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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. was out on the ice the other day when I saw this little fluff coming running up at me outta nowhere He stopped before me and closed his eyes as if to show me that he wasn't mean He slowly walked by without a care or a worry, but still keep his own lookout scanning the open area ahead He turned back around and we each locked our gaze on the other, appraising each other's character, deciding if we might be a good fit He sat at my feet so I shared a little beef jerky snack with the beast with a sigh of contentment, he lay himself at my feet knowing I could be trusted, he closed his eyes and promptly fell asleep Of course he followed me home and now he's my best friend
  2. came across this vista whilst hiking along Coastal Higway Just above the fishing village with an excellent view of the bay. First thing I'd do is to fell all the dead standing timber and open up that view a little bit. wow, what a view!
  3. that might have been true prior to the economic collapse. after that apparently not so much, eh?
  4. Have you ever looked at the credits at the end of the game and seen the huge number of people who were working on this project? And, from all around the world, too. It's staggering. It'll take you almost 15 minutes to watch the whole clip. You can imagine that working on a project this big from home without the daily ongoing office banter that would normally alert coworkers to minor issues in their project probably had an impact on the "issues" everybody has been griping about. Considering the time it took to finally get this episode out, some might consider it was rushed and others may consider it grossly overdue. It's easy for me to believe that the team members, each working in relative isolation each believed their portion of the project was complete and flawless. But like so many things are fabricated offsite and later assembled elsewhere, it's obvious to us all that there were a few flaws in the plans. Episode 4 probably would have turned out a bit different from a continuity perspective if the team had been onsite and actively collaborating during development and production. What we ended up getting was decent, albeit rushed. It makes me wonder who the beta testers were and what their instructions were as they play tested the episode prior to release. I think they only really payed attention to the most glaringly obvious discrepancies, like meshes, texturing and the like. If they had been instructed to concentrate on how the story line unfolds, then I would have to say, they failed in their due diligence, the same way that the guy responsible for the wonky wolf animations failed in his.
  5. Assuming you are talking about their missing presence in Episode 4, then I am pretty sure they gave the BlackRock Penetintiary a wide berth considering the number of armed guards who routinely patrolled and recreated in the area. As I recall, some of the guards did a little recreational gold mining and panning in the hope of striking it rich. Considering the Forest Talker's reputation for sabotage it would seem to me that the guards and the electricians would have made it pretty clear that they would deal harshly with anyone they found attempting to disrupt their routines by endangering their lives and or livelihood. You can imagine that guards and power company lineman would be very suspicious of people skulking around the area. The power company also had plenty of armed workers about that probably were a little skitish and wary of their reputation so therefore the Forest Talkers stayed outta the area just for their own safety.
  6. I find it ironic that as a player we can easily find moose when we aren't looking for them, like as you are escaping the DarkWalker, but you don't see a moose in survival in the same area. As I played story mode in Episode 4, found a big moose at the Bricklayer's Retreat and later when I went to BlackRock in survival mode, there was no moose there. I think the dev's put those animals in game intentionally in the challenges and the story line however in survival mode they are as randomized as the algorythm can allow them to be. It would be a helluva game if everything that spawned was as random as that damn moose is!
  7. @Roberto Tomba oh, I can hear the music playing in my head right now! I just started watching the series the other day on youtube after watching a documentary about Rod Serling. Best $1.99 per episode I've ever spent. Now looking forward to seeing this one! Season 3 Episode 10 The Midnight Sun
  8. you are right, it is pure chance! I played a long game in DP once, over 250 days without leaving the map and had a moose spawn on the bridge no less than 4 times while I played there. I've done similar times in other regions only to have never seen a moose in that area, ever. I think it goes to support my point when I said that, "moose spawning is fairly randomized. there are no guarantees to when and where a moose will spawn."
  9. moose spawning is fairly randomized. there are no guarantees to when and where a moose will spawn, although there are some locations that seem to have a higher than expected ratio as compared to others. when I find myself in ML, I usually check the area between the hunters blind and the clear cut area. I typically find a moose there much more often than at Trappers and I've never seen one by the loading area near Carter Hydro although that big tree rub is prominent to see when you go by there.
  10. @Roberto Tomba I love how you attempt to be more immersive by playing in a cold room! The game does suck you in and the best story I have is that I was playing it on one hot August summer day. The high for the day was well over 95F which is damn hot for Western Washington. In my game, I was slogging thru a sudden blinding snowstorm, disoriented, out on the ice of Coastal Highway and seeking shelter, the wind blowing furiously and the sound of the wind was ringing thru my ears as the pitch of the storm was becoming a blizzard. As the windchill was wearing away at my character, I could feel the chill soaking into my bones, at which point I promptly got up and quickly closed the window to the room I was playing in!
  11. Here's how to properly prepare a gas station toilet for use make sure none of your skin actually touches any part of the thing, you know gas station toilets aint none too clean!
  12. nothing like the smell of sizzling steaks on the fire and the aroma of hot peaches in syrup along with pork n beans and some delicious tomato soup you can see the steam rising from the cans as the reflective heat from the fire slowly but surely heats the cans but don't take your eyes off the prize by getting to distracted doing other things... the black acrid smoke of burnt peaches and scorched beans and tomato soup is enough to make your eyes burn as you rush to open the doors in order to air out the house. probably a good thing the smoke detectors dont work anymore, the noise would have been deafening... 🧯 beep beep beep beep beep beep
  13. I dont believe that there is an aurora moose anywhere in the game. neither story mode nor survival mode. Nor are there any aurora deer for that matter. It seems to only affect carnivores. Although it would be awesome to see highly aggressive aurora bunnies come running after you to nip at your feet!
  14. thank you for your reply. I had been using the free version and wasn't experiencing any problems. decided to go with the upgrade and now all kinds of friggin issues are popping up. already have uninstalled so letting Windows defender do it's thing. on a side note, I am very wary of phishing so thankfully I dont go mindlessly clicking on an unsolicited email messages, but I have seen a few that are so well crafted as to look legit, so thank you for the reminder that there are some very bad people out there who would wish to do us all harm in one way or another.
  15. oh shit, I am using the pay for version! Dammit, now I'm really pissed at my friend for playing them up so much. He musta gotten a referral fee... Well, I guess I will chalk this up as an learning experience... thanks for the heads up!
  16. well in that case, thank you very much for such a detailed and informative answer. I was led to believe quite the opposite by an aquaintence who really played up Avast. thanks again
  17. If memory serves, wasn't there a note or two that were left lying around that indicated that the wolves were affected by the bright white light emitted by the flash light? One such note was in the control room on the desk before you jump outta the window onto the boat in Bleak Inlet.
  18. Really, I wasn't aware that windows defender was such a robust anti virus application. Still I feel the need for additional protection from spyware, malware and the such. oh, and yes, Windows 10 Am I just being overly cautious?
  19. Keeper's Pass South fairly easy to miss if foggy or snowing heavily