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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Besides the abundant wildlife and the amenities you mentioned the only other draw for Broken Railroad is you've got a working forge. but not really, right? No sources of coal anywhere unless you are willling to pack it in regularly or you hike to another region in order to source the needed supply. With the exception of the one time supply of abandoned coal the forge becomes useless. I guess the working forge is merely a holdover from story mode but it would have been nice to have some cave that at least dropped a few pieces of coal every so often so that supplies could be slowly replenished. I guess you could argue that in the history of the island, the railroad operators kept a working forge in order to repair the train because they probably had to fabricate many of their repair parts rather than wait on new parts to be shipped to them from the mainland. Having a working train would also make it easy for loads of coal to be transported to the rail yard but nowhere is they any evidence they did so. Other than that, I do like the region. I go there are least once in every game that I launch, to loot the maintenace yard and the lodge.
  2. can you imagine how terrifying it would be to see zombified bunnies hoping about whispering, "brains...."
  3. I find it surprising and counter intuitive that although coal is so easily found in many of the transition caves and mines on the island that the possiblity of death and injury whilst traversing those tunnels is so minimal considering the hazards associated with old abandoned mines, coal mines in general. Coal mines are known for their build up of methane, carbon dioxide and other deadly gases, some combinations being explosive and others where you just suffocate to death. Yet with the exception of the one single mine in the game that actually has some hazardous deadly gas, our characters routinely tranisition thru decades old unstable, unventilated mines, shafts and tunnels where the ceilings and walls have collapsed due to neglected maintenance and continued seismic disturbances. There should be some consequences to such easy pickings when you can just stroll thru a tunnel and pickup 17 lumps of coal with impunity. on the other hand, why would you put a forge in Broken Railroad when there isn't a source for coal anywhere remotely near the area? Good thing they give you enough for a single session otherwise there would be no reason to ever go there, right?
  4. I can hear Will asking noone in particular, "I hope nobody needs this anymore..."
  5. been a while since I've been to BI to make reload my collection of spent casings only to find some curious goings on probably shoudn't have killed that wolf last time i was here...
  6. lol, you've heard that expression, "they were chumming the water!" lol, having some practical experience with that myself, there's nothing like the smack of big wet wave of cold ocean water on your backside when you're in rough seas in the middle of the night! I don't know which God heard my plea that night 'cause I asked em all!
  7. good idea, you get a 50/50 chance of jab/stabbing, but if you were wielding a bayonet style rifle setup rather than a bear spear, the wielder would only be able to fire the rifle from the hip. another 50/50 chance of hitting their target during the ensuing wolf struggle. either that would end the encounter or perhaps the wolf would run away? maybe randomize that aspect of the wolf struggle mechanic as well. yeah, all those algorythms and all those hand drawn animations would be necessary in order to make the occurence immersive. I don't think we'll be seing anything like it anytime soon.
  8. when cooking your catch becomes more of a burden than a reward I think I could use an extra large roasting pan
  9. I think I agree with Bimbo's idea that the animation would kinda be setting the bayonet and the wolf subsequently impales themselves much like the bear when it leaps towards you. Now I could see a jabbing or thrusting motion as well only for the immersive quality of the encounter. In story mode, there is some jabbing going on as the scene unfolds as the player engages the bear with the spear. In the final boss fight, the spear is repeatedly plunged into the neck of the bear as it final falls. At one point the spear remains sticking out of the bear as the animation ends, but sadly it just kinda disappears back into the player inventory without giving the player the satisfaction of pulling the bloodied spear from the bear's body. I think an animation where the wolf runs into the bayonet or the spear and is subsequently thrown over the shoulder of the wielder due to its own momentum would then allow either the wolf to flee with a mortal wound or continue its attack. The continued attack would then need a stabbing/jabbing animation to be most immersive.
  10. totally understand where you are coming from. That's another reason why I ditched my consoles and went all in on PC's. But I do miss being able to play multiplayer on one big screen with 3 of my friends... nothing better than quaffing a couple of beers and playing racing games like Need for Speed or Forza with my buddies on a school night!
  11. nope that is the regularly spawning survival mode bunker in PV that is next to the rope climb leading to TWM. I am/was playing with mods when I fleshed out the bunker. the interior lighting is a mod called "House Lights" and the assortment of canned goods and non vanilla food is from "Foods by Waltz" and "Food Pack 4.5.1" To get Balaclava-Man to stand up that way, I used "Place Anywhere" and "Better Stacking" which allowed me to better display the bountiful loot I had collected from around the island. I'm glad you liked liked "Balaclava-Man" as I intended it more as a testiment to the fact that those clothes hadn't ever been washed and were so crusty that they just stood up by themselves.... phew... good thing it's so cold, you can imagine the stench of body odor wafting off those old soiled garments!
  12. you can do just that if you use the "place anywhere" mod. I've made my own "wall pegs/hangers" using sticks and placing them on the walls like coat hooks. Then I place the clothing items over the sticks with a bit protruding so it appears like they are hanging from the hooks. Here's an example of using the sticks to hang my coats on the walls at the Mountaineer's Hut on TWM In the prepper's cache I used firewood to build the wooden shelf holding the flares and flashlights. If you are into organizing your lair and like decorating your space as an intrical aspect of gameplay, I really suggest downloading and installing that particular mod!
