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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yeah, I had to do that as well. My left mouse button stopped working and I was stuck indoors unable to interact with anything. I exited the game, closed the program and then restarted my computer. Just to make sure that everything was starting out fresh. I then launched a fresh start and looked at each mod checking for shared key bindings and found a couple. After fixing those conflicts I resumed game play and tested each mod where and when I could to check for functionality. At one point, I did empty my mod folder and would only add a single mod, launch then test before adding the next. Cohesive Integration can be and is definitely a problem in some cases. We are pretty fortunate that our mod makers are extremely competent and the majority of their work seems to integrate pretty seamlessly. That being said, if you are unable to resolve your issue, you may want to go to the discord server and seek some assistance there as well. Good luck
  2. only other suggestion is to make sure you've also downloaded all the required utility mods that help tie things together. this might be redundant but you didnt mention if you downloaded and installed those necessary components. I think there are close to 7 or so underlying utility mods that tie everything together
  3. you need to look at your key bindings and action buttons. some of these mods use the the same keys to activate of perform a task. mods with the same key bindings will need to be adjusted so that functions no longer overlap. check you mod component settings and look at which keys each mod use, make sure none use the same key and you should be golden.
  4. Applaudable results @Strelok but why didn't you just play on straight up vanilla Stalker mode? I'm also curious if you discovered and included the extra loot found in all the prepper's caches, 3 now available in game with the new BlackRock region? Also, what surprised you as to your findings? Was there anything that gave you an "ah ha" moment?
  5. I too would love a 3rd person view. One that changed with the garments that I wore. Even if I could not navigate in game using 3rd person view, it would be cool to see what my character looked like. btw, there is group that does a co-op mod already, although the name of it currently escapes me. you could probably google it and find it though, right?
  6. I can respect your ideas for trying to remake the game with improved mechanics that simulate real life conditions closer. Maybe some tweaking of the custom game settings could be manipulated to give you those finer points that you seek. However, it seems to me you want more of a survival simulator game based on real world conditions. I honestly don't see the mod developers putting that much effort into rewriting the game in order to make that happen here. But, if something of that magnitude were to made available as payable DLC, how much would you be willing to pay for that type of content?
  7. If you mean the local bear, then no, he is not allowed back in on account he can't hold his liquor. Gawd, I just can't stand aggressive jerks after they've been drinking my good booze! I eighty-sixed him after the last time he showed up. He ended up getting all teary eyed, crying into his drink then he chased my foxy companion all around the cave knocking my beers all over place, ate all my venison and then shat a steaming pile in front of the fire. yeah, I'm done with him!
  8. outstanding! I'm glad you gave it a shot. yes many many mods. Some are cosmetic and others really impact the game like the food mods. Be sure to download and install the required utility mods that are necessary for the various featured mods to work. If memory serves there are close to 6 separate mods that work to integrate the modder's code into the Hinterlands game code. Another mod that I like very much, is Free look in Cars. you can actually turn 360 in a car and look out all the windows by turning your mouse. Doesn't do anything else but brings an immersive quality to the game. Oh, and you should check out Place anywhere and Better Stacking. Improves the ingame item placement mechanic allowing you to finally utilize the top shelf and to better place your objects, so like items can be stacked!
  9. I was actually surprised at how much stuff it was able to scrap! you can kinda see the layering that the dev team did to build up the interior environment. Seemed to me that the paper on the wall underneath the calanders and the bulletin boards where probably visual instructions to the team members on where to put stuff! I thought that was pretty neat. I can see your point regarding the additional advantage of yielding useable items like cloth, scrapmetal and scrapwood particular as those items would never be able in game otherwise. At the same token, the paper rubbish on the floors merely goes away providing no useable item, not even a lowly tinder plug! So, if you wanted to use it, you could limit your use to the paper debris only and at the very least remove some clutter that would otherwise just be an eyesore. There were no dishes in the control hut that I could clean up, but it did allow for cups and plates to be scrapped as well, but they also didn't leave any useable resources behind.
