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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I've looted the summit a few times and it is always a challenge getting the goodies down the mountain. It really all depends on how much risk you want to take as you could just mountain goat down the side over encumbered or clamber down the various rope climbs within the standard weight limits. It's nice if you have moose satchel as at least you get an extra 5 kilo bonus to your total carry weight. one thing for sure is that I always leave the water on the summit. no sense if packing that down, right? Regardless of how you decide to descend, you should prepare your route with storage areas in mind, ie. caves, containers and the like. If your willing to risk possible death by falling, load up and mountain goat your way down the side. by crouch walking and sometimes thru a series of short "controlled" falls you should be able to duckwalk down from the tail section and end up in Echo Ravine. If you go the the far right of tail section you end coming down near the engine by the cave entrance. Be sure to bring a ton of bandages as you're probably gonna need them. I think i suffered 6 sprains once and ended up using most of the pain killers in the process, lol. Once your down to solid ground, duck into the nearest cave and recover. If you pre prep your route, then hopefully you have already stashed some firewood and water from your last visit. good luck and let us all know how it turns out for you!
  2. Yeah, I always wondered what was behind that hatch.... wouldn't it be cool if the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder was behind that door and all you had to was bring up a couple of those big 15 kilo batteries and then when the aurora came you could open the door, hook up the batteries and playback the final minutes of this doomed flight...
  3. I agree it would have to have landed somewhere near Crystal lake or the vicinity, just loosely based on the "trajectory" of the aircraft and the initial impact area.
  4. I don't know how many times I've been up to the summit on Timberwolf Mt but I've always wondered what happened to the cockpit and flight crew of that doomed aircraft. Considering how the wreckage is scattered about the region it looks like the plane clipped the summit and was broken up into various pieces which eventually landed in those all too familiar locations. Considering how and where the wreckage has landed, what happened to the cockpit? It looks like most of the body of plane and cockpit is missing, the wings, landing gear and engines having been sheared off by the impact apparently continued moving forward until they reached their final resting place(s). But what happened to the cockpit and body of that aircraft? I would have loved to have found the smashed cockpit and been able to retrieve the "blackbox" and it would be equally interesting to be able to playback the recording during an aurora event. How many crew on an aircraft of that size? I typically encounter three to four bodies on the summit. One guy in the cave near the climbing rope, (not sure if this guy is always there or not, but he was on this last play through). Two bodies outside the rear of the tail section and one guy down in the underbelly of the tail section wreckage. How many of bodies were crew? Considering the note in the Mountaineer's Hut, is one of the dead on the summit the author of that note? or is the author of that note the dead guy with the hacksaw down by the cargo containers near the bear den? If the guy in the cave was crew, did he die only because he could not get into the locked storage containers? A survivor would have had just about everything they needed to survive otherwise, right? So many questions... Would love to hear some of your thoughts on this, please and thank you!
  5. and that's exactly what's happening... in that case even the can disappears. on the other hand, I can pick up a "ruined" can and still open it eat the contents and harvest the can... just saying it dont make no proper sense.
  6. well that would make sense... i'm like day 150 in this walkabout and just scaled the summit at Timberwolf Mt. and all the peanut butter in the cargo is at 9%... not even worth packing out... got like 9 storm lanterns at 92% each though, 😁
  7. yeah, just expired food items disappear off the shelves after being place there. typically notice it after going outside and then coming back in later
  8. nice close and personal! great pic. how'd the battle royale turn out?
  9. I'm curious as to why food items disappear from my selves once they expire as compared to items on shelves that I find when foraging? Apparently touching or handling an item starts off their countdown timer to oblivion. But why do those items vanish from the shelf instead of just sitting there as a "ruined" item? In my own gameplay, I like to forage and stockpile as much loot as I can in my player base while living off the land as best I can. Sometimes when I get back to home base with another load of loot, i've got significant holes in my food stockpile. yet comparatively, I can break a bow, use up a whetstone and ruin clothing and still be able to "display" those items. sure I could put some items in a drawer and make them disappear but why dont those items just also disappear like the food stuffs do? like i said, just curious
  10. In hindsight, that had to be a fairly big bear considering I shot a moose and after quartering it, i got 8 bags of meat.
  11. Ditto, we would all love to see some additional content to keep the game fresh or else it does come pretty tedious just going thru the motions. I think @hozz1235 made a valid point that you have to start getting creative within your own gameplay. It used to be a few years ago, when the game had a lot less maps, that the community would come up with some creative challenges and ideas of their own. Like who can collect the most lanterns in 30 days of in game play or who can collect the most rosehibs or something like that. Been a long time since we had a good decorate your base camp contest. btw... kudos for buying the soundtrack
  12. yup yup yup! you are so right. this is exactly what was happening. i hadn't bothered checking my inventory so just assumed i had both sets of sharps... turns out i was only carrying the handmade items. thank you for pointing this out as you solved my mystery! lol😁
  13. I've seen some crazy crafting time glitches, but not sure if this is a glitch. I'm crafting some arrow shafts and arrows using the workbench in the basement of the hunting lodge, so I'm not sure if it's a placement thing or what. I get a time reduction using a homemade knife and or hatchet that is shorter than using the real thing. In fact the my real items were both at 100% sharpness while the handmade hatchet was at 57% and the handmade knife at 78%. Now, it seems to me that logically, better, sharper tools should make any job easier. So are my self made tools that much better? doesn't seem likely as the opposite takes place when I'm harvesting game. the game I'm currently playing is an old save file that I recently dusted off in case that could be an explanation. any ideas?
  14. I believe it takes only two hours total time to quarter. heck of lot shorter time period than slicing up all those steaks... but yeah 35 kilos to 40 kilos seems to be what the average bear seems to yield.
  15. In the interest in saving time I decided to quarter the magnificent beast that I had finally dropped just outside of Trapper's. I ended up with 8 bags of meat, each weighing in at 9.3 kilos, dead carry weight. It seems like a lot more than I usually get. I typically get at least 5-6 bags maybe seven at best, or at least it seems that way. So the question is, how big is big? what's your typical bear harvest count? Was this a lot for one bear or just average?
  16. looks like the wind is blowing so hard the cabin is leaning over
  17. Yeah, honestly I was surprised initially when my first two kills harvested out to 3.5 and 5 kilos respectively, when I made that post back in December. upon resuming gameplay, however, subsequent kills definitely yield more meat when harvested. Last couple of times me and Timmy tangled I was getting solid 6+ kilo harvests. Game just seems to continue to improve with each passing day, doesn't it?
  18. kinda dark, hmmm? ...t'was a dark and gloomy night and as I slipped and fell on the ice, no one laughed, although the ice made a few cracks, lol
  19. I'm ready to repel down there and harvest that big boy! I hope you tried shooting an arrow or two at him!
  20. nice close up! I bet that sharp stick in his eye musta hurt a little