  13. I'm under the impression that the spear only works to scare off the wolves in story mode. At least the wolves in FM ran away as I got closer to them in story mode, but then again, I had just stabbed the bear pretty good. The spear didn't do doodly squat when I took it out of bounds. Wolves just ran right up to me and attacked forcing me to choose the hunting knife in order to defend myself. It will probably take a good bit of programming in order to introduce the bear spear as a useable weapon in survival mode, particularly if it's meant to be thrown as well as being used as a stabbing weapon. I'm surprised that noone has suggested mounting a knife on a rifle and using it like a bayonet. i guess maybe someone should suggest that for the wish list?
  14. it does take a long time to gather up a lot of that stuff and carry it to a central location. a lot of it came from the summit on TWM and most everything else was gleaned from around the island. but a little trick I will leave you with, is that if you drop a single cup serving out of a coffee tin, then you get one "tin of coffee" which you can pick up. so, 5 cans of coffee, each serving dropped one at a time yields 25 tins which can be displayed. it does take a bit of effort , since each single "can" has to be dropped, you need to move you character over a space, open inventory and drop a can. it is pure repitition, over and over. same goes for bullets. except the minimum drop is usually two rounds at a time for a box to form. same process, open inventory, drop two rounds, close inventory, move character a few steps, open inventory...
  15. wouldn't it be nice to just once find a prepper's cache that looks a little something like this? prefall bunker.mp4
  16. the story begins finding Hank in his prepper cache bunker stocking up Jeremiah's cabin what??? you want me kill a bear with a spear? are you nuts? stand and plant firmly!!!! From the depths of Hell, I stab at thee Rooaaaarrrrrr!!!!!! DIE, DAMN YOU, DIE!!!! Story time with Uncle Methuselah hey, gimme a swig of that wine...
  17. haven't you played Wintermute Episode 2? that's Jeremiah's nemesis, the man hunting bear in story mode! what a grand battle it was, too
  18. Partying with Molly on new years eve... 🎶 I could feel hot flames of fire roaring at my back As her head bobbed back and forth In her hand was a bottle of wine In the other hand, another bottle She sloshed some of the wine from the bottle And raised it to her lips Just before she drank it, she said Take the wine, take that pearl Spill the wine, take that pearl Spill the wine, take that pearl Spill the wine, take that pearl It's on girl, all you gotta do is spill that wine Spill that wine, let me feel, let me feel hot, yeah! Yeah! Spill the wine, spill the wine, spill the wine, spill the wine Spill the wine, spill the wine, spill the wine Take that pearl! 🎶
  19. No, I am guessing it has something to do with the mechanics of the encounter. the spear fight is obviously a scripted encounter in story mode as you don't actually kill the bear in the first few engagements outside of his lair. Since the bear in survival mode isn't scripted to engage with the spear it would be just as if I was standing there unarmed and the result was getting mauled as usual survival game style. I suppose that if the bear spear is ever introduced as an actual weapon in survival mode that the dev team will need to rewrite the bear engagement algorythm so that a player can fight the bear and eventually kill it. on a side note, the better part of the experience was that once I got past the invisible barrier blocking my way out of ML, the rest of the island has opened up for continued exploration. It's like a voyager game now as far as the wolf and bear are concerned. The bear spear doesn't scare off the wolf either. I tried.
  20. have you ever wondered what it would be like to use the bear spear in survival mode? I did just that but the results were not what I expected I've been replaying episode 2 in story mode and finally retrieved and repaired the bear spear at the forge in Broken Railroad. I fought the ole grumpy bear at the broken antenna tower in FM and decided to return to ML and from there I went out of bounds leaving the game world and entered Raven's Ravine. Surprised that it actually worked, I continued my adventure and transited to CH. For what ever reason there was absolutely no wildllife on the map, so I decided to push my luck and I headed to DP. I was able to transit to DP via the Crumbling Highway and as luck would have it managed to get to DP. As I continued to work my way along the map, I encountered my first "survival mode" bear and decided to engage him... slowly stalking him with my new weapon, I quickly closed the distance between us He closed the distance quickly and although I was gripping my spear with both hands and had my feet fifirmly planted He brushed the spear aside and he munched my butt, like he had diabetes and my ass was full of insulin... the bear slowly sauntered away as I staggered to my feet, my spear lying at my feet, the cold hard street stained with my blood. what a rush!
  21. you know you're getting old when, you gotta sit on pillow on account of your Hemorrhoids or you gotta use a magnifying glass to read the small print in your book...
  22. I like that location quite a bit myself, but I was a little disappointed in that it's almost a carbon copy of the Mountaineer's Hut right down to the exact hole in the roof, sans the door and interior workbench. I did manage to patch the hole in the roof though... took about 100 pieces of firewood to layer the over the hole and as you can see there are still a few chinks that I need to plug. For the doorway, however i just hung an assortment of deek hides around the opening until I mostly got it sealed up. At least there is a workbench outside, but yeah, i do miss having a fishing shack close by.