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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Same here. Not quite 5 seconds but I do notice both crouching and standing up from a crouch are sluggish.
  2. Drum roll please.................guess where it is now? PV Plane Crash aka "Crow Alley".
  3. I discovered that little niche in ep3 but couldn't get behind the waterfall at the end. In SM, I could and found a revolver and a box of ammo in the pack.
  4. Methodically, yes. I like to sweep up one side of the perimeter, come down the other side then up the middle.
  5. Sounds like you've already figured out Ep3 does not continue from Ep2. Only way to play Ep3 is to start a "New" game.
  6. I haven't had either of those issues. OP, did you try to re-load an earlier save? Also, I did see a small patch just come through Steam...
  7. In the Community Hall, if your items get displaced by people's sleeping mats, check on the floor by the front door.
  8. I was just attacked by a couple of timber wolves. I was bit twice while standing in a "sheltered" area. See screenshots.
  9. When first diagnosing a victim, you are not able to give them water. If you pick them up then drop them, you can then give them water. SPOILERS BELOW!
  10. I was going to open a support ticket, but thought I'd start a thread instead with things you may want submitted in a ticket: Opening scene with Molly - a couple of Molly's subtitles aren't displaying in a timely manner. Feedback on other changes: I like the old Crafting interface. I don't like having to scroll, but liked seeing everything on one screen.
  11. Got a good 9 hours sleep, made sure all my PC updates were done, coffee made and waiting....ohhh, just got a popup saying it's live!!!
  12. 0709 here in MST. I can see there are some new achievements available, but no download yet. 0713 - UPDATE QUEUED!!!!!!!!! 2.7GB. 0717 - I'm in! Have fun all!
  13. I'm heading home from work! Gonna get a good night's sleep so I can get up at 7am my time, do the download and start playing Ep3!!!!! 🙌😁🙂☺️
  14. hozz1235

    Episode 3

    Using my link above...
  15. No need to argue over trivialities, folks! We know what he means and I'm sure we all appreciate it!
  16. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Fever set in and eventual death.
  17. hozz1235

    Episode 3

  18. hozz1235

    4DON 2019

    I saw a house yesterday with Christmas lights up - and they were lit. So, too early? Guess not.
  19. I don't think HL would allow a game-breaker action to take place. WM is mostly linear.
  20. Do you think Survival Stories may be a more suitable place for this?
  21. Are you sure? I seem to recall any zone redesigns for WM have always rolled over to Sandbox at release. That's why they're doing the Lost & Found box...
  22. Can barely make anything out - does it seem to pause and zoom in then jump to another scene for you all too?
  23. HL hasn't posted anything about "items in danger" so I wouldn't worry about it.