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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. catchy title right? a penny for your thoughts?
  2. yeah, I have dared to flare a bear and he runs like hell when fire burns his hair!
  3. @SysGhost, I agree that first onslaught of the bear killed me more than once in story mode as I was trying to get set to battle the bear. After my third death by mauling, I finally got set up with the spear firmly planted and the resulting battle at the broken antenna tower was epic! This is my second playthrough and this time I left FM without going for the final third transponder. Wielding the bear spear now back in ML and loving just playing in the sandbox!
  4. the excitement just doesn't get any better than this The bellow of anger that erupts from this blood lusted bear when he first impales himself on the newly crafted bear spear really gets the adrenaline pumping and ratchet s up the excitement level to another notch as I wonder if this spear is gonna hold! The multiple onslaughts instill a doubt, will this really work? Doubt instills a little fear, things could end badly, but the spear endures and I still stand! What was your reaction the first time you fought the bear with the spear in story mode?
  5. I can certainly understand and respect your reluctance if you are concerned about potentially downloading viruses,malware or spyware into your pc. Caution is commendable when downloading questionable items from potentially nefarious websites but rest assured that is not the case here. I don't think Hinterland would knowingly align themselves or expose the community to any group who had malicious intentions. That being said, honestly it only seems difficult but the process is fairly easy. you dont have to be a tech genius to enjoy the use of mods. the only "tech" skill you really need is where to find your game's folder so you download and install the loader and the mod files into their appropriate folder. Plenty of youtube tutorials on how to do it. plus, with the help of our fantastic community of gamers and now recognized mod makers, you have some of the best minds in the industry who are ready, willing and able to help you!
  6. the markings on the ice look very much like the ice in the game. it's obvioulsy true that art imitates life, or is it the other way around? We just got our first snow here in the PNW starting Christmas day and everything here is covered in 4 or 5 inches of fresh white powder! there's just something magical about fresh snow, the beauty is sublime and a quite stillness blankets the land. the only thing missing is the forlorn howl of a wolfpack.
  7. well I guess Jace didn't freeze to death after all, eh?
  8. So @Catloverhave you had a chance to check out for augmenting your own game? I currently use a quite a few to "enhance my game" but there are so many nifty mods to choose from. Besides the mandatory utility mods that make things work smoothly, my favorite mods are as follows: remember breakdown item - you dont have to select the item each time you perform an action place anywhere - allows you to better manipulate moveable objects in the game place from inventory - don't have to drop stuff anymore in order to place them free look in cars - now you can look out the back window when your hiding in a car from predators food pack - a great assortment of food items, want cookies and hot cocoa while it's snowing outside? house basements - adds a basement to some of the cabins in the game northfolk clothing pack - omg, I am so stylish in my bear skin leggings and wolf skin cap! I do a little dance on the catwalk... alcohol mod - omg, this by far is like the best drunk simulator ever! drink beer, wine and vodka and stumble about like a drunken sailor! cheers! there are so many others equally well deserving of mention but these are my favorites so far. I checked the list today and holy moley, so many new items listed and so many updated it's like christmas all over again!
  9. ohhh, I feel your pain! Playing the "long" game after you've done practically everything take some creativity in order to keep the run from getting really boring. I've always managed to die before breaking 1000 days, so I can't imagine that you have any achievements or features you have earned yet. Are there? Just curious? Since you did go through all the BlackRock loading screens and that was a serious project for sure, what about screen shotting each Cairn that has a comment? I've only counted all the cairn in a game once since I've owned it and that one time was enough for me. how about back tracking and filling each of the randomly spawning bunkers with tons of firewood and cooked meat? I once spent 284 days in DP and systematically hacksawed every metal object in the region and broke down every crate, cardboard box, plank and pallet on the map. I then systematically built up a stock pile of firewood and coal on the Riken and ended up foraging hunderds of arrow heads and dozens of improvised axes and heads. You could leave a few arrowheads, axes and knives in each of your stashes in those transition caves. Or maybe go to Carter Hydro and clean up everything in the lower and upper dam?
  10. I think somebody once counted all the cattails that you can harvest playing on Interloper. It accounted for an incredible amount of calories iirc. The Vegan Challenge, that would be a good self imposed challenge regardless of difficulty level. Can't eat meat and cannot craft any clothing using animal skins. Have you tried playing this way yourself? I might give that a whirl next time I'm feeling bored with the game.
