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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Not sure why this is happening, but AVAST anitvirus has determined that TLD.exe is a virus hazard and has subsequently quarantined the files pending deletion. I had issues with getting the game to launch and discovered this to be the root cause. Have you guys heard anything about this?
  2. although I do like the idea, but aren't caliper release units used in archery designed more for compound bows and their extreme draw weight ratios? I have seen some competition archers use a release system on a long bow similar to what we use in game, but the device was more for accuracy rather than to minimize the effort required to keep the bow drawn.
  3. there's a moosehide bag mod that does just that. it reduces the scent of cooked or uncooked meat, fish and guts. its called MooseSatchelMod 1.2 by ttr just in case you wanna check it out.
  4. Found these folks just partying at the scenic viewpoint in Keeper's Pass South they had a nice little fire going to keep them warm and the they were cuddling together and just enjoying their own company and the view they had a barrel of beers on ice and they layed out a nice spread of freshly grilled wolf steak sandwiches along with the canadian favorite of maple syrup snow cones party on!
  5. I gave mine to Methuselah, he's using them as kneeling pads for his makeshift campouts!
  6. did you try using a stick?
  7. @Kranium, there are a boat load of mods available that will do what you are looking for. From candles to carvings, foods, friendly pets to blankets and binoculars. You wanna tinker with decay rates and animal behavior mechanics too? There are some great mods available to you! If you're looking for immersion that's lore friendly, yes indeed, they have that too!
  8. I remember finding all kinds of fish laying about in DP back in the day. Used to be a fish or two in the belly of the Riken and you'd almost always find one in the rowboats like the one in your picture. There even would be some fish every once in a while up on the thin ice to lure you out there, but not so much anymore. I don't remember ever seeing a fish in rowboat like that. Are you just not able to reach it? Tried getting real close and crouching?
  9. I hope they make a mod for that. One of those hot tent stoves with a big long pipe that reaches outta the hatch would be a welcome addition.
  10. Keeper's Pass South Found this poor soul a short way from the fishing shack. Although I could not see him from the bridge, nor from the fishing shack, his presence was loudly noted by the murder of crows flitting about overhead. Their caw echoing off the canyon walls almost as loudly as the thunderous roar of the twin streams of icy cold rushing water falling relentlessly into the deep cold depths of the river below. I carefully examined the body and could not find any outward signs of trauma. His clothing was untorn and his pockets were empty. I suspect that he was taken in by the beauty of the falls as he was crossing the bridge and came down to the waters edge for a better look. Either he was too mesmerized by the magical beauty of the falls or failed to notice the ice was too thin to hold his weight, but I think he may have fallen in the water, possibly as the ice gave way. He probably fought valiantly against the rushing current and somehow managed to work his way out of the freezing water, but was so physically exhausted that when he reached this spot he was too cold to move any further. His view of the falls was indeed breath taking...
  11. so you're saying they glued on some layered hard fur armor? In your initial post you hypothesized that the Forest Talkers created a bio weapon. You can't make a bio weapon outta a bear by cladding the beast in a layer of hardened fur armor. you could possible do so however by changing the beast at the cellular thru gene splicing and recombinant DNA manipulation. easy to believe considering we are currently living in a time where that shit is real...
  12. Ever hear of a band from the 80's called Translator? 🎶 You're in Nova Scotia, but I'm not. Yeah, you're Everywhere That I'm Not Yeah, you're Everywhere That I'm Not I'm Not, I'm Not, I'm Not. 🎶 song was called "everywhere that i'm not" funny how I read your reply and instantly the song popped into my head. I
  13. what are you doing here? accupuncture? nice pincushion you got there!
  14. As good and plausible theory and explanation as any other. I do like the idea that the Forest Talkers could have enlisted a mad scientist to bio-engineer a DNA changing virus that they fortunately only introduced into a single animal, in this case the old grumpy bear. The resulting infusion of manipulated genes caused the physical mutations that resulted in the "armoring" of the beasts hide making it impervious to gunshots and arrows. The side effect was the man-killing rage subsequently beset the poor beast sending it off on it's man killing rampage. The altered physical characteristics made the beast difficult to kill using conventional ranged weapons since it's armored exterior more than adequately shielded the beasts soft and vulnerable underbelly. Perhaps the bears memory of having been trapped, captured and experimented upon by the Forest Talkers made them all an immediate target. After all the bear was just being systematic when pursuing them since they all seemed to wear similar clothing, ie, camo outerwear the bear couldn't/wouldn't stop his rampage until there were no men left standing. Luckily there was the legend and lore that told the story of another such encounter which resulted in the spear quest and the resulting retrieval, repair and deployment of this untested weapon under extreme circumstances. The Forest Talkers weren't necessarily the benevolent eco-activists who merely chained themselves to trees to discourage logging, but definitely would be considered malicious eco-extremists by the folks employed by the Breyerhouse company.
  15. hey @Morrick, this one is for you the one that got away ah, I see dinner is rambling up to greet me personally Boom!!! i missed....
  16. Given the over abundance of clothing items, cloth and repair kits in the game it kinda makes sense to keep your most desireable items in good condition when ever possible. I don't keep any set schedule but look to my warmth gauge on my hud to give me an indication of my clothings deteriorating condition. I do however, assess my clothing after each wolf struggle or bear mauling only because boots, gloves and hats seem to take the worst wear and tear from those kinda wildlife encounters. Considering now that we can repair crampons, I just recently noticed how quickly a pair of crampons can deterioriate when they are worn during multiple aggressive wildlife entanglements. keeping your gear tuned up by investing a couple of pieces of cloth regulary is probably a good thing all things considered.
  17. @SysGhostinteresting pic of the dead guy at the bottom of the rope climb. I've been out there many times and climbed that up and down in that area, I have never seen this corpse before. I'd have to agree he looked like he was dressed for warm weather. Judging from his hip-hop appearance, it looks like he was a drunken frat boi who fell to his death when he lost his grip on the rope and plunged to the ground below. I agree he deserves some recognition on The Sitting Dead regardless of his prone position. I think the moral of the story here is "dont drink and climb."
  18. how many pieces was it in total?
  19. a thought just occured that there is a supply box at the bottom of the of the river bed under the broken part of the bridge if my memory of the map is correct. if the devs could "activate" that immediate area or even randomly spawning chunks of coal in it, it could still be lore friendly that they still shipped in coal for use at the yard. If they were to do that, now a player would have good reason to climb down to the river bed in order to source coal from the wreckage below. Of course your idea of some randomly spawning lumps of coal along the tracks makes a lot of sense, seeing that if they railroad was transporting coal via a train car, that some chucks would fall off during transit. case in point would be all those lumps of coal you find alongside the derailed train cars at poacher's camp in FM.
  20. love the amount of workspace in the cannery gotta be a way to incorporate the vest into one of my beast coats! I need an advanced sewing primer! no thanks to those damn wolves constantly tugging at my clothes, the mending and repairs just never end. I don't know about you but I never liked sardines...