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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. that actually sounds like a great idea. there's a fair amount of content already on YouTube but a lot of it is pretty boring to watch especially when there is no clear purpose other than just watching somebody play. But a series like this dedicated to a single goal would be pretty entertaining to watch. I say go for it! Looking forward to watching the first installment of the No Sleep Challenge!
  2. That reminds me of Ralphy's brother, Randy, in the movie "a christmas story" who's mom layers him so much that he can't move his arms!
  3. Yes Sir, you are correct! I just recently learned there are multiple spawn locations in BR just as there are in PV and ML. I've started a new run spawning in BR and I checked the location of where I found the bunker on the map I posted and nothing! So now I'm going on a new mission to find all the bunker locations in BR. thanks for the heads up, btw @DiscoJonny
  4. nope, not this time... here see if this helps look over to the left side of the map. that little square looking thing to the left of those two caves, by the river
  5. Me either. Nothing down there and it was probably never meant to be there either from the look of things. I searched high and low and with the exception of the elevator crankshaft handle there definitely isn't an air valve handle. That being said, once you get to the gas filled portion of the mine, passage is relatively quick and easy provided you aren't over encumbered and moving very slowly. Seems to me once you make it past the gas and retreive the door codes to the machine shop, there is no other need ever go back thru the gas filled portion of the mine.
  6. Now that is a great screenshot! Too bad the animation didn't leave the bear spear sticking outta him! That's making me want to replay Episode 2 now! Well done!
  7. @Glflegolas, oh that is too bad! I was rooting for you to go beyond 14 days and it seems you would have if not for the glitch that trapped you. Seems to me BlackRock does have a few issues with the terrain in a few spots. I fell through the world there myself while doing a little goating as I was seeking the prepper's cache in BR, but instead of dying I was respawned just outside of the prison by the entrance door. If you decide to do it again, it might be interesting to go in Pilgrim mode in order to maximize the loot table and establish the longest run possbile. That would indeed set a baseline for others to try to beat. Not having to deal with hostile wildlife wouldn't necessarily make it any easier, but at least you could avoid the subsequent injury damage that you'd otherwise sustain. either way, well done! I've enjoyed reading your about your exploits!
  8. Story Mode, Will's airplane hangar in episode 1. Astrid was pulling a Karen and demanded that all her luggage be loaded. Of course Will complied since he couldn't say "no" which of course was a huge factor that contributed to the crash when the electical shorted out. Being so heavily overloaded the plane plummeted to the ground, otherwise he could have just glided down and probably landed with relative saftey using the deadstick landing protocols that he got during his pilot training.
  9. you didn't think it was just gonna that easy to just waltz up to the prison and make bullets did you? prepare to face the rigours of entry by making yet another perilous journey to the mine, sans the rope bridge and stumble your way thru the mine for those door access codes. remember all that shooting in episode 4? bullet casings laying all over the place, a reloader's dream come true! Next challenge is pulling those battery's outta those trucks that @hozz1235pointed out. At least you'll stylish in your new ballistic vest!
  10. I think it's no wonder why Will's plane went down just how much baggage does one girl need? cozy and comfy?
  11. appreciate your lenghty discourse on how to. this will definitely come in handy for a player who hasn't yet obtained the codes. my two cents is to unload all superflous gear in one of the lockers provided before going down the elevator. when you do finally get to the gas, just pace yourself and walk on thru. I carried a lantern for maximum illumination as the gas does tend to obscure visibility a bit. as for me, been there, did that...
  12. yeah and honestly it is a pain in the ass to get the door to open. You thought Bleak Inslet was a run around to get the code to open the door. it just got a little more challenging. time to get your spelunking gear since you're going back into the mine. start practicing holding you breath...
  13. glad you were amused! thanks for the comment!
  14. Yeah, it was fun! I just wish I had the rifle too
  15. hey, just in case you missed this when reading this thread. I do believe you may find the answers you seek right here on the discord link. thanks for providing the link!