  10. Indeed, that would certainly make for a different experience. I think it should be fairly easy to plop in a random cave here and there, considering the insides look almost identical in each cave I go in. I never really noticed the similarity until I entered every cave on the new BlackRock map and saw that each cave mouth looked exactly the same every time I was facing the mouth from the rear of the cave. oh, I would however really lament losing the Mountaineer's Hut on TWM since it is the only structure on the map, but maybe in that case they could just drop a new one somewhere else!
  11. Hey @peteloud, this was a little more difficult to set up than I thought it was gonna be. There is practically not a single level surface in my cave, so here's my best version of a cave dwellers wine rack! I mounted sticks into cracks in the rock wall and built myself a kinda shelf system. I layed the bottles on their sides, cause I heard it's better to keep the cork moist? 🍷 The white bottles with blue label is some Russian vodka. It's medicinal, right? And of course, what's a cave bar without some beer? Cheap Molson Canadian knock off but good abv % sorry that it's so crooked, but I had a little bit to drink...
  12. I'd be down for everything being randomly spawned as long as the loot table stayed the same for each map. Never to find the same item in the same spot! same goes for the buildings. It would be a completely different game each time. I'd like to see some of the always burned down buildings intact for a change and some of the always intact buildings burned down! Carcasses, rose hibs and mushrooms not to mention maple and birch saplings all completely scattered about never in the same place twice!
  13. @Skelegutplays, I like the list that @Digitalzombie layed out for you. I would also add "place from inventory" to the list. I currently use all the mods he mentioned because they don't affect the ingame difficulty but merely provide some improvements to the appearance of the environment or the items handling mechanics. My favorite single most recommend mod is "place anywhere" because you can finally put stuff on the top shelf. Oh, and let's not forget "remove clutter" which is now my second most favorite mod, cause now you can clean up all that pesky litter on the floor of your domicile. Just cause I'm living in a cold winter apocalypse doesn't mean I want to leave trash all over my floors!
  14. @GothSkunk, some pretty good ideas you have there. I especially can relate to 1, 3 and 5. I really like the idea that cooking requires some involvement other than just throwing meat in a pot or laying it on a hot rock. You'd still leave ample opportunity for a player to do some multi tasking but maybe just not with the ability to time the process as we are currently able to do. As to revamping the pain mechanic, I think it's brilliant. As the players condition drops, the pain level should increase proportionally. If I'm at 65% condition, I'm probably hurting pretty good. Even if I haven't sprained an ankle or wrist, bumps and bruises that affect condition should probably reflect a pain condition, like fuzzy eyesight or decreased stamina or something. At the very least, fatigue should probably increase proportionally to condition. I can't image being at 50% condition and having a full energy meter. At best stamina should be affected. Imagine being half dead and still having the stamina to climb up a long rope. That at least would predicate a greater reliance on using energy drinks or coffee in order to complete certain activities. As to water bottles, yeah I agree whole heartedly. I'd like to see a variety of refillable containers ranging from .5 liter to 4 liters that would have to be collected in order for water to be stored. The stored water should also be subject to freezing if not kept on person and should potentially break when fallen upon, especially if the players fall resulted in multiple sprains, bruises and torn clothing. Imagine carrying a two liter water jug in your jacket to keep it from freezing and subsequently falling on it and the jub ruptures! getting your clothing soaked inside your jacket would probably have some negative consequences in extreme cold or when wind chill conditions apply. At the vary least, water stored on a shelf inside or outside in freezing conditions should probably freeze and require that it be remelted before being able to consume it. Drinking warmed or hot water should probably also give the player a heat buff as well.
  15. Indeed! I typically dont employ mods that make the game "easier" but I do like mods that do not affect gameplay other than to "improve" the general ambience of the game. In this case "remove clutter" does just that. It merely allows the player to pick up the junk that litters the floors and the counter tops in the game. all those silly scraps of newspaper littering the floors, Gone! broken cups and plates on a table, Gone! knocked over planters, broken tv in the middle of the floor, Gone! I don't think you'd run into any difficulites adding it to your game and resuming play of an existing save. I'm slowly working my way back to Mountain Town, to tackle those buildings with all the crap stacked on the floors. I just recently discovered you can also scrap the framed pictures you see sitting about on the coffee tables and what not. Definitely worth looking into. Heck Yeah! I'd love me a decorating mod! OHHH, and an actually sitting down mod!!! right now, I pretend to sit down by crouching in front of the chair. I'd love to break down a coffee table and put a chair in front of the fireplace. I think maybe a chair mod would be a great suggestion for the Modding thread. Let the game of thrones, begin!!
