Do The devs ever use the ideas?


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There are numerous examples of items, locations and game mechanics suggested by the community which already made it into the game. (And many more suggestions like e.g. moose and cougars can be found on the Roadmap.):winky:

Here are some examples for features requested by the community during the last two years which have already been added to TLD:

- new foraging mechanics (limbs, branches and sticks instead of foraging just everywhere outdoors)

- new sleeping mechanics (limited amount of sleeping time per day)

- cabin fever

- less changeable weather with smoother transitions

- survival bow

- deerskin pants

- rifle cleaning kit and whetstones (instead of the old scrap metal repair mechanics)

- fishing tackles as possible replacement for sewing kits

- fishing hut doors

- archery target

- a whole lot of locations (church, mountain wilderness region, lighthouse, wolf den and many more)

- Journal to write down notes or diary entries (roleplaying aspect)

- Death Stats

- tiny condition UI icons for better immersion

- roughly-sketched map inside the mountaineer's hut

- stellar constellations (even mobile ones that move like in RL!) at night


There are probably many more examples, but I don't remember all of them atm.


PS: I've deleted your thread from the Alpha survival stories as it was just a copy of this one and nobody had answered yet.:winky:

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yeah, the journal idea was mine... im kind of sure i was first to suggest it, so it was easier to keep notes, on where character left items etc. literally i suggested like a pencil and a paper notes or something like that.

this game is mostly made out of ideas of the forums. 

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I know fore sure that they changed wolves according to suggestions. I kept asking for wolves to inflict multiple smaller conditions instead of pure huge health damage, so that encounters are not so black-and-white. And they did!

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 You forgot the tree movements. I remember complaining on the forums that there wasn't any real change in the motion of trees when the wind picks up and a storm rolls in.

Lo and behold, a month or two later, they implemented dynamic movements of trees that responded to changes in weather and environment.

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I can promise you without a shadow of a doubt, that the Devs at Hinterlands are more receptive to the suggestions of it's customers than ANY gaming company I've ever known in the 20 years I've personally been playing video games!! It's not even a contest!!!

I use to play a lot of "Novalogic" games, and you were lucky if you "EVER" got a response from the Devs much less they actually listen to you!!

I think most of us who have been here a little while can honestly tell you that we are "pretty pampered here" by the interaction we have with Hinterlands!!


And by the way ...... the archery target was my suggestion :P I'm proud to say!!

And if I'm not mistaken, the Devs added it to the game within 2 months of my suggestion!! :shock:That's almost unheard of!!!


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I don't know if you could pinpoint specific ideas to specific users. For instance, a lot of people have suggested candles so if they are added to the game then it'll be through a collective effort. However, I know since being on the forums that a lot of the feedback and suggestions are read and, even if they do not all make it into the game, it does inform Hinterlands decision making process. Which, as many have said, is a lot better than not listening at all!

I wouldn't say that the Long Dark is being designed by committee but suggestions are definitely considered ^_^

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On 13.6.2016 at 6:20 PM, Docterrok said:
This has been really burning in my mind, is this forum used to simply keep the community occupied? or have there been examples of community ideas being implemented in the game?

This topic is an insult and not only that but Someone gave rep ???? What is wrong with you people ? If you read more topics before you post something like this you would understand that the community is a big factor in TLD. Not only for bugs but yes ideas suggestions, and yes Devs read this and respond. Why? Because TLD is pioneer project, it is not shooter it is not RPG quest game it is it's own genre a true survival game. So yea they need good ideas, and they use them too.    

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38 minutes ago, vancopower said:

This topic is an insult and not only that but Someone gave rep ???? What is wrong with you people ? If you read more topics before you post something like this you would understand that the community is a big factor in TLD. Not only for bugs but yes ideas suggestions, and yes Devs read this and respond. Why? Because TLD is pioneer project, it is not shooter it is not RPG quest game it is it's own genre a true survival game. So yea they need good ideas, and they use them too.    

Vancopower.......I don't think Docterrok was in any way trying to be insulting! As a relatively new player, he voiced a valid concern.

You as an advanced player might perhaps "cut a little slack" to new folks who are simply asking a simple question.:)

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  • Hinterland

Yes, we read the forums and listen to what the community has to say. We take your feedback into consideration, and certainly there have been many community suggestions that overlap with our own plans and internal Roadmap. If good ideas end up in the game, it doesn't really matter where they came from, but suggesting that The Long Dark is somehow "mostly made up from ideas from the forums" is patently false, and a bit insulting to the capabilities of the dev team.

We've always said that The Long Dark is a community-informed development. It's never been a community-driven development. There are a lot of ideas that get suggested that don't fit into our vision or plans, and we don't implement them. There are a lot of ideas that get suggested that do fit into our vision and plans, and we implement them when we are ready. You would be really surprised at how few things the community have suggested that weren't already on our list. :)

Community feedback has helped make this game much better, because it's only through a lot of playtesting that we are able to work out balance issues, find bugs/stability/performance issues, and test our own theories and ideas. 

A game without an audience is kind of like anything else without an audience -- it's only half the conversation. Because of the community's involvement, we don't have to have that conversation only with ourselves, which is really nice for us, and hopefully also for you. :)

So, in short, yes we listen to the community. Certainly if someone is already on our roadmap and we hear a lot of people are excited about it, we might decide to tackle it sooner than we might have otherwise. And there have certainly been some things we've added because people in the community suggested them and we thought they were good ideas! I mean, we can't think of *everything*. ;)

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@Raphael van Lierop Thanks for the post Raph, I feel reassured.  I like a quite a few of the suggestions here and it's fun to discuss them with other TLD enthusiasts.  Of course some suggestions that seem pretty far afield, like they belong in a different game.  I trust you guys to keep your game on-track and amazing, because you keep blowing the roof off my expectations with every update. :coffee:

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@Raphael van Lierop Like @Ruruwawa I am appreciative of your post. I didn't need to feel reassured, because I've seen enough in the few months I've been playing TLD to have a good idea of your vision, and thanks to your roadmap, I have a great deal of faith in your development team. 

TBH, the reason I'm even on this forum before I start playing the game is because of the community here, and also because of the way the development team is also part of the community. Even though it's "only" alpha, it's already a fantastic game and I am impressed by the quality of work you've all put into this.

Though I've never published a mod, I've created a few for my own use in Oblivion and Skyrim. And believe me, it's not easy! But I am constantly blown away by the combination of detailed meshes (the shapes of the object in the world, including trees, rocks and land), low resolution textures, and smooth animations present in TLD. And even though I'm playing this on a four-year old laptop, it feels as if it was made for me. 

I do feel that you find the community input and suggestions to be valuable to your development process. But more importantly, I trust that you won't lose sight of your vision for this game, because it is your vision that is driving the development. And it is your vision I am eagerly awaiting to see. . . .

:coffee: :coffee:

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Hinderland always seems to read the community forums.  I just joined up on this website but even on the Reddit page they listened to the community.  The one that I really remember is that once somebody asked to be able to try and turn on a radio even though it wouldn't work just because that's how he role played his character.  Anyways in the next update they implemented it.  Even though a lot of people probably don't even know that features there, they put it in the game for the 1 guy asking for it.  All in all they really do listen to us here but I can understand the doubt because not many devs do.

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Welcome to the forums @Michael70z ^_^

Just to note though while Hinterlands does consider the suggestions and feedback from the forums the Long Dark is not being designed by committee. Like @Raphael van Lierop mentioned above a lot of ideas are already on the internal (unreleased) roadmap. However, the game is definitely better for having a strong community and there are additions that have made it into the game that would have been overlooked otherwise.

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