest.
  17. I love food and science in equal measure because they're one and the same. The kitchen is nothing if not a laboratory! Is anyone aware of a way to purchase some of the more exotic foods featured in this game? Everything/anything in this game at all, really. I know it's easily possible to buy acorn grounds, rose hips, reishi powder, and crumbled birch bark online. But especially where meats are concerned, if I wanted to genuinely try Ptarmigan or Red Irish Lord, well I'm not exactly gonna find that at the IGA down the road! I've done a token Google search and turned up nothing. Does anyone here know of any business or anything that will source exotic ingredients? Ptarmigan, burdock root, cattail stalks, whatever!
  18. When I find a pre-made bow and arrow on day 1, and a bear moments later.
  19. It's just past 4am and I woke up from having one of those dreams where I dreamt up new game mechanics. It was a cross between Skyrim's Alchemy and this game's cooking system. Add different ingredients to the pot, see what you get. Sometimes you produce slop, which is edible but generally unpleasant and provides you with an "upset stomach" debuff that saps your movement speed. Or if you find a successful recipe on your own, you better remember it, or write it down. Edit: The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. It puts the power entirely in the player's hand. Experiment on your own, or wait six months and Google it if you're that sort. (No judgement here, we don't all necessarily have all the free time in the world to screw around like this.) Either way, the power is in the player's hand.
  20. I've done extensive testing to see if I can "trigger" a blizzard intentionally, and while I did appear to have some initial success, repeated efforts have revealed that to have been simple confirmation bias. It's entirely random. You just rolled bad dice.
  21. Probably manually mapped, in a fashion similar to how weak ice is mapped. For example in coastal regions if you use cheats to bypass weak ice, you can actually walk on the "water" beyond the weak ice segments. Similar to weak ice where you use your eyes and go "I'm pretty far from shore, I'm likely to encounter weak ice soon," you use your eyes to go "This looks like a pretty big lake, I can probably fish here." Realistically speaking, you probably COULD fish in most of the streams in some fashion or other, if it were summertime. But when everything is half frozen and the main bodies of water are locked off from each other by frozen tributaries, you really gotta look for deeper water. Just trust your gut!
  22. Depth. I've found this very intuitive and although I have certainly experimented all over the place, I have never been unsurprised by the results. Then again I've also done a fair amount of ice fishing myself IRL, so I know not to even try streams or bogs.
  23. I found all three potential Stalker Pie recipes in the same run. All within maybe 100m of each other, in the same general area. And for clarity, yes, I now have 3 copies of the recipe.
  24. Or provide lesser stackable buffs, that last a much longer time. Like a 1kg carry buff that lasts for a full 24-hour day, and can stack up to 5 times for a total of 5kg. And as long as you eat at least one of those things in a day, you keep the full buff. Going a day without causes you to lose 1kg per day until you're back to your baseline.