  11. Ambient Lights is great if you are in an interior cell with the lighting effects inside altered by the conditions outside. What I would like to see is the opposite effect with light streaming out of the interior cell into the outside environment, so if I have a roaring fire going in the fireplace, it would be cool to see a reddish/orangish hue from the outside window. Same goes for having a hurrican lantern lighting up the inside, it would be nice to see "light" streaming from the interior casting some illumination around the exterior of the building and casting shadows. any chance y'all could make something like that possible? btw, welcome to the forums!
  12. thanks for sharing. it's not obvious how to use that feature so I completely understand @peteloud's frustration in trying to make that work. I'm now looking forward to posting something using the spoiler option!
  13. That has got to be a throwback to the days of old when the area was wholly owned by the rich land baron who's name currently escapes me. I believe he is mentioned in the lore in episode two when Will has to go there to retrieve the bear spear. This would have been long before Camp Office was built and Mystery Lake became a recreational area. Given its history, the hunting lodge the land baron built makes it one of the oldest intact structures on the island.
  14. you are correct, in survival mode the caches only show up on the map after you discover the bunker and go inside. Unlike story mode where the bunker location is revealed on the map because the player picks up a note or clue triggering the bunker search as a side quest. As you are probably well aware, in story mode the bunker is always in the same spot and never randomly spawns anywhere else. Now, just to make sure there is no confusion, in survival mode the prepper bunkers have 9 possible spawn locations in each region regardless of difficulty level. Differences in difficulty mainly effects the amount of useable items you find inside. now, just in case you didn't know, there are 6 possible variations on the cache contents: Food bunkers primarily contain food and drink Medicine bunkers primarily contain medicine and first aid items Weapon bunkers primarily contain hunting rifles, revolvers and ammunition Clothing bunkers primarily contain clothing like coats, sweaters, boots etc Firewood bunkers primarily contain fuel, tinder, matches and firestrikers Tool bunkers primarily contain tools kits, hatchets, knives and whetstones Any one of these variations can randomly spawn in ML, PV or Blackrock. Weapons and Medicene bunkers are the only kind that I know of that only spawn in the same spot on the map when they do spawn. Perhaps Tools as well, I'm not sure about that one. All the others randonly spawn in one of the possible known locations. There are a number of good maps and guides to each of the spots where a bunker could appear for both ML and PV. Since Blackrock is so new, not sure if there are very many tutorial or instructional videos yet on where to find them. Anyways, I think for most players, if you aren't actively looking for a prepper cache in either of the three regions, you are probably prone to overlook it. most of them are out of the way, fairly well removed from the proverbial beaten path.
  15. wait til you notice them while transition thru a few of the cave systems, it's like a catacombs in a couple of them.
  16. yeah, me too. The community has bantered about this subject on more than one occassion since I authored this post almost three years ago. I think the consensus was that since it was basically recognition for a financial contribution which help to fund the continued development of the game that those cairns would just remain empty. I don't think there is ever going to be an movement to complete the project. I always thought it would be a great idea to get permission from those backers who did not write a message, to release their claim on their cairn so that Hinterland could hold a contest whereby the community could author messages in place of the those unwritten stories. might be a good mod project for the new User Generated Content program, what do you think?
  17. in my best South Park Eric Cartman voice: Respect My Authority!
  18. are there episodes in the time capsule from before the ReDux? I know I haven't check, but I did play some of the old maps outta the time capsule and it was amazing to see how the game has progressed since the initial pre-release.
  19. yeah, you are absolutely right! He did have the radio hidden down in the floor hatch before the ReDux. I guess it's just another left over that was just glossed over. I woulda liked to have been able to use it as a little storage area in survival mode.
  20. yeah, me too. I mean you can still just drop stuff on the ground there, but from an immersive perspective I would prefer to see the bin outside the cabin
  21. Hanging out with Jeremiah at his cabin when I notice this so what is this square object supposed to be? Is it one of those carpeted rubber mats you wipe your boots off one or was it meant to be the illustration artist's idea of what a floor hatch in the cabin should look like? The idea of having a floor hatch for storage makes sense, but why not make it look like a hatch, like the one in the mountaineer's hut, if that was the look they were going for. so what do you think this is, hatch or a piece of carpet?
  22. yeah, it called "moveable container" and it works amazingly well. you can even move a container up to the size of a coal bin and it will reflect the weight of the object.