  16. these crows are also known as the harbingers of doom. like vultures, they are just watching and waiting for you to die. when this happens to you, you'll know that death is just around the corner...
  17. Hey @Levelgrinderdo you have the firestarting merit badge? Just curious. But in case you weren't aware of the benefit(s), let me remind you. It takes 1000 cumulatively successfully started fires to obtain, but changes the game dramatically considering you start with level 3 fire starting skills if you enable it when you launch a new game. It took me years of gameplay to rack up 1000 fires. As I finally got near the goal, I went on a fire starting campaign and lit fire after fire after fire before finally hitting the marik. Nowadays I almost always utilize it as the success rate for starting a fire also is improved. Less fire starting failures, means less matches used. I do hope you find more matches in game. If not, I wish you the best of luck for the remainder of your run!
  18. well what you dont see is the moose hide underlayment that my bearskin bags are sitting on top of! I have two fires going at the mouth of the cave and the one by my slumber space. The ambient temp in there right now is shows 40C! I'm as cozy as a bug in rug!
  19. If you were camping out long term in a cave, how comfortable would you make your bed? Now, my faithful companion seems to think this setup is pretty comfy! How do you rate my bedding game?
  20. Yeah, whetstones are definitely a limited resource, one that in my opinion could be one the most pivotal of items in the game. They wear out way to fast. I'd rather see a very limited number of whetstones in the game but with a substantially higher durability. Make it harder to obtain the whetstone but limit the degradtion by usage to 1 or maybe 2% at max once sharpening proficiency has been reached. I think a good strategy to limit the use of the sharpening stone in Interloper or in any mode for that matter is to forge dozens of improvised axes and knives. I've had a few runs where I adopted that strategy and just used the improvised tools to their breaking point, would harvest the left over metal and never touched the sharpening stones. Of course they were heavy, so I would transport what I could carry and leave a few hatchets and knives in every base camp I established around the island. Utilizing the forges on the Riken, Broken Railroad and Forelorn Muskeg it was easier to travel and make new improvised items for those regions and the nearby areas that I used as regional base camps. I think @Levelgrinderis probably more apt to run out of sharpeing stones than he is of matches!
  21. Have you by chance checked out that mod called "Remove Clutter?" I just got that the other day and now I've picked up all the paper litter and the knocked over plant(s). It will also let you break down the broken drawers in the dressers upstairs and break down the old television as well! It even does cups, saucers and plates not to mention the old busted up file cabinet in the den. Place looks so spiffy now! Just because we're living in the winter apocalypse doesn't mean my space has to be dirty and full of broken crap laying around!
  22. Oh, I was thinking more of a big A frame chalet. I'd go to Bleak Inlet and get that 6 burner stove outta the old light house!
  23. Yeah, there was a lot of elements from the earlier episodes that didn't seem to make it into Episode 4. The Forest Talkers certainly didn't get to much mention considering their prominence in Episodes 2 & 3. Lets hope that when the final episode is released that all these questions are finally answered.
  24. I've really been enjoying having him around. The coloring can be a little brightlike you said. I've been trying to get a decent balance on the reddish/orange scale so I'm constantly adjusting it. The red end of the spectrum tends to be very red and the orange side practically glows but there's a happy medium. I really love the two tones giving my new buddy "socks." That's actually what I name him, "Socks." Inspired by "Two Socks" from the movie, Dances with Wolves. Any chance you could make the mod leave footprints? maybe somehow shrink the wolf print down to about 25% of regular size? if and when you can find the time to get around to it. Until then, thank you for this fine enhancement to the game!