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  1. My bad, I meant the liquefaction point of CO2 , but since CO2 liquefies only at -56.6 when under 5.1 atmospheres of pressure, I thought it was safe to assume it would solidify (dry ice and all that malarkey). Just shows how your brain can deceive you when you are tired and the caffeine tank hits zero.
  2. I once slept in a tent, in a sleeping bag, in the middle of summer (granted, it only reaches around 19°C on average during the summer) and woke up the next morning absolutely freezing because my body heat had been drained by the ground beneath, and so I probably dropped a full degree in my core body temperature. When I put my hands into cold water to wash my face that morning, it felt hot. I know in an emergency, you sleep wherever you can, but my IRL experiences tell me that some form of insulation is vital
  3. dude, that's well past the point when Carbon Dioxide starts solidifying out of the air. Inhaling air at that temperature would very likely be lethal, or at least give your lungs severe frostbite.
  4. @TROY The thing is that TLD is not accomodating enough for it to become a "weapon collecting simulator". Ammunition is scarce, and the limit of weight-carrying capacity means that doing a crazy Ivan is highly inadvisable. In CQC with a bear, a revolver would be an effective alternative to the rifle, as it is quicker to equip and fires faster (the fire rate of a rifle means that if you miss the first shot, by the time you've chambered the next round, the bear will have closed the distance and you will be mauled within an inch of your life). The drawback would be its lower accuracy and perhaps a lower reliability. The addition of the bow was to create a renewable alternative to the rifle. The purpose of a handgun is to create a less efficient hunting tool, but a more effective self defence tool. A handgun is not "a green prybar" or any other redundant variant of a tool, but actually fulfils a role in the game. To balance the game, perhaps finding either a handgun or a rifle decreases your chances of finding the other. The bow is always craftable, so either way, you have an alternative ranged weapon.
  5. pre-felled trees/logs would still be an option, however.
  6. You could harvest munitions for scrap metal and accelerant (the powder charge). Making arrow heads out of brass cartridges sounds feasible. I suppose you could also use the shiny brass as a fishing lure as well. I'm not entirely certain why Hinterland has been so silent on the topic of scopes.
  7. I would love for there to be a rare scoped rifle of more modern heritage. Perhaps there should be a 1 in 50 chance for something like a C14 Timberwolf with a Scope (A Canadian-made bolt action hunting rifle) to spawn in a hard to reach spot. Chambered at .338 Lapua magnum, its ammunition would be even more scarce than that of the Lee-Enfield No.4 I think it would only be fair that the rare rifle and ammo would spawn together, so as to avoid the annoying "I have the rifle and the ammunition, but not the right ammunition for the rifle".
  8. Best way is to line up your Iron sights with the bead at the tip of the barrel. If your target is moving, create a small lead (very small). Aim for the centre of mass, as the head is too small a target to hit cleanly, and most likely will lead to a miss. I'm not sure whether bullet drop is a thing in TLD, but over the distances we are talking, its effect is negligible.
  9. And so the wheel turns. I remember this exact same discussion over a year ago.
  10. looks like you have a nasty case of Skyrim-Syndrome, my friend.
  11. Sinew is an iffy one for bowstring. Due to the nature of its composition (mostly a protein known as collagen, with a low percentage of another protein called elastin), sinew is naturally very brittle at low temperature. Synthetic fibers function far better as bowstrings than natural fibers do in harsh cold environments. A sinew bowstring in -20 degrees celsius conditions would most likely explode in your face if you tried to draw it. Bone has no function in a bow except maybe as an inlay on the arrow rest. I have heard of laminate horn shortbows, but they are very rare and take a lot more skill to craft (years and years of dedication and craftsmanship) than our pilot, Will Mackenzie, has.
  12. Fishing has already been suggested, and is a long standing request on the alpha wishlist. Bears would be an interesting addition, as something needs to be in place to keep the wolf populations down. I think bears should be slower than wolves though, but that there is no "fight" cutscene when it attacks the player like a wolf dies, it should be a simple "bear eats your face" death screen. Wolves naturally would be a bit bulkier than portrayed in the game and should be a silvery/off-white colour for their winter coat. Wolf packs would be an interesting development, but I think lone wolves should still exist. The lone wolves would be more aggressive though, as they would be hungry (they can't really rest, they always have to hunt, unlike a pack) the packs should be slightly more shy, and more wary of the player than lone wolves. I think that bears should be harvestable for hide, gut and meat, same as always, but I think sinew and bone should be harvestable too. Sinew would be used for string (it's better than gut really because gut needs to dry before it can be used, sinew just needs to be beaten and twined into cord) bone could be used to replace handles on knives and hatchets (as a repair item). I would also like to see introduction of stags, as the only deer I come across are does, perhaps a stag could yield more meat, and horn as another repair material (I have a staghorn handled bottle-opener in my kitchen)
  13. Teeth of frozen pain, Harbinger of final sleep, The cold never rests.