Traveling Over encumbered vs. Weight Management


Carrying Capacity: A strict rule to follow, or more of a loose suggestion?  

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Just curious about how ya'll play in regards to carrying capacity. I've seen streamers have their survivor so over encumbered that they pick up a pack of card board matches and cannot move another step!

I typically stay in the green on weight, if I go over I find a safe spot to look over my goodies to see what I could live without. I very rarely travel over weight. I usually have to be near my destination and what I'm carrying is essential.

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Day to day I keep it under the limit, although if I'm making a point to move gear from one place to another I'll go up to 10kg over my limit. Just to the point where I can no longer sprint, but I'm still moving fast enough that I can walk away from wolves.

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Depends entirely on the mode I'm playing.  My loper attempts, I definitely stay under the weight limit at all times.  In custom runs where I've set the Baseline Resource Availability to "Low," I also usually don't have a problem staying under the weight limited.  On stalker attempts or custom runs where BRA is not set to "Low"... well, I really try to stay under the weight limit since being over usually contributes to my deaths... but I do find it harder with more loot and especially when I'm using the rifle to hunt.

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I say it depends on multiple factors, mainly whether or not I'm currently roaming or basing.

My philosophy when roaming is that I'm accumulating enough supplies to last me a while when I decide to settle down. Ergo, I do often go significantly over the limit. If it gets out of hand I'll stop and cache it with a paint marker, but if I can avoid doing so I will. 

I find that until you het severely overweight- somewhere into the high 90lbs- the effect on gameplay is relatively negligible unless your clothing is bad. If you have poor clothes, by all means stay light, because every moment outside is dangerous. But if you have enough jackets to keep you toasty except in blizzards, then just don't travel in those and stay away from wolves and you should be fine. A few extra sody pops never hurt nobody.

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depends entirely on the situation.  with well fed, satchel and now the backpack, its very easy to stay under.  sometimes though you just have to load it up heavy, moving coal from the transition mine in CH, moving a pile of freshly cooked moose/bear closer to your living quarters, hauling a big load of wood to the fishing hut for a 2 day fishing trip.  

the key for me is managing my daily 'loadout' and keeping the daily essentials low enough to have plenty of extra space for hauling. my interloper loadout stays right around 30kg, so even without well fed, which i let lapse at times, i have 10kg to play with.  and my loper loadout is fairly heavy, i carry all 4 main tools at all times, knife, hatchet, hacksaw and hammer.  i have been known to go exploring then randomly decide to push to another region, so i like to be well equipped for any scenario

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Like all of the above it depends.....

But for me, because I am still a relatively newish player, I'm not yet that familiar with all of the maps. In fact there are some regions I've yet to visit at all such as Hushed River Valley and Bleak Inlet (essentially, when I started off playing I kept on dying - so I kept on starting new runs on the same maps until I could survive in them).

So I think it boils down to 4 different approaches;

1. Looting a map I know - carry as little as possible, so I have the capacity to carry my loot back to base. On larger maps, I may carry a pot and a bedroll if I think there's a realistic prospect of getting caught in a storm and being unable to make it back to base. Always have a litre of water and MRE.

2. Hunting trip in a map I know - as above, though probably minus the bedroll and pot.

3. Permanently exiting particular maps - specifically Forlorn Muskeg and Broken Railroad. My two least favourite maps - for me, at least, once fully looted there is absolutely no reason to return. So I will cart everything out (and I mean everything, you never know when you might need it - and you're not going back) at either just under capacity if I think I might manage two trips in one day - e.g. Poacher's Camp in FM to Camp Office in ML or, if it is the final trip, 5kg - 10kg over.

4. Moving to a new region - I will always have a sewing kit, whetstone, 2 x pots, bedroll, axe, hunting knife, firearm cleaning kit, crowbar, 3 x emergency stim, 5 x coffee, 2 x MRE, matches, fire striker, 6 x cloth, 4 x leather, revolver plus 18 ammo, hunting rifle plus 20 ammo, survival bow plus 15 arrows. Just because you can't be certain that stuff is going to spawn (and I will usually carry both the hunting rifle and the survival bow, because bow skills inevitably lag behind rifle skills, so the rifle is needed for those bears you can't afford to just leave be). And I will carry whatever else I think might come in useful, up to capacity.

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I tend to try and only carry necessities with me, that way I have the most room to pick up resources when I feel the need.  I usually have at least a couple of encampments in each region (if I need something, I can always come back for it).  With the way I play, I can get my pack down to as little as 18 kg. :D

Once I figured out what I really needed vs what was just convenience, I've been able to keep my pack fairly light.  This way, I can roam freely and pick up a lot more when I decide I need to hunt/fish for food or gather other resources.

Edited by ManicManiac
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My motto:

"Astrid hun, if I can do it, so can you!! Git that leg moving!!"

I wonder if I'd do the same in real life. I definitely need that gun, and rifle too. Bed may come in handy. And tools. Must have plenty of food, also some cans to heat it up in. Must bring some fuel for the fire. Also a lamp. O deer, soooooo heavy.


..okay, a few more snacks. [Total weight: 140lbs..]

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