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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, a .50cal would be some serious overkill, but I could see a .30-06 or maybe .300 winchester magnum. Both are good hunting rifle calibers and would have excellent stopping power if fired upon inmates from one of the guard towers. I'd have to agree with the pump action shot gun for crowd control. It could also be used to fire some non-lethal rounds like bean bags or rubber slugs. getting hit by something like at in close quarters would hurt like hell, but at least you'd live to talk about it. yeah, the fumes of that can put a damper on the day for sure. I was pan frying some steaks once for some dinner guests and decided to season them with a little Tabasco sauce. I'd been drinking a little and my aim was a bit off and a huge amount splashed on the hot pan instead of the meat. The resulting vaporized hotsauce was like being maced! yeah, I thought I was gonna need to be hospitalized that night...
  2. Good choices. I do like that bridge pic myself. I wracking my brains for an appropriate 2nd pic to post. was gonna do something similar, but now you've got me second guessing myself. Good luck in the contest!
  3. lol, I did see a pic of a guy who got thrown off a plane the other day for wearing a thong as a facemask! and there was also a guy who used a bra cup for his facemask! ingenuity at it's finest!
  4. please dont tell me you torn up her thong to use as ear warmers?
  5. I take it you didn't bother reading the rules... Limit of 2 entries per person. you got a couple of good shots, you might wanna delete two and leave your best? hate to see you get disqualifed over a technicality
  6. yeah, you can in thru the side door and up the stairs... It's the big side door that you come running out of in story mode that gives the "door locked" visual prompt that we intially started chatting about. But it was @Morrick's funny picture about shooting the door lock with his revolver that reminded me of the actual real commerical for masterlock brand padlocks where they shot the padlock with a hunting rifle and still couldn't open it. Later the commercial was debunked when a another sharpshooter shot the lock on the spine of the locking mechanism and completely destroyed the lock, finally allowing access! I couldn't find that video when I last looked, might be worth another try.
  7. Yeah, we are in agreement that it is a superb game, hence the amount of time we have spent playing it. One of the best games in my library hands down. So, I see you don't want to be called purist, so then, how do you / how would you describe yourself? No disrespected intended my good man, just wanna get to know you a little better.
  8. yeah, it's now one of my most favorite mods! I have so much more free time now to spend here on the forums! Thanks, Hozz!
  9. "Hello Jeremiah, The CDC sent me here to innoculate you..." "This first booster is for the Leporidae strain" "the second injection is for the Cervidae virus" "this third jab should protect you from Canis lupus disease" "and this one is for mutated Ursidae vector" "wait, I think I'm feeling better already!" "there's just one more, this one is for the dreaded Necronomicon variant..." "argghhh, my heart!!!" "Johnson!" "Yes Sir?" "Mark this down as death by Bear Mauling...."
  10. You strike me as being a purist, so I think I understand your desire to avoid any assistance with finding a prepper cache location. There's no greater satisfaction than finding one without anybodys help. Good luck in your continued search!
  11. I typically play Stalker mode only on account I love the guns and haven't played custom mode for a long time. That being said, it has been a long while since I've been up to the plane crash in PV, so memory could be faulty. curious now though, is this only happening on newly launched games? or is this occuring on older save game files as well?
  12. lol, how about that new autoplay mod? you know the one where the game just plays itself? I just turn mine on when I leave for work and then check on the progress when I get home...
  13. intersting, although I honestly dont recall ever finding a corpse at the plane crash in PV in survival mode. plenty in story mode, but never one in survival
  14. hmmm, curious now. Did you loot these corpses? that might explain why they disappeared? maybe they were supposed to be animal carcasses, but the AI randomly placed bodies there and the act of "looting" was akin to "harvesting" and the resulting post harvest mechanic made the bodies disappear. either way, it's kinda cool if you ask me. on the one hand, maybe it snowed so much the corpse is now covered over in snow? on the other maybe the local hungry wildlife finally ate them up.
  15. I'm actually sitting here laughing out loud and thinking "where in the world is Catlover finding and looting real corpses?"
  16. yeah that locked door indicator definitely has to go. It would indicate the need for a key, when there is none. we should probably report that as a glitch.
  17. I now keep a can of grape soda and a pack of matches in my glove box and to make it even more interesting I throw an old half used sewing kit in the trunk...
  18. Sold! I'm gonna start scraping all the windshields now in every car and truck I can find... Hmm, new challenge?
  19. hmmm, yeah that HUD can be pesky if you are looking for that pristine screenshot, but I find that seeing the HUD sometimes can really help capture the moment and express the feeling you had at that point in time. Cold, tired and hungry, but still enjoying a beautiful sunset or sunrise really makes for a poignant pic sometimes. Don't let that deter you from sharing your screenshots!
  20. oops, didn't mean to steal your thunder! It is really a great view point of the lake. I could see a big A frame construction with floor to ceiling windows so it would feel like your standing on the edge looking out over creation! Image a nice hot tub and outdoor fireplace on the deck...
  21. No, no you haven't. we had that typical father/son love/hate relationship if you know what I mean. I find myself saying some of the same things and when I catch myself doing so, I finally understand what he meant when he told me that he hoped my kids would turn out just like me... 😖