  16. ohh.... developer's console.... Now back when Fallout4 was new and fresh, I discovered the Dev Console and it changed my game play. The ability to "warp" in objects and manipulate their placement allowed me to "build" some very fantastical bases. I spent more time in game placing objects and spinning them around the x, y and z axis than I ever spent shooting NPCs! I'd like to hear more about this tool or where I might find some info on how to use it. lmk
  17. well there are some very talented individuals collabarting with Hinterland on the UGC team so I am sure that we will see some outstanding content coming out of this project in the near future. and although my skill set is weak when it comes to acutally developing a mod, I hope that I can contribute somehow because of my love for the game.
  18. i hope you just sat down, so I can find your cold lifeless body later and add an entry to the thread, "The Sitting Dead." at least now I know the story of how the corpse got there!
  19. Yeah, I wish I could turn off survivor monologue in the regular game. I don't know what's going on but I'm playing Stalker and currently find myself in Blackrock, only being slightly overencumbered and all I hear is the constant nagging and complaining about how heavy the pack is. I mean practically non-stop. I must heard Astrid say the pack was to heavy and she can't possible go on like this 15 times in the space of 20 minutes! ...I finally yelled STFU at my computer and scared the hell outta my dogs...
  20. couple of handy little mods called "place anywhere" and "better stacking" they truly enhance the object handling system allowing the player/user to maniuplate objects in the game environment so long as there is a surface to attach the object to. It took roughly 100 pieces of wood to adequately cover the hole in the roof. It took a little more than 10 days in game to gather all the "firewood" and place each piece one at a time to create the layering necessary to close up the gaping hole. hanging the sleeping bags in the door took merely took a few minutes. it is so nice and cosy in there now! I hope google translate did this correctly! пара удобных маленьких модов, называемых «место где угодно» и «лучшая укладка» они действительно улучшают систему обработки объектов, позволяя игроку / пользователю манипулировать объектами в игровой среде, пока есть поверхность, к которой можно прикрепить объект. Потребовалось примерно 100 кусков дерева, чтобы надежно закрыть дыру в крыше. В игре потребовалось чуть больше 10 дней, чтобы собрать все «дрова» и разместить каждую часть по одному, чтобы создать слои, необходимые для закрытия зияющей дыры. подвешивание спальных мешков к двери заняло всего несколько минут. там сейчас так красиво и уютно!
  21. @Semple Fi, yes good point, I was carrying a boat load of crap and my sprint speed was strictly curtailed. I probably could have saved myself some unnecessary angst if I had merely off loaded some of my excess gear in the handy storage lockers provided at the elevator shaft. *note to self, reducing loadout increases sprint speed and survivability...*
  22. well, it's almost impossible for me to tell you where the prepper cache is in PV as it is randomly spawning in one of 8 possible locations. However, from what I understand, the bunker in Blackrock appears to be static so I do believe it's location should be the same for everyone. So check out the west side of the map that little square is the between the two caves, the car and trailer is the prepper's cache I don't a screenshot of PV's map in my pics folder, but if you go on Google images, you can find a couple of decent maps that have the bunker areas marked. It's an awful lot of territory to cover so I'm not sure if it's worth the effort but that is up to you to decide. On a side note, doesn't the static bunker at the transition zone between PV and TWM have some coffee in it usually?
  23. ok, I like where you're going with that. Mods as side quests and challenges is something I hadn't considered. I like the idea a lot more now that you've elaborated on the idea. thanks!
  24. @Glflegolas outstanding journey so far! How many days survived without sleep thus far? I found the prepper's cache and it was the food cache, so coffee was there! lmk if you wanna know location, I got it cleared on my map so I can provide you with a screenshot if you want the assistance.
  25. I looked all over for that gas shut off valve and not to be found. I ended up sprinting thru the toxic gas and just barely made it with two seconds to spare. At least in storymode if I woulda died I could at least reload from the last save. So being faced with permadeath in survival mode, makes me wonder if there even is a gas valve shutoff? But once you make it thru, no need to go back in ever again, so I guess it is an all or nothing proposition.