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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. getting ready for christmas over at Jeremiah's place guess you gotta make do, when you don't have a mantle or any stockings what does a guy who just got mauled by a bear have for christmas dinner? looks like peaches and beans again this year!
  2. your idea actually sounds like a good one. there really should be the possibility of death by falling off a dangerously swaying rope bridge. As it stands now, all you gotta do is point your cursor in the right direction and you can just waltz over the rope bridge without any fear what so ever. here's a clip of an actual rope bridge still in use. doesn't look high enough off the ground for the fall to kill you, but looks shakey AF
  3. I think you are onto something indeed. Warhammer 40,000?: Space Marine, released in 2011 was Raph's baby. Not only was he the director but also the writer for that game. Then 2014 Hinterland was born. Coincidence? I think not! ohhh, the suspense is now killing me! The whole "event" is the prelude to an intergalactic invasion by menacing Space Orks! what a plot twist! Will better start sharpening up his hatchet and Bear Spear cause this battle is gonna be epic!
  4. lol, so what do you know? tell us now!!!
  5. thanks for letting us know. did they say anything about fixing it?
  6. I think it's obvious, Methuselah is an alien observer who was sent to the planet to study how human beings handle extreme crisis. The "aliens" who are watching are doing this as a pre-first contact protocol to gauge our reaction to unknown phenomenon. If you recall Jace mentioned that she and her "Advisor" were working out of a nearby observatory and had some arcane knowledge regarding the "event." Although she never fully elaborated on what that knowledge was, she intimated that she knew what was responsible from their research at the observatory. What better way to accidently discover the presence of an alien spacecraft entering our solar system than using a deep space observatory equiped with a massive telescopic and a slew of other electronic instruments. Even with the subsequent power interruption, the telescope could still be used manually to observe the spacecraft. or, Jace is actually Methuselah and the alien's technology is so advanced that they can change their appearance using advanced shape shifting technology or a holographic cloaking device.
  7. thanks for the heads up players. the next time I'm up in BlackRock in survival mode I'll see if I can duplicate the screen prompt. btw have either of you reported this as a glitch?
  8. uhhh, I dont think those were Reishi mushrooms.... zoom zoom zoom goes the shroom shroom shroom
  9. btw, @Kranium and @I_eat_only_wolf_meat story mode or survival when you found these vehicles?
  10. thanks for pointing that out. as I looked back over the pic, i should have noticed the edge of the open hood was purple
  11. good one! There is that pillow and old bed roll right down on the floor in the corner looking pretty ratty. You get my upvote for that answer!
  12. Apparantely the only heated seats in the game are for Prison vehicles... everything else still manual. I just hope the radio played some rock n' roll during an aurora!
  13. you should let all your vegan friends know! you'd be the talk of the town!
  14. Been a while since I've been to BI but this poor soul's story is yet to be written I can't imagine why he would seek refuge in this wrecked trailer on the middle of a bridge with a multitude of cars available for shelter. Not to mention that he either had to pass the cannery and all the shelter it provided, or he had to pass the cabins that housed the cannery works on the other end of the bridge. I'd speculate that he was one his way to one of those areas when either he was menaced by a pack of timberwolves or was caught in a sudden but fierce snowstorm. Either way this makeshift shelter became his final resting place. yes he was out of the wind, but still cold. very cold. I suspect he just wanted to close his eyes for a few moments but those mere minutes turned into an eternity. Rip my good man and thanks for letting me have your boots...
  15. Well, if you guess that they are all unlocked, then yes, you are correct! But did you ever notice, that not a single vehicle has an automatic transmission or power windows? Nope, each and every model sports a standard transmission and manual roll down windows. So, even without a battery, we should be able to roll these babies and compression start them just like that. I'd venture to guess that some of the players have never even driven a car with a standard transmission, let alone ever rolled down a window using a handle crank! lol Here's to the good ole days when you could push start your own car...
  16. there's surprisingly lots of spots with workbenches strewn about the map in this region, but seemingly with a lack of beds to offset the conditions that would make those sports a good base camp otherwise. I guess sleeping in a old truck next to a barrel fire aint so bad afterall, am I right?
  17. yeah those ones along the river by the long curve are sketchy to find. there's also one between 3 Strikes and Skeeter's Ridge that's nestled between some rock outcroppings that I always seem to miss too
  18. I take you've checked all 8 or 9 of the possible cache locations? I know it's alot of ground to cover, but I've overlooked them a few times only to go back later to find one.
  19. Sounds like @DiscoJonny should be asking for more beer! Seems his keyboard is as thirsty as he is!🍺
  20. hmmm, that got me to thinking this might just throw you into a near endless loop. you die, you wake up in purgatory, flee the Darkwalker, find your journal, adrenaline rush revives you to 15% condition where you went down, you die again, you wake up in purgatory, flee the Darkwalker, find your journal, adrenaline rush revives you to 15% condition where you went down, you die again, you wake up in purgatory, flee the Darkwalker, find your journal, adrenalive rush revives you to 15% condition where you went down, you die again.... oh, I hope somebody makes a mod for this!
  21. Interesting idea, it got me to thinking that it should trigger a Darkwalker event. This thing is coming after you to eat your soul before you can find your journal which reincarnates you back into the game. If you do, your magically transport back to the last savepoint where your condition was at least 90% or better...