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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Actually the library challenge was pioneered by a player named @Screenshot Pilgrim and the object was to gather all the books on the island and bring them to one central location and organize them. It was extremely difficult as anytime you picked up more than one book, they changed into the same cover. so if you picked up a book that had one cover design on it and say was an open book and you combined it with another book with a different cover design that was closed, the result was that both books cover changed to something completely different, both now looking the same and closed. so you can imagine how many trips it would take even if you were just staying on the same map. being able to only carry one book at a time was frustrating.
  2. My I please have a few extra clothing and equipment slots in order to accomodate my gear? It would be nice to wear a balaclava, a hat and a scarf. It just makes sense that you should be able to do all three. since a scraf covers the neck, it would make more sense to just have another slot for that type of clothing. if possible I'd also want to see the earmuffs moved to the clothing side, especially now with new ballistic vest, equipment slots are scarce for carrying gear like the moose satchel, crampons and ear muffs. Technically speaking, I should be able to wear all those items simultaneously since the moose satchel is a carry bag, the crampons go on the feet over the boots and vest is worn either under or over the coat. I wouldn't mind taking a weight penalty for putting all that stuff on, but I think it does make sense that I should be able to. I think it would add a little realism and make the game just a little more immersive.
  3. You should put that on the mod wish list! There's already one clothing mod available now called Norfolk clothing and you it features all sorts of items, like bearskin leggings and wolfskin boots. Very clever and stylish. I bet making a rabbitpelt scarf would be a cinch for the UGC workshop
  4. I found the food cache as well. I'm playing a saved game, so I wonder if the default mode is food prepper each time?
  5. my new lair up in Blackrock finally finished a litte roof repair, at least now it won't snow inside anymore made a little curtain door outta a couple of old sleeping bags, still a little breezy but helps keep the wind out stockings all mended and hung up with care hoping that St. Nick soon will be there...
  6. Look what I find the next day lol, not sure what's going on with those rabbits, tracks all around and wolf carcass looked a little gnawed upon...
  7. lol, I sneezed when I was aiming my last arrow and ended up jiggling my mouse. It amused me as well, so I just left it that way. glad you found it amusing as well!
  8. I do belive that was a "fan art" painting. I think if you look thru the older fan art threads you will find it. there were a number of other "spring time" scenes that were done by the same person.
  9. quackquackquackquack.... QUAAK!!! OHMYQUACKKKKK....
  10. look for the prepper's cache, there is always a tin of coffee in the bunker in ML
  11. I guess so! seems we're talking about them and some are posting links to the discord server, so I think it should be okay. Now I'm curious what you have to share. Knowing it's coming from you, it's probably some damn good stuff! Spill the beans my good man!
  12. and wasn't it just a grand battle? I once took out the moose in PV near pensive pond but it took me 7 flares to bring him down. One went right into his left eye, the resulting image of that buring flare looked like the beast had just been unleashed from the portals of Hell. Comical and horrifying all at the same time.
  13. who's harrassing who now??? I heard the squeal of the rabbit as the mighty timberwolf sunk it's fangs into its soft and quivering flesh I pulled out my trusty 6 shooter and slowly approach ready for action the wolf's eyes narrow as he sizes me up, dismisses me as not a threat and continues to hungerly gooble his meal I didn't like his attitude so I let him have, point blank range, right between the eyes! I moved to his other side and popped another round into his side that had no effect so I switched to the bow slowly taking aim, I pulled back the drawstring twang! right in the neck he scoffed at the mere pinprick, so I emptied my quiver He remained unfazed and continued to greedily gooble up his dinner, occassionaly coming up for air and seeming to check on what i was doing with a growl and a grin he continued to tear into his dinner... I thought to myself, Flip You... It's about to get hot! With a pop and a sizzle, my incendiary missle leapt across the few scant feet separating us and struck his side the brightness of the flare hurt my eyes and the fetid smell of the wolfs buring hair filled my nostrils I retrieved my arrows and harvested the wolf and the rabbit rumor has it the ghost of the wolf still chomps and slurps his dinner to this day
  14. considering where you now find yourself, it seems maybe you outta hoof it to the power station and take the steam tunnels up to the prison. i figured the warden was a coffee drinker, but when I checked his office I found a cup of herbal tea in the microwave... i did find some coffee later, but now can't remember if it was in the guard shack by the gate or up in the guard tower, could have been in the breakroom though too.
  15. 1400 days! That is an impressive amount of time in one save game! Big question, what do you do to keep yourself occupied? I would think up to this point you must have explored most of the island, of course now you get to check out a new region so the game is automatically fresh. That being said how do you pass time when you have a meat supply 4X older than most players total days in game?
  16. hey I'm totally down with that! That would be a fun idea. A while back I made a post called "what's cooking in your 2 liter pot" and got some fairly clever dishes from some of the players. why dont you get a thread started? your "build a house anywhere" thread has gotten over 1.2k in views so I think you'll get good results? Maybe now's a good time maybe to get something like that going again. I think you should stipulate that receipes can be made from ingredients found in the vanilla game. No using food mods since not everyone would be able to participate. Just in time for Holidays, The Great Bear Island Survivors Cook Book for Gourment Dining!
  17. lol, yeah I went down in the steam tunnels during an aurora and I could tell you had been there, on account it smell like freshly grilled sausage...😆
  18. yeah, there is no "better bases" on xpazeman, unless you are thinking of a different site. does the afore mentioned mod go by a different name perhaps? I already use "moveable containers" which I got from xpazeman and it works very well which is why I previously mentioned it to Marrowstone in my reply to his post.
  19. Right? I was always under the impression that toxic gases in mines was methane. Hence the reason why miners of old used a canary in the gold mine as they were very susceptible to the gas? I wonder if a crow is a good substitute? 😜
  20. in that case, I wanna be able to fire a flare gun into my campfire and start it that way as well! reminds me of a time when my sons and I went car camping late in the fall. As was typical for the PNW, it was raining buckets and we were desperately trying to get our fire started but the wind and the rain had other ideas. So I went back to car and pulled a road flare from the emergency kit in the trunk. we set off the flare and stuffed it into the damp pile of kindling and piled on the wood. Wasn't long before we had some decent flames going, but the hellish red flickering glow eminating from our firepit looked like we were trying to open a portal to another dimension. My youngest son now refers to road flares as Hellstick Fire Starters...
  21. really? what are they called? I regulary check xpazeman for mods but haven't come across any that do that. I usually avoid mods that aren't updated to the latest game build in order to avoid stability issues. Perhaps this why I have overlooked them? let me know when you get a chance. I'd love to be able to stack a couple of crates and place some planks on them creating a ramp, Bleak Inslet instantly comes to mind
  22. I went in with a burning torch, good thing that the toxic gas isn't flamable...
  23. Nice! yeah, about that spear... Get crackin laddie! Me wants a spear too! I'd like to be able to use my two liter pot to cook up some soups or stews, not just boil water and heat up an old dented can of beans... ha ha what's cooking in your two liter pot?
  24. just curious what kinda mod you wanna make? I'm in the same boat as you, got tons of ideas and no experience... anyways, I checked out the link the other day and there are some super duper mods already being produced by some very talented creators. They have already knocked out quite a few that I had on my list of ideas so that's a good thing if you ask me. good luck, player!